Ocular Tolerance to Cyanoacrylate Monomer Tissue adhesive analogues
Ocular Tolerance to Cyanoacrylate Monomer Tissue adhesive analogues
Ocular tolerance to cyanoacrylate tissue adhesives was evaluated in rabbits. In the experimental studies, tissue adhesives were implanted intralamellarly, subconjunctivally, and in the anterior chamber. The eyes were examined clinically and histologically at different time intervals. In the cornea and conjunctiva, the adhesive reacted as any inert material. The reaction was considerably less than that to silk or catgut. In the anterior chamber, the reaction was moderate in most cases.
Type of document:
Ocular tolerance to cyanoacrylate monomer
tissue adhesive analogues
Antonio R. Gasset, C. Ian Hood, Emily D. Ellison, and Herbert E. Kaufman
Ocular tolerance to cyanoacrylate tissue adhesives was evaluated in rabbits. In the experimental studies, tissue adhesives were implanted intralamellarly, subconjunctivally, and in the
anterior chamber. The eyes were examined clinically and histologically at different time
intervals. In the cornea and conjunctiva, the adhesive reacted as any inert material. The
reaction was considerably less than that to silk or catgut. In the anterior chamber, the
reaction was moderate in most cases.
.he first plastic tissue adhesive alkyl-2cyanoacrylate was discovered by Coover
and associates1 in 1959. What makes this
adhesive most useful in the field of surgery
is the fact that unlike most conventional
adhesives that function by the application
of heat and pressure, addition of a catalyst,
or evaporation of a solvent, the cyanoacrylate types of tissue adhesive are converted
from liquid to the solid state by polymerization when simply pressed into a thin
film between two adherents. Moreover, this
polymerization occurs at room temperature,
and does not require the use of a solvent
or added catalysts.
Plastic tissue adhesives first attracted the
interest of ophthalmologists soon after Eastman 910R (methyl cyanoacrylate) was
made available. Ellis and Levine2 found
methyl cyanoacrylate to have excellent adFrom the Departments of Ophthalmology and
Pathology, College of Medicine, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Fla.
This work was supported by Grants NBO5037,
NBO8210, and NB5398 from the National
Institutes of Health.
hesive qualities and to show promise of
being suitable for use in many ocular surgical procedures. Bloomfield and associates3
also found the rapid bonding action of
Eastman 910 especially useful in ocular
surgery, and concluded after a careful evaluation, that it could be safely employed in
ocular surgery, particularly subconjunctivally. However, Straatsma and associates4
found Eastman 910 to produce a severe
toxic reaction subconjunctivally.
While the data concerning the ocular
tolerance of this original material have remained both confusing and contradictory,
new less toxic materials such as isobutyl,
hexyl, heptyl, octyl, and decyl cyanoacrylate were developed. Their clinical use in
ophthalmic surgery was first reported with
the epikeratoprosthesis.5> 6 Other applications of these analogues have also been reported,7*9 and confirm their utility.
The purpose of this investigation was to
systematically evaluate the ocular tolerance of the higher analogues of cyanoacrylates, and also to compare these reactions
to those produced by other materials commonly used in ophthalmic surgery.
Investigative Ophthalmology
January 1970
4 Gasset et al.
Material and methods
Sterile tissue adhesive was supplied by Ethicon
for experimental use in sterile disposable 1 ml.
tubes with a polyethylene dispenser nozzle and
needle plunger. The adhesive itself is a clear,
colorless liquid of low viscosity. The following
cyanoacrylate monomers were evaluated: isobutyl, hexyl, octyl, and decyl-2-cyanoacrylate.
Experimental studies. Albino rabbits, weighing
1.5 to 2.0 kilograms, were used. The animals were
anesthetized by intravenous injections of sodium
pentobarbital. In addition, 0.5 per cent proparacaine hydrochloride was topically applied in all
cases. A total of 56 applications of either the
adhesive or one of the control materials were
made and examined both clinically and histologically.
Corneal tolerance. In order to evaluate the
tolerance of these adhesives, two different experiments were carried out.
An intracorneal tract was carefully made approximately in the middle of the corneal stroma,
from the limbus toward the center, with a 27
gauge needle attached to a tuberculin syringe,
and a small amount of tissue adhesive was deposited as the needle was being withdrawn.
In order to best compare the reaction of the
cornea to the adhesive, 3 different analogues
were tested in each cornea, each being injected
in a different quadrant, and the reaction to each
compared with that provoked by either silk, catgut, or simple needle tract. The quadrant in
which a particular adhesive was applied was
randomized in each animal.
