Non-Thermogenic Heat Dissipating Biomedical Adhesive Compositions
Non-Thermogenic Heat Dissipating Biomedical Adhesive Compositions
A biocompatible monomer composition includes at least one monomer, which forms a medically acceptable polymer, and an effective amount of at least one heat dissipating agent sufficient to reduce exothermic polymerization temperature increase of the composition. The heat dissipating agent enhances patient comfort and prevents necrosis of living tissue normally encountered with such medical adhesives.
Type of document:
Ulllted States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 6,010,714
Leung et al. [45] Date of Patent: Jan. 4, 2000
[54] NON-THERMOGENIC HEAT DISSIPATING 4,900,546 2/1990 Posey—DoWty et al. ................ .. 424/81
BIOMEDICAL ADHESIVE COMPOSITIONS 5,021,059 6/1991 Kensey et al. ..... .. . 606/213
5,053,046 10/1991 Janese . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 606/215
[75] Inventors: Jeffrey C_ Leung; Jeffrey G_ Clark’ 5,061,274 10/1991 Kensey . . . . . . . . .. 606/213
both of Raleigh, N.C. 5,108,421 4/1992 Fowler . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 606/213
5,129,882 7/1992 Weldon et al. ..... .. 604/96
. . . 5,192,300 3/1993 F l ........... .. . 606/213
[73] Asslgneei C'°S.“”~‘ Medlcal C°rp°m"°“> 5,221,259 6/1993 \X(/)eV1Vd::rrieta1. .. 604/96
Ra191gh> NC 5,222,974 6/1993 Kensey et al. . . . . . . . . . . .. 606/213
5,258,420 11/1993 P0sey—D0wty et al. 523/116
[21] Appl. No.: 08/755,007 5,275,616 1/1994 Fowler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 606/213
. 5,282,827 2/1994 Kensey et al. 606/215
[22] Flledt N0V- 22, 1996 5,292,332 3/1994 Lee ........................................ .. 606/213
5,319,011 6/1994 Schoon .................................. .. 524/261
[51] Int. Cl.7 .................................................... .. A61F 13/02 5324306 6/1994 Makower et al. 606/213
[52] U.S. Cl. ........................ .. 424/448; 424/443; 424/449; 5323537 7/1994 Leung et a], ., 424/7335
424/484; 424/485; 424/486; 424/78.35; 5,330,446 7/1994 Weldon et al. .. 604/271
604/892.1 5,370,660 12/1994 Weinstein et al. .................... .. 606/215
[58] Field of Search ................................... .. 424/443, 448, 593729585 12/1994 TiefenF>runeta1~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- 604/59
424/449, 484, 485, 486, 78.35; 604/892.1; grggivggj zlaneslst --i ------ -- - 252%;
514/59% 563> 442> 617> 620 5:817:708 10/1998 Cilrlirggelieo 524/104
[56] References Cited OTHER PUBLICATIONS
U-S- PATENT DOCUMENTS Agah, R. et al., “Rate Process Model for Arterial Tissue
2,721,858 10/1955 Joyner et al. ........................... .. 260/67 Theimal Damagei 1H1P11Cat10HS .011 Vessel Ph0t0C0ag111a-
2,768,109 10/1956 Coover, Jr. et al. .................. .. 154/133 HOD ,LaSerS 1” Surgery and Medicine, Vol. 15, pP~ 176-184
3,254,111 5/1966 Hawkins et al. 260/465.4 (1994).
3,527,841 9/1970 Wicker, Jr. et al. 260/823 . .
3,554,990 1/1971 Quinn et al. .... .. .. 260/88.7 Primary Exammer—S. Mark Clardy
3,559,652 2/1971 Banitt et al. .......................... .. 128/334 Assistant Exami/1er—Kathryne E. Shelborne
3,722,599 3/1973 Robertson et al. ............... .. 128/334 R Attorney or & Berridge,
3,759,264 9/1973 Coover, Jr. et al. .. 128/334 R
3,940,362 2/1976 Overhults ............ .. 260/42.16 [57] ABSTRACT
3,995,641 12/1976 Kronenthaletal. .. 128/335 , , H .
