1-Hexyl-2-cyanoacrylate compound (Neucrylate) bactericidal properties
1-Hexyl-2-cyanoacrylate compound (Neucrylate) bactericidal properties
The need for medical grade tissue adhesives both in surgery and to treat trauma has become well established. Such a device has been developed and preliminary toxicity testing completed on a compounded cyanoacrylate (Neucrylate), and its properties have been modified so it may be used as an intravascular embolic agent. Given the high incidence of iatrogenic infections in hospital, it would be desirable to have such an implantable device that inhibits dangerous bacteria.
Type of document:
‘vaioi Medical Inc, San Diego,
California, USA
2Depzrtmer\l of Radiology,
UCSD Medical Center, San
Diego. Calilofriia, usA
ciirrespoiiiieiise to
Dr P nieiimai, vaioi Medical,
5749 Top Gun St, ste toe, San
oiego, cA 92121, usA,
Received is June Zml
Revised 5 August zoii
Accepted it August zoii
1-Hexy|—2-cyanoacrylate compound (Neucrylate)
bactericidal properties
Peter Friedman,‘ Violeta Casil|as,l Charles W Kerberz
Introduction The need for medical grade tissue
adhesives both in surgery and to treat trauma has
become well established Such a device has been
developed and preliminary toxicity testing completed on
a compounded cyanoacrvlate (Neucrylate), and its
properties have been modified so it may be used as an
intravascular embolic agent. Given the high incidence of
iatrogenic infections in hospital. it would be desirable to
have such an implantable device that inhibits dangerous
Materials and method Seven separate cultures of
common bacteria were grown and exposed to
Neucrylate. The impact on the exposed microorganisms
was analyzed visually as well as by means of
tluorescence and optical microscopy.
Results The device produced high degrees of antibacterial
effect when exposed to gram positive bacteria whereas it
had modest impact on gram negative bacteria
cerebral berry aneurysm remains a formidable
disease and is difhcult to treat.” If the diagnosis is
not made in advance of its rupture, the mortality
rate is >50"/o. Recently, norrsurgical endovascular
treatment of aneurysms has become the standard
of care. With this technique, physicians are able to
place bare or bioactive platinum COll5 within the
aneurysm, protecting the aneurysm from the high
velocity yet of blood that ultimately causes
rupture.‘ 5 unfortunately, not all aneurysms can be
treated with this technique—some have wide
necks, irregular shapes or are larger than the largest
coils.” A liquid that completely fills an aneurysm
of other than spherical geometry may achieve
better and more lasting results
Aside from the vascular system, other inu'a—bcidy
uses can be considered if a suitable malleable tissue
adhesive were to become available For example,
battlefield wounds, which are hemorrhagic and
usually Contaminated, could be dressed with such
a device. The device would also find use in orthor
pedics and in women's health (the devascularizar
tion of uterine fibroids, tor example), especially it
that device did not support growth of common and
feared iatrogenic bacterial contamination,
Unfortunately, inhospital infection remains
a significant problem for all surgical procedures,
especially if the organism introduced into the
patient is methicillin resistant Smp/iylmccus aiireus
(MRSA).° ‘°
Friedman P, Casillas V, Kerber CW ./ Neurolritelvenr Surg (Z0l1l doi IO H36/neurintsurg—Z0l l—U10D94
Neucrylate (Valor Medical lnc, san Diego, Calr
fornia, USA), a new generation medical liquid
embolic agent based on 1-hexyl»2-cyanoacrylate
plus proprietary modifiers, was designed to be used
in the treatment of vascular diseases of the
brain—for example, cerebral aneurysms and arte—
tiovenous malformations. The cyanoacrylate based
device polymerizes rapidly Wlthm the aneurysm,
a process triggered by the intrinsic anionic nucleo-
philes found in flowing blood and on endothelium
As the device polymenzes, the formed bolus
conforms to the aneurysm no matter how complex
the shape, filling the aneurysm up to its neck, an
exercise accomplished by molding the polymeriza-
tion process in place with a balloon catheter As
a result of this interface, unperturbed, non—turbu—
lent blood flow dynamics may be recreated. This
procedure shortens the time of embolimtion and
consequently the time a patient spends on the
surgery table, especially when compared with the
existing methods of treatment At present, Neucry-
late has completed clinical tnals as a treatment for
cerebral berry aneurysms.“
cyanoacrylates have been reported as being
antibacterial. Dental cyanoacrylates yielded the
first observations of such antibacterial proper-
ties ‘Z’” Refojo er 4/ reported using cyanoacrylates
to manage corneal perforations in the 1960s and
later generated similar conclusions.” *6 surgical
applications of cyanoacrylates shortly followed 17
Those flrst implanted cyanoacrylates were
composed or short side chain polymers (eg, methyl-
and ethyl—cyanoacrylate)“‘ ‘9 but ultimately those
hon-iologs were found to posses toxic side effects.
