Bei Verwerdung von Gel-bildnden Kondensationsprodukten von Aldehyden bzw. Ketonen mit Polyolen in Cyanacrylaten erhält man frombeständige Klibstoffe, Beschichtungs- und Dichtungsmassen. Sie sind lagerstabil und eignen sich vor allem zum Verkleben von porösen Substraten wie Papier oder Holz. Die Handhabung ist besonders einfach, wenn man abreibbare Klebestifte formt.
Rapid and isothermal (at room temperature) uptake of CO2 by solutions or, in some cases, organogels comprised of a primary or secondary aliphatic amine (1) and an organic liquid leads to in situ chemical transformation to the corresponding alkylammonium alkylcarbamate (2) based gels. Chemical reversibility is demonstrated by removal of CO2 from 2-based gels upon gentle heating in the presence of nitrogen. This is a general strategy for reversible self-assembly or disassembly of molecular aggregates relying on the initiation or termination of ionic interactions.
Fifteen different low molar mass compounds are assessed as CO2 solvents based on bubble-point loci on the solvent-rich end (0.6 to 1.0 solvent wt fraction) of the CO2-solvent pressure−composition diagram at 298.15 K. Four of the five best solvents (in descending order of solvent strength on a mass fraction CO2 dissolved basis), acetone, methyl acetate, 1,4-dioxane, and 2-methoxyethyl acetate, are oxygen-rich, low molar mass species possessing one or more oxygen atoms in carbonyl, ether, and/or acetate groups that can interact favorably with CO2 via Lewis acid/Lewis base interactions.
Solubility of CO2 and N2O in Twelve Solvents, 18° to 36° C.-Since according to the Lewis-Langmuir theory these two gases have similar molecular structures, it is of interest to compare their solubilities in various liquids. In the method adopted, the air was thoroughly removed from the solvent by boiling and then the gas to be tested, having been carefully purified with the help of liquid air, was admitted and shaken up with the solvent until no further solution took place. Observations accurate to better than one per cent.