4,042,442 8/1977 Dombmski et al. N 156/310 Abiocompatihle monomer cornposition includes at least one
4,131,597 12/1978 Bluethgen et a1. 260/42.18 monomer, which forms a medically acceptable polymer, and
4,187,559 2/1980 Grell et al. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3/1.91 an effective amount of at least one heat dissipating agent
4,364,876 12/1982 Kimura et al. 260/4654 sufficient to reduce exothermic polymerization temperature
4978961 3/1986 Lemelson -------- ~- 604/164 increase of the composition. The heat dissipating agent
1%; goneycltmlet 91' " enhances patient comfort and prevents necrosis of living
, , agae e a. .... .. .. - - - -
4,852,568 8/1989 Kensey .... N 128/325 tissue normally encountered with such medical adhesives.
4,890,612 1/1990 Kensey .... .. 606/213
4,900,303 2/1990 Lemelson ................................ .. 604/54 32 Claims, N0 Drawings
1. Field of the Invention
This invention relates to monomer compositions useful in
the formulation of biomedical adhesives and sealants, and
methods of applying them to living tissue. More particularly,
this invention relates to Wound closure monomer composi-
tions and their use for medical, surgical and other internal
and external applications.
2. Background
Numerous methods and materials have been developed
for biomedical sealants and adhesives including, for
example, application to skin, hemostatic sealing of punc-
tures and incisions in various living tissue, internal organs
and blood vessels. For example, some of these methods
utilize clotting agents, as set forth in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,129,
882 to Weldon et al., 5,221,259 to Weldon et al., and
5,330,446 to Weldon et al.; biocompatible adhesives cured
or sealed by electromagnetic radiation, as set forth in U.S.
Pat. No. 5,372,585 to Tiefenbrun; porous biodegradable
patches or gauze, as set forth in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,900,303 and
4,578,061 both to Lemelson; and plugs in the puncture sites
of the vessel or organ, as set forth in U.S. Pat. Nos.
5,370,660 to Weinstein et al., 5,324,306 to Makower et al.,
5,292,332 to Lee, 4,832,688 to Sagae et al., 5,053,046 to
Janese, 5,108,421, 5,275,616, and 5,192,300 all to Fowler,
and 4,852,568, 4,890,612, 5,061,274, 5,222,974, 5,282,827
and 5,021,059 all to Kensey et al. The subject matter of these
patents is incorporated herein by reference.
Adhesives have been proposed as Wound closure devices.
One group of such adhesives is the monomeric forms of
alpha-cyanoacrylates. Reference is made, for example, to
U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,328,687 to Leung et al; 3,527,841 to Wicker
et al.; 3,722,599 to Robertson et al.; 3,995,641 to Kronenthal
et al.; and 3,940,362 to Overhults, which disclose alpha-
cyanoacrylates that are useful as surgical adhesives. All of
the foregoing references are hereby incorporated by refer-
ence herein.
Typically, the cyanoacrylate surgical adhesive is applied
to one or both surfaces of Wounds or incisions, including the
internal portions of the Wound, with any excess adhesive
being quickly removed from the bonding surfaces.
Subsequently, the edges of the Wound are held together until
they adhere. See U.S. Pat. No. 3,759,264 to Coover, Jr. et al.
A topical tissue adhesive commercially available is His-
toacry1® available from B. Braun Melsungen AG of Ger-
many. The manufacturer recommends use of this adhesive
only for closure of minor skin Wounds and not for internal
use. Moreover the manufacturer recommends that the adhe-
sive be used sparingly or in thin films because thick films do
not increase the film strength and can lead to necrosis of
surrounding tissue due to thermogenic reaction. Moreover,
films formed from this adhesive are brittle, permitting severe
dehiscence of Wounds.
Thermogenic reactions of the above-mentioned tissue
adhesives cause thermal damage (i.e., necrosis) of the tissue
surrounding the adhesive upon which it is applied. Thermal
damage to arterial tissue is described in an article entitled
“Rate Process Model For Arterial Tissue Thermal Damage,”
Lasers In Surrerv And Medicine, vol. 15, pages 176-184,
1994. The primary effect heat has on arterial tissue is the
denaturation of proteins. Collagen, one of the most abundant
proteins in living tissue, has a relatively low denaturation
threshold at 62—67° C. The heating period for inducing
thermal lesion in human aorta may range from 5 seconds at
73° C. to 14.5 minutes at 66° C.
Accordingly, there is a need for a surgical adhesive that
does not cause thermal damage or necrosis of living tissue
after application of the adhesive to the tissue.