The n—butyl cyanoacrylate was successfully intro
duced clinically, as it was less toxic while still
providing the needed properties of adhesion and
short polymerization time 1” 2‘
Preliminary observations in our laboratories
made us wonder whether this new compounded
device (Neucrylate) could in fact meet our bacteri—
cidal (or at least bacteriostatic) needs.
We thus designed experiments to determine
whether this criterion was met, and now report our
Six separate experiments were designed and carried
1. A gram rnhll/rtion query A suspension of each of
the following common organisms leading to
a count of 105407 colony rorming units/ml
was made Est/mric/Ira mli AB1157 (wild-type),
Bflcrlllri subirirrs 3510 (wild-type), Bacillus 5/flllzeml
Bas sc nce
ATCC#6633, I call ATCC#8739, Strip/ill/ocottus almlls
ATCC#6538, Gzobatll/us szzawzhermophl/us, ATCC#7953,
B111///115 array/reus ATCC#NA0002 and MRSA ATCC#33591.
Each colony was created from standards obtained from
commercial laboratories.
The surface of at least two plates of solid Lactose Broth agar
(LB agar) plates was inoculated with 100-200 iii of each
microorganism suspension, spread evenly and allowed to
Three separate solutions were then prepared: first was pure 1—
heXyl—Z—cyanoacrylate; the second comprised the liquid addi—
lives; and the third was the compounded liquid, l—h€Xyl—2—
cyanoacrylate plus the additives (Neucrylate). Each of the plate
surfaces was divided into sections where 0 ill (the control),
10 pl, 20 iii and 50 pl of liquid were added as droplets. The two
liquids containing cyanoacrylate rapidly polymerized into
small disk shape forms. The G Stczlratherma/7h/lils plates were
incubated at 58°C whereas the rest of the plates were
incubated at 53—37“C for 24 h. The plates were then visually
evaluated for bacterial growth (table 1, figure 1),
2. Inhibition ofcstab/ished co/tmfcs query, E (0/1 and B sulazll/is were
grown to oDm~o.5 (logarithmic phase—growth stage in
bacterial life cycle, this multiplicative function plots cell
numbers per unit time, and when plotted on semilog paper,
yields a straight line curve) at 37°C. A portion (200 pl) of each
culture was spread over at least two LB agar plates Colonies
of 3 stilrrri//is and 15 tel. were then grown on those Petri plates
until confluency reached 80—l00“/o.
Increasing volumes (up to 20 pl) of Neucrylate were added as
droplets to the Petri dishes on top of the bacterial colomes.
The drops spread into disk shapes that rapidly polymerized.
The plates then were incubated at 37‘C for an additional
24 h Plates of )5 call and B subii//is without added Neucrylate
served as controls.
As the inhibitory growth zone became apparent (see results),
a subset of this experiment was carned out. We sampled the
inhibition zone and transferred it to new plates to determine
whether the inhibitory halo zone was bactericidal or simply
bacteriostatic. These plates were incubated for an additional
24 h and were then evaluated visually.