Subconjunctival tolerance. A 27 gauge needle
was introduced under the conjunctiva at either
the 12, 3, 6, or 9 o'clock position, and small
amounts of adhesive were injected as the needle
was withdrawn. For comparison, silk and catgut
material were also placed subconjunctivally.
Intraocular tolerance. A 0.1 c.c. amount of the
tissue adhesive was injected through a 27 gauge
needle introduced into the anterior chamber
through the limbus. Care was taken to avoid
mechanical trauma to the iris, lens, or corneal
endothelium. For comparison, catgut or silk was
placed in the anterior chamber. This was accomplished by placing a through and through
suture, cutting the ends as close as possible to
the cornea and pushing the ends into the anterior chamber with a 27 gauge needle.
Evaluation. Double-blind examination was carried out daily and signs of edema, infiltrate, vascularization, scarring, perilimbal flush, cells, and
flare in the anterior chamber as well as dilatation
of iris vessels were graded from no reaction to
severe reaction. All eyes were photographed at
frequent intervals, and the photographs were also
compared and evaluated.
Table I. Clinical evaluation of rabbit
corneas injected intralamellarly with
cyanoacrylate tissue adhesives as
compared to control materials
Control trauma
Clinical evaluation up
to 2 months' duration
reac- Mini- Mod- Seof
eyes tion mal erate vere
Intracorneal tolerance. A total of 30 intralamellar implantations of the tissue adhesive and the control materials were evaluated. Results are summarized in Table I
and indicate that all of the cyanoacrylate
monomers were similarly well tolerated.
Clinical evaluation. A moderate iritis resulted from the intracorneal implantation
of either silk or surgical gut; this usually
subsided by the third postoperative day. In
4 of the 6 eyes where silk was used, blood
vessels were seen invading the cornea to
the site of the suture after the suture had
been in place one month. One developed
hypopyon, neovascularization, and marked
corneal edema around the suture material.
In another case, a large corneal ulcer was
seen; all these occurred after one month.
On the other hand, of the 23 implantations of the adhesives, none showed any
signs of irritation from 4 hours after injection of the adhesive until the eyes were
removed for histology (Fig. 1). However,
in 3 eyes, a superficial blood vessel invaded
the cornea to the site of the adhesive after
one month when the tract was in the 12
o'clock position. No further vascularization
was seen during the second month.
Histological evaluation. Fifteen corneas
with intralamellar implantation of adhesive
were satisfactory for histologic study (5
from one month, and 10 from 2 months
Volume 9
Number 1
Ocular tolerance to cyanoacrylate monomer 5
Fig. 1. Appearance of rabbit cornea 2 days after intralamellar injection with octyl cyanoacrylate adhesive. No vascularization or edema can be seen,
Fig. 2. Intracorneal needle tract filled with octyl cyanoacrylate adhesive, one month's duration. Note some displacement of stromal lamellae but no overt damage or inflammatory reaction. Occasional multinucleate giant cells were present at periphery of adhesive and between
its threads. (Masson trichrome; xllO.)
after implantation). Adhesives represented
were octyl, decyl, and hexyl cyanoacrylate
(6, 5, and 4 samples, respectively).
In all of the histologic preparations
(hematoxylin and eosin, Masson's trichrome, and PAS), the various adhesives
and the associated tissue reactions were
indistinguishable (Fig, 2).
In all tracts sectioned lengthwise, in
which the surface orifice of the tract was
present, there was epithelial down growth
(Fig. 3). Squamous epithelium, in one or
6 Gasset et ah
Investigative Ophthalmology
January 1970
Fig. 3. Intracorneal needle tract filled with decyl cyanoacrylate adhesive, 2 months' duration.
Note epithelial downgrowth into mouth of tract, adhesive plug in contact with displaced but
otherwise intact stromal lamellae, scattered multinucleate giant cells at periphery of adhesive,
and between its threads. Fibrous scar at mouth of tract probably traumatic in origin, (Hematoxylin and eosin; x275.)
Table II. Clinical evaluation of rabbit
eyes injected subconjunctivally with
cyanoacrylate adhesives as compared to
control materials
Clinical evaluation up
to 2 months' duration
reac- Mini- Mod- Seeyes tion mal erate vere
more layers, continuous with the surface
corneal epithelium, separated the adhesive
from the corneal stroma in the superficial
parts of the tracts. More deeply, adhesive
lay in contact with the lamellae which
were frequently scalloped about the congeries of adhesive threads, but which generally showed no evidence of necrosis or
other damage to collagen fibers or keratocytes. Multinucleated giant cells, sometimes
apparently epithelial in origin, and sometimes more definitely or foreign-body type,
were present in varying numbers, mostly
small, adjacent to the adhesive, and also
in its interstices. Superficially, particularly
adjacent to its exposed surface, there were
often polymorphs and amorphous debris in
the interstices of the adhesive.