Various methods and materials have been utilized in
different applications that reduce heat of exothermic
reactions, albeit not as biomedical adhesives or sealants. For
example, U.S. Pat. No. 4,131,597 to Bliiethgen et al. dis-
closes a bioreactive composite material for prosthetic pur-
poses. Heat of polymerization may be removed by rinsing,
Washing or irrigating with a biocompatible, nonaggressive,
sterile cooling liquid.
U.S. Pat. No. 5,319,011 to Schoon discloses cyanoacry-
late polymers and the effect of heat formed during the
exothermic polymerization of the monomer. When used as a
surface coating for nails, the exothermic reaction may cause
blistering and burning of the nails and skin underlying the
nails. Reduction of the heat generated may be accomplished
using an organotin catalyst, which alters the exothermic
nature of polymerization. U.S. Pat. No. 5,401,508 to Mane-
sis discloses a hydrogel composition comprising Water and
a copolymer (abstract). The polymerization may be carried
out in the presence of a small amount of a solvent to improve
conversion and to flatten the exotherm peak. The polymer-
ization is conducted in a mold and not in situ. Reaction
exotherms are controlled to eliminate stress cracking and to
obtain optimum conversion of monomers. U.S. Pat. Nos.
4,900,546 and 5,258,420, both issued to Posey-Dowty et al.,
disclose a bone cement for sustained release of therapeutic
substances. The cement composition comprises a liquid
monomer and therapeutic substances. An emulsifier may
also be added to the cement composition, which also serves
to dissipate the heat formed during exothermic polymeriza-
tion of the monomer. The emulsifier is mixed in the mono-
mer in an amount of about 0.1 to about 10.0 Wt. % The
cement is applied to bone and subsequently polymerized.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,042,442 to Dombroski et al. discloses
alphacyanoacrylate adhesive compositions and initiators for
promoting the polymerization of adhesive compositions.
The polymerization of the adhesive compositions may be
accelerated by either treating the surface to be bonded with
a basic material or by adding a small amount of a basic
catalyst to the adhesive just prior to use.
U.S. Pat. No. 3,995,641 to Kronenthal et al. discloses
carbalkoxyalkyl 2-cyanoacrylates as surgical adhesives
(abstract). The heat of polymerization and the time required
to reach maximum exotherm is also disclosed. Use of a
carbalkoxyalkyl component modifies the chemical reaction
mechanism. U.S. Pat. No. 4,793,330 to Honeycutt et al.
discloses an orthopedic cast system wherein a fabric treated
with Wax is used to absorb the heat of exothermic reaction.
The Waxes may be used in combination with solvents or
emulsifiers. An ot-cyanoacrylate is utilized as a hardening
agent and not as an adhesive. Additionally, the cyanoacrylate
does not come into direct contact with the skin because a
barrier fabric is placed on the skin prior to application of the
cyanoacrylate. U.S. Pat. No. 4,187,559 to Grell et al. dis-
closes a body joint endoprosthesis. The patent also discloses
the effect of the heat of polymerization of a monomer on a
tissue. The monomer is used to cement implants to the bone.
To eliminate the negative effects of excessive heat, the
cement is eliminated from the implant procedure altogether.
Other methods utilize various materials to catalyze sur-
faces to initiate polymerization of monomeric compositions.
U.S. Pat. No. 3,759,264 to Coover, Jr. et al. discloses a
surgical ot-cyanoacrylic acid adhesive for joining tissue
surfaces together. Catalysts or accelerators may be used to
rapidly form a bond. The catalysts are normally applied to
the surfaces of the tissues to be bonded with subsequent
application of the adhesive. Suitable polymerization cata-
lysts or accelerators include solutions of aliphatic alcohol,
such as methanol, isobutanol, capryl, etc. U.S. Pat. No.
2,768,109 to Coover, Jr. discloses a method of bonding a
material exhibiting an acidic surface character, which com-
prises moistening the surface to be bonded with an alkyl
monohydric alcohol bonding promoter and thereafter apply-
ing to the surface a film of an adhesive composition com-
prising alpha cyanoacrylate monomer. Ahigh volatile bond-
ing promoter is used to enable evaporation of the promoter
and thereby eliminate excess promoter. The cyanoacrylates
are used in bonding a variety of materials.