To compare Neucrylate’s impact on growth phase versus
stationary phase of bacteria, the Neucrylate was added to
bacteria populated plates grown on LB and its impact was
evaluated after 24 h. As before, bacteria was grown to the
appropriate stage and Neucrylate samples were dispensed,
allowed to polymerize forming disks, incubated for 24 h at
37"C and visually evaluated.
Table 1 Impact area of Neucrylate on the various bacteria in
experiments 1 and 2
volume nl Meucryiate (iii)
Bacteria lasted Ill 20 50
B sumillis ill 130 330
E cirli D 0 0
S «wells Z2 Z1 38
E stearmhelmaphl/us 201 I82 277
B azhnrpnaeux do 32 64
B spizizerrii 330 427 512
MRSA 133 312 516
int trot oi int inhibition halos measured in mfllz rho rinn oi Nelicrylnle area supiracred
ironi ine iniiitiiiion areas iarner nun. values averaged irorn ins applopllate eiipenrrierris. see
also iigures i and z
MRSA. rneinicillin resls1am Siam//acaccu: aoreus
3 To further elucidate the etiology of bacterial inhibition, the
impact if each of the three solutions was compared on
separate Petri dishes freshly inoculated with bacteria to see
the effect of the device during the bai:teria’s growth phase
Volumes of 10, 20 and 50iil of Neucrylate, the 1—hexylr2—
cyanoacrylate and the additives were applied
4 To evaluate the impact of polymerization on bacteria (E toll, B
suriillis, B spiziztrui, 5 zlurelts, G slmror/lemm/rhl/1/5 and B
orrepneus), Neucrylate was polymerized into small disks by
placing droplets on an agar plate. Those polymerized disks
were then transferred to agar plates inoculated with freshly
spread microbes.
5 We next evaluated whether there was any effect of pre—
polymerized Neucrylate on E tcli and B sulm//rs in the liquid
phase First, aliquots of 100 pl of Neucrylate were added to
volumes of 100 pl us agar in 24 well sterile plates to initiate
polymerization Following complete polymerization of the
device, two wells were filled with E coli suspension and two
with B subiil/rs. As controls, two wells with no Neucrylate
were inoculated with the liquid suspension of each bacte-
rium The wells were then incubated for 17 h and the results
were assessed by absorption at OD 500 using Ultrospec 2100
Pro spectrophotometer (Amersham Biosciences, now GE
Healthcare UK Ltd, Little Chalfont, Buckingliamshire, UK).
6. The final experiment was a microscopic evaluation of
Neucrylate’s effects on E (0/1 and B slmll/ls using the
commercially available Live/Dead Viability Kit.
A Deltavisloti microscope from Applied Precision (Applied
Precision inc, Issaquah, Washington, USA) running Softworx
software (Creative Softworx Inc has discontinued software sales
and support) provided the optical imaging.
First, cultures of 3 socii‘//is and E coli were grown in LB agar at
37°C in a minimum of three phials until the concentration
reached OD (A600) ~05 to ensure viability and to avoid
misleading results from dormant cultures.
On reaching the desired state, 300 pl oi Neucrylate were
added to 3 ml of each bacterial culture. (The Neucrylate would
imrnediate polymerize in the broth.) Then 10 phials were
incubated at 57°C for 15 min and another 10 phials for 45 min.
Controls were left to grow without the addition of the device.
After the incubation, samples were collected, washed in saline
and resuspended in saline containing the Live/Dead stain (Live/
Dead Bal:Light Bacterial viability kit; Molecular Probes, Invi-
trogen #L7oi2, Carlsbad, California, USA‘). The cells were
incubated for 15 min at ambient temperature with the stain and
then placed on agarose pads in microwell chambers (Molecular
Probes) and imaged/visualized in the Deltavision system. Fluo—
rescein isothiocyanate and tetramethyl rhodamine iso-thiocya-
nate filters were utilized for the microscopy. Similarly. phials
without the Live/Dead reagent were transferred into fresh media
and incubated to test for viability.