Those tracts of 2 months' duration tended
to show more epithelial downgrowth. In
2 tracts, there were acute polymorphonuclear infiltrates between the adhesive and
epithelial lining and also external to the
epithelium in the surrounding stroma. The
depths of these tracts were free from acute
Subconjunctival application. A total of
13 subconjunctival applications of either
the adhesive or the control material were
evaluated up to 2 months. The results are
summarized in Table II.
Clinical evaluation. Subconjunctival
Volume 9
Number 1
Ocular tolerance to cyanoacrylate monomer 7
Fig. 4. Appearance of eye one month after subconjunctival injection of hexyl cyanoacrylate
adhesive. No reaction to adhesive is evident.
placement of the adhesive resulted in moderate injection of the conjunctiva only at
the site of the adhesive. This lasted less
than one week and resulted in mild congestion of blood vessels in the area immediately over the adhesive. All of the adhesives caused the same extent of reaction
(Fig. 4).
Histological evaluation. Seven conjunctival specimens with submucosal implantation of adhesive were satisfactory for histologic study (3 from one month, and 4
from two months after implantation). Adhesives represented were octyl, decyl, and
hexyl cyanoacrylate (3, 2, and 2, respectively).
In histologic preparations, the various
adhesives and the associated tissue reactions were indistinguishable.
In all, there was a thin, often delicate,
fibrous capsule surrounding the adhesive.
Foreign-body type giant cells in varying
numbers, sometimes numerous, were present between the adhesive and its capsule
and also in the interstices between the adhesive threads. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes and amorphous debris were also present locally in the interstices in some samples. This reaction was generally limited
to the superficial parts of the adhesive mass
anteriorly where it most elevated the conjunctiva and/or protruded through it. In
one sample, an epithelial downgrowth
Table III. Clinical evaluation of rabbit
eyes injected in the anterior chambers
with cyanoacrylate adhesives as compared
to control materials
Clinical evaluation up
to 2 mouths' duration
of reac- Mini- Mod- Seeyes tion mal erate vere
"Cleared in one month.
f Iris glued to cornea.
separated a small area of the adhesive
from its capsule. Samples of one and 2
months could not be identified or separated histologically (Figs. 5 and 6).
Intraocular tolerance. A total of 10 eyes
were used in this group, and the reaction
was evaluated daily for up to 2 months. Results are summarized in Table III.
Clinical evaluation. Some reaction followed the application of the adhesive in
the anterior chamber. It did not follow
any particular pattern; all eyes had an
initial iritis which lasted one week. All but
the reaction to the hexyl cyanoacrylate
spontaneously subsided. In the latter case,
the application of the adhesive resulted in
8 Gasset et al.
Inoestigatioe Ophthalmology
January 1970
Fig. 5. Subconjunctival inplantation of hexyl cyanoacrylate adhesive, one month's duration.
Note development of a distinct but generally thin fibrous capsule, multinucleate giant cells in
and about the adhesive, and absence of other acute or chronic inflammatory cells. (Masson
trichrome; x275.)
Fig, 6. Subconjunctival and episcleral implantation of octyl cyanoacrylate, 2 months' duration. Note development of a distinct fibrous capsule, somewhat thicker than at one month,
scattered multinucleate giant cells but absence of other acute or chronic inflammatory cells.
(Masson trichrome; x275.)
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Number 1
Ocular tolerance to cyanoacrylate monomer 9
Fig. 7. Eye, one month after anterior chamber injection of a large amount of octyl cyanoacrylate adhesive. There is superficial and deep vascularization and severe corneal edema
so that no iris detail can be seen.
Fig. 8. Eye, one week after anterior chamber injection of a small amount of decyl cyanoacrylate adhesive. There is localized corneal edema with some corneal vascularization in the
same area.
iris glued to corneal endothelium and in
permanent clouding and vascularization of
the cornea (Fig. 7). The adhesive polymerized in the aqueous in various sized
particles from microscopic to several millimeters in diameter. The smaller could be
seen on the endothelium or on the iris, and
caused no gross irritation; the larger particles on the endothelium caused local
areas of edema (Fig. 8).