The present invention is based on the discovery that
combining the monomers described hereinafter with a heat
dissipating agent provides a surgical adhesive or sealant that,
after application to living tissue, polymerizes to form a
strong and flexible bond in or on the living tissue without
causing necrosis due to thermogenic effects of the living
tissue. Furthermore, the present invention provides a process
for application of this surgical adhesive or sealant compo-
sition to living tissue to provide a polymerized composition
thereon while minimizing or reducing the temperature
increase of the composition due to the polymerization reac-
The surgical adhesives or sealants may be applied in vivo
to living tissue and are biocompatible with the tissue. The
adhesives or sealants may be bioabsorbable and may be
applied internally or externally in or on the living tissue.
One embodiment of the present invention includes a
biomedical adhesive or sealant composition, comprising:
A) at least one monomer, which forms a medically
acceptable adhesive or sealant polymer; and
B) an effective amount of at least one heat dissipating
agent sufficient to reduce exothermic polymerization
temperature increase of the composition. The term
“medically acceptable” in this context includes all
polymers that are suitable for use on or in living tissue.
In other embodiments, the present invention is directed to
methods of using the above-described monomers, copoly-
mers and polymers made therefrom for biomedical pur-
The adhesive composition of the present invention may be
applied internally or externally. The composition, when
applied internally, may be bioabsorbable without causing
histotoxicity of the living tissue.
Multiple applications or layers of the surgical adhesive
may be applied in succession. For example, after application
of a first layer of adhesive, the layer is allowed to at least
partially polymerize and a subsequent layer of adhesive may
be applied over the first layer. Such a process could be
conducted numerous times, depending on the size of the
puncture or incision and the amount of adhesive applied in
each application.
The surgical adhesive may be applied using a variety of
dispensing devices. Depending on the particular require-
ments of the user, the adhesive compositions of this inven-
tion can be applied by known means such as with a glass
stirring rod, sterile brush or medicine dropper. However, in
many situations a pressurized aerosol dispensing package is
preferred in which the adhesive composition is in solution
with a compatible anhydrous propellant.
Suitable applicators for application of the adhesive of the
present invention include those described in copending U.S.
patent application Ser. No. 08/488,411, the subject matter of
which is incorporated herein by reference. The surgical
adhesive may also be applied using the devices set forth in
U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,900,303 to Lemelson and 5,372,585 to
Tiefenbrun while monitoring the application process
through an optical viewing system. The adhesive of the
present invention may also be applied by the devices set
forth in U.S. Pat. No. 5,129,882 to Weldon et al. or with the
devices set forth in U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/609,
921. The subject matter of these documents is incorporated
herein by reference. A preferable applicator is a crushable
swab applicator.
The adhesive compositions of this invention and poly-
mers formed therefrom are useful as tissue adhesives, seal-
ants for preventing bleeding or for covering open wounds,
and in other biomedical applications. They find uses in, for
example, apposing surgically incised or traumatically lacer-
ated tissues; setting fractured bone structures; retarding
blood flow from wounds; aiding repair and regrowth of
living tissue; and as a drug delivery matrix.
The surgical adhesive according to the present invention
may also be applied in conjunction with other sealing means.
For example, the adhesive may be applied to puncture sites
that have been closed using surgical suture or tape, such as
in the sealing of a puncture or incision in internal organs,
e.g., liver, gallbladder, intestines, stomach, kidney, heart,
urinary bladder, ureter, lung, esophagus and the like. The
adhesive will provide a complete seal, thereby reducing the
risk of body fluid leakage from the organ or vessel, e.g.,
leakage from liver puncture sites. The surgical adhesive of
the present invention may additionally be used in conjunc-
tion with other sealing means, such as plugs, and the like.
Such techniques are set forth in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,852,568 to
Kensey, 4,890,612 to Kensey, 5,053,046 to Janese, 5,061,
274 to Kcnscy, 5,108,421 to Fowlcr, 4,832,688 to Sagac ct
al., 5,192,300 to Fowler, 5,222,974 to Kensey et al., 5,275,
616 to Fowler, 5,282,827 to Kensey et al., 5,292,332 to Lee,
5,324,306 to Makower et al., 5,370,660 to Weinstein et al.,
and 5,021,059 to Kensey et al. The subject matter of these
patents is incorporated herein by reference.
The adhesive composition of the present invention may
also be applied topically or externally. In one such
embodiment, the edges of a wound or incision are held
together and an excessive amount of the above-described
surgical adhesive composition is applied to the already
pinched or abutted opposing wound edges, preferably uti-
lizing more than one application stroke. This process forms
a bridge over the abutted opposing wound edges that is
flexible and possesses high tensile strength. The excessive
amount of adhesive placed on the abutted opposing wound
edges forms a thick film thereon and unexpectedly increases
film strength.