In experiments 1 and 2, the bacterial growth inhibition and
inhibition of established colonies, all gram positive bacteria
showed significant inhibition, No significant impact was observed
on gram negative (E to/i) growth (figures 1 and 2, table 1)
‘The Live/Dead viability kit is composed iii a gleen iluorescent nucleic acid stain and
a red fluorescent nliclelc acid stain The principle or ditlereniiaiiori between live and
dead cells is based on the ahllliy of these sialrls to permeate into the bacteria The
expected result under ine microscope shows red siain lor dead ciiluile wheleas iiie
live one appears green
2 of B flledman P, Caslllas V, Kelbel CW, J News/nrerveri! Sulg (2011) doi WD 1 l35/l7EUVll7(SUFg—7Ull—0lUU54
Figure 1 In experiment 1, seven
bacteria were grown and the impact of
Neucrylate on them was assessed. The
plates were divided into lour quadrants.
Duadrant 1 was used as a control.
Eluadiant 2 received ll] pl, quadrant 3
received 20 pl and quadrant 4 received
50 ul ol Neucrylate placed as droplets
onto the surface. Here we show only
two of the plates: E coli (gram negative,
left) and E spizizenii (pram positive,
right). [Please also see table 1 lor
inhibition zone sizes.) The large
inhibition zones around the polymerized
Neucrylate are seen with B spizizerlii
but not with E coli.
In all cases, as the Neucrylate was dropped onto the surface of
the agar plates, it formed a circular disk, polymerizing almost
In the subset experiment, where we transferred material from
the inhibition zone to new plates, no growth occurred,
suggesting that the impact or reaction is bactericidal.
The size of the affected ring varied depending on the amount
of Neucrylate added as well as on the gram positive bacteria
itself, including the antibiotic resistant MRSA (figure 3).
Neucrylate was found to have slightly stronger antibacterial
impact on B sml//is in the growth phase compared with that of
the stationary phase. No apparent difference was observed
comparing the impact on the corresponding phases of E call’.
In experiment 3, where the Neucrylate ingredients were tested
to determine the source of the antibacterial impact, we found
that in all tested bacteria, the 1—hexy1—2—cyanoacrylate had
Fiuure 2 Observations lrom
experiment 2, showing potential
inhibition of established colonies. Plate
A, a control, shows even and vigorous
growth of B subtillis; similarly, plate B
grows a lawn nfE coli. Plate C contains
the increasing volumes ol Neucrylate
that were added as droplets to a B
sublillis lawn—the droplets spread into
disks oi increasing diameter. Inhibition
zones are evident. Plate B shows the
increasingly larger disks of Neucrylate
that have been dropped onto die lawn of
E coli. No inhibition zone is evidem.
Friedman P, Casillas V, Kerber CW. J Neurulmelvellt Surg (ZDl1l, dol:1D.1l36/neurlntsurg—20l P010094
comparable impact to the one observed with Neucrylate,
whereas the mixture of all other components of Neucrylate had
no impact on bacterial growth (table 1)
In experiment. 4, where the pre—polymerized disks were placed
onto growing colonies, there was less inhibition of gram positive
bacteria, and for the gram negative bactena, no significant
inhibition. In the subsection of this experiment, the relationship
between the time of pre-polymerization Cage’ of pre-polymerized
device) and antibacterial impact was evaluated. The Neucrylate
was polymerized on an agar plate arid the formed disk either
immediately (freshly polymerized) or after ~20 miri (‘aged’) was
transferred onto inoculated plates with respected microorganisms
(table 2). Inhibitory halos were observed after 24 h.
In experiment 5, which was designed to test liquid phase
dynamics, there was complete bacterial death both for gram
positive arid gram negative bacteria by 17 h (table 3).
Basic science
Figure 3 Di special note in experiment 1, the large inhibition zone
around the disk ol Neucrylate on the lawn of rviethicillin resistant
Staphylococcus aureus is well seen. This observation was made 24 h
lollowirig exposure to Neucrylate.