Histological evaluation. Seven eyes with
adhesive implanted in the anterior chamber
were satisfactory for histologic study (5
from one month and 2 from 2 months after
implantation). Adhesives represented were
octyl, decyl, hexyl, and isobutyl cyanoacrylate (4, 1, 1, and 1 samples, respectively).
In histologic preparation, the adhesive
and the associated tissue reactions were
indistinguishable. In all except one case,
10 Gassett et al.
In vestigative Ophthalmology
January 1970
Fig. 9. Intraocular injection of octyl cyanoacrylate, one month's duration. Note threads of
adhesive in anterior chamber with interspersed niultiniicleate giant cells, fibrous tags on both
iris and cornea, and a break in Descemet's membrane. The tags and break are probably traumatic in origin. (Masson trichrome; x275.)
there were foreign-body type giant cells
associated with the adhesive. There were
frequently fibrous or fibrovascular plaques
on the cornea or iris adjacent to the adhesive and often one or more breaks in
Descemet's membrane (Fig. 9). In several
locations, endothelium contiguous with the
glue was absent or distorted while that
in the rest of the chamber appeared normal.
The reaction obtained when any foreign
material is applied to the ocular tissues
may be a function of trauma and mechanical irritation, as well as reaction to the material. In our early attempts to standardize
the technique of testing the cyanoacrylate
monomers, many severe reactions due to
mechanical irritation were encountered.
We soon found that if these adhesives are
instilled onto the eye, internal polymerization occurs within seconds which results in
the transformation of the adhesive from the
liquid into a solid state. These flaky par-
ticles freely moving and rubbing against
cornea and conjunctiva, unquestionably result in epithelial damage, mechanical keratoconjunctivitis, and infections in the majority of cases. However, this reaction is
indistinguishable from that caused by other
inert substances placed in the conjunctival
Also, it was found that when placing
large amounts of these materials intralamellarly, the cornea may melt centrally
due to interruption of fluid flow from the
anterior chamber with dessication and
necrosis anterior to the impermeable layer.
Careful examination of the studies by
Girard's Group at Baylor suggests that
these irritative mechanical and dessication
artifacts caused many of the difficulties of
their study and should be disregarded in
assessing true tolerance to these substances.
In this study we attempted to minimize
all reactions not due to toxicity so that
tolerance of the adhesive could be best
The conclusions drawn from this investi-
Volume 9
Number 1
Ocular tolerance to cyanoacrylate monomer 11
gation are that under the conditions of
these experiments, cyanoacrylate monomers
were as well tolerated as the controls when
applied in small amounts intralamellarly
or subconjunctivally. There was considerable reaction when these materials were
placed in the anterior chamber. From this
study, it can be seen that the application
of the adhesive has to be evaluated for
each site. The use of adhesive for the bonding of a methyl methacrylate lens to the
denuded stroma is very well tolerated in
animals and man; in this case, no mechanical irritation is caused since the adhesive
is applied at the cornea-contact lens interface. It must be emphasized that in these
experiments, relatively small "physiological" amounts of adhesive were used and
the observation period was limited. It is
always possible that excessive adhesive
could cause problems and that later complications could occur in these animals.
The fact that little or no wound healing or fibroblast migration through the material occurred when small amounts of
these materials were placed in the cornea or
under the conjunctiva during the two
months that they were studied, means that
further studies should be continued if these
materials are to be used in any type of
surgical wound in which wound healing is
No difference was found between the
tolerance of isobutyl, hexyl, octyl, or decyl
cyanoacrylates. Therefore, it seems that
selection of one of these materials over the
others should be made on the basis of such
factors as polymerization time, viscoscity,
and availability, rather than on tolerance
of the material. A major problem with tissue adhesives as manufactured at present
time is the variability and lack of stability
of the manufactured material. The release
of the sulfur dioxide used as stabilizer results in loss of the bonding power of these
adhesives. Every time an ampule is opened
the constitution of the material changes as
the sulfur dioxide volatilizes. In addition,
the commercial adhesive varies appreciably
from batch to batch. This variability and
lack of stability is a major cause of the
spontaneous early detachment of the epikeratoprosthesis.
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3. Bloomfield, S., Barnert, A. H., and Kanter,
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4. Straatsma, B. R., Allen, R. A., Hale, P. N.,
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5. Gasset, A. R., and Kaufman, H. E.: Epikeratoprosthesis: replacement of superficial cornea
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6. Kaufman, H. E., and Gasset, A. R.: Clinical
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9. Webster, R. G., Slansky, H. H., Refojo, M. F.,
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