Specific methods that may use an adhesive composition of
the present invention include methods for repairing damaged
living tissue to prevent the escape of fluids therethrough by
holding damaged tissue edges together in an abutting
relationship, applying to the abutting tissue the adhesive
composition of the present invention, and allowing the
composition to polymerize; methods for stemming the flow
of blood from vessels, which comprises holding damaged
regions of the blood vessels together, applying the present
adhesive composition to the damaged regions and allowing
the composition to polymerize; and methods of bonding
bone tissue to promote healing of weak or fractured bones,
which comprises holding damaged bone tissue together,
applying to the damaged tissue the present adhesive
composition, and allowing the composition to polymerize.
Repairing injured tissues (for example, to control
bleeding) comprises, in general, sponging to remove super-
ficial body fluids, holding injured tissue surfaces together in
an abutting relationship and subsequent application to the
exposed abutted tissue of the present adhesive composition.
The composition polymerizes to a thin film of polymer while
in contact with the abutted tissue surface. Tissues that are not
bleeding or otherwise covered by body fluids need not be
sponged first. More than one coating or application of
adhesive composition may be applied to the abutted tissue
Adhesive compositions used in the methods of the present
invention preferably polymerize and/or cross-link in vivo,
preferably without the need for external sources of physical
initiation such as irradiation. In embodiments, for example,
the polymerization and/or cross-linking may be initiated by
contact with body tissues and fluids or by contact with a
chemical initiator and/or exposure to a physical initiator
immediately before application of the adhesive.
In other embodiments, for example, the heat dissipating
agent may be mixed with a polymerization initiator and/or
other components, such as thickeners, plasticizers,
colorants, fillers, etc., and stored separately from the mono-
meric component. Subsequently, this mixture may be mixed
with the monomeric component before or during application
to the substrate or tissue. Alternatively, the heat dissipating
agent may be premixed with the monomeric component
and/or other additives described herein, in a composition
having a shelf life.
The monomers of the adhesive composition are readily
polymerized to addition-type polymers and copolymers,
which are generally optically clear (as films).
In most bonding applications using the compositions of
this invention, polymerization of the monomers is catalyzed
by small amounts of moisture on the surface of the adher-
cnts; thus dcsircd bonding of tissues or hcmostasis procccds
well in the presence of blood and other body fluids. The
bonds formed are of adequate flexibility and strength to
withstand normal movement of tissue. In addition, bond
strength is maintained as natural wound healing proceeds.
Following application to living tissue, the monomeric
component of the composition polymerizes to yield a poly-
mer or copolymer. During the polymerization process, an
exothermic reaction occurs that increases the temperature of
the composition. Depending on the monomer utilized in the
composition and the additives used, the temperature increase
varies. Additionally, polymerization initiators or accelera-
tors increase the rate of polymerization of the monomer and,
thus, increase the heat released and temperature rise during
The increase in temperature of the composition due to
exothermic polymerization of the monomeric component
may be as low as 5° C. and as high as 70° C., depending on
the monomer and initiator utilized and the mass applied. A
temperature increase of as little as 40° C. of the adhesive
composition placed on the surface of living tissue will
generally cause necrosis or thermal damage. Temperature
increases of lesser amounts will generally cause discomfort
and irritation of the tissue.
In order to minimize these problems, heat dissipating
agents of the present invention are introduced into the
composition. The heat dissipating agents include liquids or
solids that may be soluble or insoluble in the monomer. The
liquids may be volatile and may evaporate during
polymerization, thereby releasing heat from the composi-
tion. The liquids may include ethers, ketones,
chlorofluorocarbons, alkanes, alcohols, alkenes and mix-
tures thereof. Esters, ketones, chlorofluorocarbons, and
alkanes are preferred, and chlorofluorocarbons and ethers
are more preferred.
Solid heat dissipating agents may also be utilized. For
example, solids that melt or sublime at the polymerization
temperatures of the monomeric component may be used. For
example, solids that melt or sublime at temperatures of from
about 20 to about 160° C. may be used, preferably from
about 30 to about 150° C., and more preferably from about
40 to about 140° C. Depending on the monomer utilized, the
polymerization temperature will vary. Generally, the higher
the polymerization temperature the higher the melting point,
sublimation point and boiling point of the heat dissipating
agent should be.