In experiment 6, we evaluated the impact of Neucrylate on
the bactena by means of microscopy using the Live/Dead
Viability Kit In the gram positive model (B sixbril/is), we
observed >80% bacterial death after 15 min of incubation and
100% after 40 min of incubation (figure 4). For the gram negative
inodel (E coil). only 50% inhiiiition was toiind (figure 5)
In order to satisfy a clinical need for a new and better tissue
adhesive and enclovascular en-ibolizatlon agent, 1—hexylr2—
cyanoaciylate was compounded and combined with proprietary
stabilizers and plasticizers Benchtop testing showed that the
compound (known as Ncucrylate) had desirable clinical char-
actenstics: it polymerized almost immediately on contact with
Table 2 Studies with pre-polymerized Neiicrylate
PUB-pulymlliled s ti 5 5
lieiioryiaie IIIIPIIS sreernrlierinaimilirs nrimpliaeiis spitizenii
Fresh ZDI (H8 E8 262
Aged Zfl min 242 175 B5 183
Vnllllllss iii so iii ol Nsllcrvlals were polymerized on agar plates ariil than the iiisiis were
carelullv extmcted eiitiei immediately liieslii or aged 20 mm and placed on plates
iiiiietiated wiiii haclzrifi Attei 2: ii the piiiies were evaluated arid iiie area ol the iiiiiiiiiiiiii
halos calculated
Table 3 Studies in liquid
E coli 5‘ silbfl I:
ueiitryiate u u
i=ie—poiyiiierired iilettiviaie ii ii
a a
Control 5 I4 5.76
2 89 l 41
Experiment comiiieieri in a 2i well sterile plats Average values obtained
ieaiiiiiii aiiseiiiiion at oona ailei 17 ii or irieunetien. Neiicrylate means
inn iii oi Neiicrylzie added in too iii at eiiiiiiie Pre—pn|ymerIZEd irieeiis
Neucrvlale adiieii In media, allowed to polymerize followed llv addillori
oi ooo MI in eiiiiiiie In control experiments, on ueiiciyiaie was added to
me wells, liewig ||lSl growth or eiiiiiire
tissue fluids, vascular endotheliurn and blood, and formed an
open pore cellular sponge The porosity of the sponge allowed
ingrowth of tihroiis tissue.” To date, the system has been used
to treat cerebral aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations in
so patients in approved clinical safety trials.“
sadly infections in hospital have become an increasingly
important and difficult to treat adverse event that may
complicate any surgical procedure. It would be desirable to have
an implantable device that did not support bacterial growth—or,
more importantly, one that would actually inhibit such growth,
especially of significant hospital pathogens. Probably the most
feared hospital infection is that caused by MRSA The critical
question is whether a Petci dish study can actually translate into
human use. On the one hand, few interventional surgeons have
seen intection of any irriplanted device, even under the less than
operating room sterile conditions usually found in the angiog—
raphy suite. But today. we are seeing more and more combined
procedures—open surgery after endovascular treatment, for
example West cf 11/ reported serious infection after aortic
Figure 4
grown to DD ol about 0.3. [Al Microscopy images oi control B sulztillis shows the live bacteria to be green. [Bl Alter 15 min of exposure to Neucrylate,
dead bacteria appear red. The gold panicles are the Neiicrylate. lcl Similarly, after 40 min exposure to Neucrylate, no viable bacteria remain.
In experiment 5, a live/dead microscopic evaluation used a commercially available viability kit to test inhibition in a broth ol 3 sulilillis
4 ol 5 Friedman P, Casillas V, Kerber CW J Neurolnterverit Sulg (ZUH) dbl W l l35/7lEUl|lilSUlQ—2Ull—0lUU54
Figure 5 The same experiment as in figure 4 was perlormed with E coll". (Al Microscopy images oi control E EU/I hrolh show numerous live [green]
and several dead (redl bacteria. tel Atter l5 mlri exposure, there was no sighitleant change. (cl Arter 40 mm of exposure, approxlmately 30% ol
baclalla ave dead.
replacement and Halak 1! ill showed a cluster Neil infection
after endovasclilar aortic aneurysm repair 2‘ 2‘ Also, the
controversy over late adverse events tollowing hydrogel coated
coils used for the treatment of cerebral aneurysm has never been
resolved, and may be at least in part infectious 2547
Furthermore, one cotild question whether this study is even
warranted, in light or a 20 year history of publications detailing
the antibacterial properties of the cyanoactylate faintly In fact,
those toxicity studies previously reported almost exclusively
sturlierl the short chain methyl and ethyl hnmologs. whith are
known to be tissue toxic and are no longer clinically used We
believe that this study woultl specifically answer questions posed
by not only clinicians but also regulatory agencies.
There are various exogenous pathways that may cause
bacterial death. In irlany cases the target is the bacterial wall, the
cytoplasmic melnhrane of the targeted cell The n'la|OI distinc-
tion between the types of bacteria is hasetl on the gram stain,
which also distinguishes the two rrlaiur types of bacteria based
on the overall membrane composition
Sorne antibacterial results are antibiotic based where the
material targets bacteria specific moieties (le, peptldoglycan of
the outer cell wall, metabolic pathways, pirltein synthesis
pathway via transmembranal internalization followed by
interaction with rlbosome, etc) leading to bacterial death.“ ln
numerous cases, antibiotic based treatment fails as with time
the bacteria mutates to resist)
Another pathway is based on the interaction betwe n the
targeting material and the bacterial membrane, whc t the
material creates pores in the membrane, consequently leading to
lysis and bacterial death Although bacteria often develop tesls—
tance to antibacterial actions, the membrane action rarely does
so. the surface defining the result. a distinction that has been
correlated to the glam stain of the bacteria Interestingly, anti—
bacterial results using shorter chain cyanoacrylates were previ—
ously reported btit we suspect the true molecular mechanism of
the activity has not been established 1‘ "’
Evaluation of colonies on the agar plates showed inhibitory
action of Neuerylate on all gram positive bacteria whereas no
impart was observed on the gram negative F eoli (tigures l and 2)
When Netlcrylate or liquid ryanoarrylate was dropped on the
agar plate, the droplet hardened (polymerized) almost lmmedr
ately, creating a llat circle. in experiments 1 and 2. a region tree
of bacteria in the shape of a ring appeared around the poly—
merizerl device. To address whether the antibacterial effect was
the result of bactericidal or bacteriostatlc impact by Neucrylate,
samples from the inhibitory halo region were collected and
transferred to fresh plates for growth (experiment 1B) Upon
extensive incubation of those plates at ~35"C. analysis showed
no bacterial growth or colony formation This finding supports
the fact that Neucrylate is bactericidal. Similar results were
observed in the past by others utilizing different cyanoactylate
preparations ‘‘ ‘ 7” “
The size or the attected ring varierl depending on the amount
or Neticrylate added as well as on the spctitit gram positive
bacteria itself, including the antibiotic resistant MRSA (figure 3)
table 1 summarizes the ring area (mm?) as a function of
Neiierylate volume (iii) applied, and bacteria type with some
bacteria, comparison between the Neucrylate, the liquid 1—
hexyl-2-cyantlacrylate, and the proprietary plastlclzer and
stabilizers were tested As shown in table 1, the cyanoacrylate
moiety carried the sole responsibility for the antibacterial
activity (the slight increase in the inhibition zone comparing
Neilerylate with pilre cyanoacrylate possibly relates to the
pattern of polymerization, the latter yielding a hard and dense
dislr whereas the ftlrmei produces a soft and porous result) ln
the case of B mlvrlllis. the inhibition zones around the polymeric
disk of Neticrylate were slightly larger when the bacteria were in
the log growth phase compared with the stationary phase
Testing the impact of Neuctylatc on both E 5/ll7li'/lls and E (0/1
in llqulcl. the device was added to viable cells in a 24 well plate
We measured tuihiclity as an indicator of viability In the case of
the gram positive bacteria, the expected terminal impact was
observed: the bacteria did not recover when placed in fresh
media. in the case of gram negative L tell. we observed terminal
impact only at higher concentrations of Neucwlatc (l00—400 ul
of hacteria)
Evaluating the impact of Neticrylate on the bacteria by means
of microscopy using the Live/Dead viability Kit and 15 siilm//is as
the gram positive model, we observed >80% bacterial death
after 15mm and 100% after 40 min of Neucrylate incubated
with the bacteria (figure 4). In the similar experiment with gram
negative F (L7/I. some impact of Neucrylate was observed in the
form of bacterial death t~5tw/ii) The lipopolysaccharido external
membrane of the gram negative 1: rali may be the variable which
creates resistance.” The antibacterial impact or Neiictylate
increased as the amount of added Ncucrylate increased
Fllcdmarl P, Caslllas \/, Kerbcr CW ./ /\/F,-llml/lll=,-ll/F,-nr Sllrg (ZUl ll (‘lfll I0 ll35’llClAlll'll5illg—Zl7l lrUlUU9/l 5 ul 5
Ba 1: sc ence
Attempts to grow bacteria on prepolymerized Neucrylate led
to no colony formation. Polymerizing Neucrylate into disks on
agar and then transferring the polymerized disks onto bacteria
colonies grown on a plate also led to formation of inhibition
halos after 24 h.