Additionally, solids that act as a heat sink or that readily
adsorb heat may be utilized. Suitable heat-adsorbing sub-
stances include alkaline metal oxide such as aluminum
oxide, barium oxide, titanium oxide, manganese oxide and
calcium oxide; metals such as copper, lead, nickel,
aluminum, and zinc; carbon black and carbides; organic
compounds such as urea, paraffin wax and polyvinyl fluo-
ride; and salts such as ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate,
sodium acetate trihydrate, sodium sulfate decahydrate
(Glauber’s salt), barium hydroxide octahydrate, calcium
oxalate dihydrate, magnesium oxalate dihydrate, aluminum
hydroxide, ammonium sulfate, zinc sulfate, and ammonium
phosphate. Of these, aluminum oxide, aluminum, Glauber’s
salt, and paraffin wax are preferred, and Glauber’s salt and
paraffin wax are more preferred.
Suitable sublimable substances (with their sublimation
point (° C.) at atmospheric pressure in parentheses) include
2-hydroxy-2-trimethylsilanyl-propionitrile 60); ammonium
salt of 2,2,4,6-tetrakis(trifluoromethyl)-1,2-dihydro-1,3,5-
triazine (120-130); 1-fluoropentacyclo[,6.03,10.05,
9]undecane (100-110); 6,7-diazabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-6-ene
(40); 5,5,6,6-tctramcthylbicyclo[2.2.1]hcptan-2-ol
(102-108); complex of dimethyl magnesium and trimethy-
laluminum (40); bis-[2,2,2-trifluoroethyl]ammonium nitrate
(140); complex of ammonia and boric acid trimethyl ester
(45); N-benzyl-2,2,3,3,4,4,4-heptafluoro-butyramide (80);
3-isopropyl-5, 8a-dimethyl-decahydronaphthalen-2-ol (80);
(100-105); 3,5-dichloro-3-methyl-cyclopentane-1,2-dione
(110-120); (5-methyl-2-oxo-bicyclo[3.3.1.]non-3-en-1-yl)-
acetic acid (140); 4b,6a,11,12-tetrahydro-indeno[2,1-a
]fluorene-5,5,6,6-tetracarbonitrile (150); tetraccsafluoro-
tetradecahydro-anthracene (60) ; 4,5-dichlorobenzene-1,2-
dicarbaldehyde (30-40); bicyclo[4.3.1]dec-3-en-8-one
(150); 3-tert-butyl-1,2-bis-(3,5-dimethylphenyl)-3-
hydroxyguanidine (145); 1-[2,6-dihydroxy-4-methoxy-3-
methyl-phenyl]butan- 1-one (100); 2,3,6,7-
tetrachloronaphthalene (135); 2,3,6-trimethylnaphthalene
(80); dodecafluoro-cyclohexane (51-53); 2,2,6,6-
tetramethyl-4-hepten-3-one (55); heptafluorobutyramide
(80); pentafluoropropionamide (60); 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2,2-
trifluoro-ethane (46); [5-(9H-beta-carbolin-1-yl)-furan-2-yl]
methanol (150); 5-nitro-benzo[1,2,3]thiadiazole (80-100);
4,5-dichloro-thiophene-2-carboxylic acid (120); 2,6-
dimethyl-isonicotinonitrile (50); nonafluoro-2,6-bis-
trifluoromethyl-piperidine (50-60); krypton tetrafluoride
(70); (dimethylamino) difluoroborane (130-135); difluo-
rourea (25-35); uranium hexafluoride (57); dinitrogen pen-
toxide (33-34); chromyl fluoride (30); and chromium hexac-
arbonyl (25). 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-hepten-3-one is
Suitable solids that melt (with their melting points (° C.)
at atmospheric pressure in parentheses) include
1-methylcyclohexanol (24-26); phenyl ether (26-30); nona-
decane (32-34); 1-tetradecanol (38-40); 4-ethylphenol
(42-45); benzophenone (46-48); maleic anhydride (54-56);
octacosane (61-63); dimethyl isophthalate (68-71); buty-
lated hydroxytoluene (69-70); glycolic acid (75-80); van-
illin (81-83); magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (89); cyclo-
hexanone oxime (89-90); glutaric acid (95-98); D-sorbitol
(98-100); phenanthrene (99-101); methacrylamide
(109-111); fluorene (114-116); ammonium acetate
(110-112); 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde (117-119); trans-
stilbene (122-124); neopentyl glycol (123-127); pyrogallol
(133-134); and diglycolic acid (142-145). Maleic anhydride
is preferred.