In the case of gram positive bacteria, based on the microscopy
pictures showing death along with lack of tecovery of bacteria
from the affected area on the tissue—cu1ture plate, we conclude
that the antibacterial impact is bactericidal, not bacteriostatic
The results are summarized in table 2 The postulate is that
Neucrylate posses cacterieidal properties causing merncrane
decomposition of the gram positive bacteria.
The viability test or E to/l' and B slibtil/is in the liquid phase
led to no bacterial growth. The results indicate a strong termi-
nal impact of Neucrylate on gram positive bacteria We postulate
that the close molecular proximity between the bacteria and the
Neucrylate causes disruption in the bacterial wall. In contrast
with the gram positive antibacterial impact, the loll of gram
negative bacteria is postulated to occur upon intimate molecular
association between the microbial wall and the Neutrylate,
Cram positive death effects showed as an impact ring on all
plates whereas the gtam negative bacteria seemed to be inhibited
only on molecular association reaction cyanoacrylates pol}/—
merize when in contact with an anionic initiator. Coincidentally
that is the charge of the gram positive bacteria, Whether it is
coincidence or mechanism is yet to be established.
Our studies support the contention that this cyanoacrylate
compound is bactericidal to certain bacteria, especially those
that are gram positive The inhibitory effect in gram negative
bacteria depends on processes and conditions that may not be
found in arteries or in human wounds, importantly, its bacte-
ricidal properties against MRSA is a welcome finding
Acknowledgments The authors grateiully acknowledge Ms ileiia shechter.
tlepanment oi Ulganlc chemistry, weizmann institute oi Science, Rehovot, lsrael,
ior help designing and evaluating some oi the experiments, Pmlessui Aoraham
Minsky, oepartment oi Olgaillc chemistry, weizmann institute oi science. Renovct,
lsrael. ior ioluaole discussion oi the results. Ms vael Mutsaii. Department oi
organic chemistry and or vladimir kiss, oepanment oi Biological Chemistry,
weizmann institute oi science, Rehcvct. lsrael. ior their consultation with the
microscopy. or ken Barlllal and Mt Kllk Nelson. itius Thelaneuilcs. san Diego.
calilornia, ior their help with the MRSA, and Mr Mark shannon and Ms Tlacev
Minutolo, Dliadlanls scientiiic Inc, san oiego, caliicrnia, ior their help with
screening some oi the microorganisms
Flnidilin valor Medical inc.
competing interests PF and vc are employed hy vAtoR Medical inc. cwi< is
a stockholder in valor Medical lnc
Pwvanancs and put review itot commissioned, exlelilallv peer reviewed
I tinglialrni G, vinueia F, sepetka l, era/. tlettrothromlzosis oi saccular arieulysms via
endovascular approach J lueurosurg last 15 i—7
2 Maurice-williarns its. Aneunysm surgery aiter the lntemational sniiarachnotd
Aneurysm Trial USAT) J Neuwl Iveurcsurg Psychiatry 2004,75 a07—ii
3 uloiynenir A.l, i
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