There may be more than one heat dissipating agent added
to the composition and may include a combination of solids
and liquids, or a combination of only liquids or only solids.
The heat dissipating agent is preferably inert and does not
affect the polymerization rate of the monomer (i.e., it does
not increase or decrease the polymerization rate).
Additionally, the heat dissipating agent does not negatively
impact the strength and flexibility of the resulting polymeric
material. The amount of heat dissipating agent added to the
composition may vary depending on the monomer used and
the heat dissipating agent used. Generally the amount added
is about 0.1 wt. % to about 70 wt. %, preferably from about
1 wt. % to about 45 wt. %, and more preferably from about
2 wt. % to about 25 wt. % by weight of monomer.
Monomers that may be used in this invention are
polymerizable, e. g. anionically polymerizable or free radical
polymerizable, to form polymers. Such monomers include
those that form polymers, which may, but do not need to,
biodegrade. Preferred monomers include 1,1-disubstituted
ethylene and derivatives thereof. Reference is made, for
example, to U.S. Pat. No. 5,328,687, which is hereby
incorporated by reference herein. As defined herein, “histo-
toxicity” refers to adverse tissue response, such as inflam-
mation due to the presence of toxic materials in the tissue.
Useful 1,1-disubstituted ethylene monomers include, but
are not limited to, monomers of the formula:
wherein X and Y are each strong electron withdrawing
groups, and R is H, —CH=CH2 or, provided that X and Y
are both cyano groups, a C1-C4 alkyl group.
Examples of monomers within the scope of formula (I)
include alpha-cyanoacrylates, vinylidene cyanides, C1-C4
alkyl homologues of vinylidene cyanides, dialkyl methylene
malonates, acylacrylonitriles, vinyl sulfonates and vinyl
sulfonates of the formula CH2=CX‘Y‘ wherein X‘ is
—SO2R‘ or —SO3R‘ and Y‘ is —CN, —COOR‘, —COCH3,
—SO2R‘ or —SO3R‘, and R‘ is H or hydrocarbyl.
Preferred monomers of formula (I) for use in this inven-
tion are alpha-cyanoacrylates. These monomers are known
in the art and have the formula
wherein R2 is hydrogen or —CH=CH2 and R3 is a hydro-
carbyl or substituted hydrocarbyl group; a group having the
formula —R4—O—R5—O—R6, wherein R4 is a 1,2-
alkylene group having 2-4 carbon atoms, R5 is an alkylene
group having 2—4 carbon atoms, and R6 is an alkyl group
having 1-6 carbon atoms; or a group having the formula
wherein R7 is
or —C(CH3)2— and R8 is an organic radical.
Examples of suitable hydrocarbyl and substituted hydro-
carbyl groups include straight chain or branched chain alkyl
groups having 1-16 carbon atoms; straight chain or
branched chain C1-C16 alkyl groups substituted with an
acylcxy group, an alkoxy group, a halogen atom, a cyano
group, a haloalkyl group or a haloaryl group; straight chain
or branched chain alkenyl groups having 2 to 16 carbon
atoms; straight chain or branched chain alkynyl groups
having 2 to 12 carbon atoms; cycloalkyl groups; aralkyl
groups; alkylaryl groups; and aryl groups.
The organic radical R8 may be substituted or unsubsti-
tuted and may be straight chain, branched or cyclic,
saturated, unsaturated or aromatic. Examples of such
organic radicals include C1-C8 alkyl radicals, C2-C8 alkenyl
radicals, C2-C8 alkynyl radicals, C3-C12 cycloaliphatic
radicals, aryl radicals such as phenyl and substituted phenyl
and aralkyl radicals such as benzyl, methylbenzyl and phe-
nylethyl. Other organic radicals include substituted hydro-
carbon radicals, such as halo- (e.g., chloro-, fluoro- and
bromo-substituted hydrocarbons) and oxy- (e.g., alkoxy
substituted hydrocarbons) substituted hydrocarbon radicals.
Preferred organic radicals are alkyl, alkenyl and alkynyl
radicals having from 1 to about 8 carbon atoms, and halo-
substituted derivatives thereof. Particularly preferred are
alkyl radicals of 4 to 6 carbon atoms.
In the cyanoacrylate monomer of formula (II), R3 is
preferably an alkyl group having 1-10 carbon atoms or a
group having the formula —AOR9, wherein A is a divalent
straight or branched chain alkylene or oxyalkylene radical
having 2-8 carbon atoms, and R9 is a straight or branched
alkyl radical having 1-8 carbon atoms. Examples of groups
represented by the formula —AOR9 include 1-methoxy-2-
propyl, 2-butoxy ethyl, isopropoxy ethyl, 2-methoxy ethyl,
and 2-ethoxy ethyl.
The preferred alpha-cyanoacrylate monomers used in this
invention are 2-octyl cyanoacrylate, dodecyl cyanoacrylate,
2-ethylhexyl cyanoacrylate, butyl cyanoacrylate, methyl
cyanoacrylate, 3-methoxybutyl cyanoacrylate,
2-butoxyethyl cyanoacrylate, 2-isopropoxyethyl
cyanoacrylate, or 1-methoxy-2-propyl cyanoacrylate.
The alpha-cyanoacrylates of formula (II) can be prepared
according to methods known in the art. Reference is made,
for example, to U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,721,858 and 3,254,111, each
of which is hereby incorporated by reference herein. For
example, the alpha cyanoacrylates can be prepared by react-
ing an alkyl cyanoacetate with formaldehyde in a non-
aqueous organic solvent and in the presence of a basic
catalyst, followed by pyrolysis of the anhydrous intermedi-
ate polymer in the presence of a polymerization inhibitor.
The alpha-cyanoacrylate monomers prepared with low
moisture content and essentially free of impurities are pre-
ferred for biomedical use.
The alpha-cyanoacrylates of formula (II) wherein R3 is a
group having the formula —R4—O—R3—O—R6 can be
prepared according to the method disclosed in U.S. Pat. No.
4,364,876 to Kimura et al., which is hereby incorporated by
reference herein. In the Kimura et al. method, the alpha-
cyanoacrylates are prepared by producing a cyanoacetate by
esterifying cyanoacetic acid with an alcohol or by transes-
terifying an alkyl cyanoacetate and an alcohol; condensing
the cyanoacetate and formaldehyde or para-formaldehyde in
the presence of a catalyst at a molar ratio of 0.5-1.5 :1,
preferably 08-1221, to obtain a condensate; depolymeriz-
ing the condensation reaction mixture either directly or after
removal of the condensation catalyst to yield crude
cyanoacrylate; and distilling the crude cyanoacrylate to form
a high purity cyanoacrylate.
The alpha-cyanoacrylates of formula (II) wherein R3 is a
group having the formula
can be prepared according to the procedure described in U.S.
Pat. No. 3,995,641 to Kronenthal et al., which is hereby
incorporated by reference herein. In the Kronenthal et al.
method, such alpha-cyanoacrylate monomers are prepared
by reacting an alkyl ester of an alpha-cyanoacrylic acid with
a cyclic 1,3-diene to form a Diels-Alder, adduct which is
then subjected to alkaline hydrolysis followed by acidifica-
tion to form the corresponding alpha-cyanoacrylic acid
adduct. The alpha-cyanoacrylic acid adduct is preferably
esterified by an alkyl bromoacetate to yield the correspond-
ing carbalkoxymethyl alpha-cyanoacrylate adduct.
Alternatively, the alpha-cyanoacrylic acid adduct may be
converted to the alpha-cyanoacrylyl halide adduct by reac-
tion with thionyl chloride. The alpha-cyanoacrylyl halide
adduct is then reacted with an alkyl hydroxyacetate or a
methyl substituted alkyl hydroxyacetate to yield the corre-
sponding carbalkoxymethyl alpha-cyanoacrylate adduct or
carbalkoxy alkyl alpha-cyanoacrylate adduct, respectively.
The cyclic 1,3-diene blocking group is finally removed and
the carbalkoxy methyl alpha-cyanoacry late adduct or the
carbalkoxy alkyl alpha-cyanoacrylate adduct is converted
into the corresponding carbalkoxy alkyl alpha-cyanoacrylate
by heating the adduct in the presence of a slight deficit of
maleic anhydride.
Examples of monomers of formula (II) include cyano-
pentadienoates and alpha-cyanoacrylates of the formula:
wherein Z is —CH=CH2 and R3 is as defined above. The
monomers of formula (III) wherein R3 is an alkyl group of
1-10 carbon atoms, i.e., the 2-cyanopenta-2,4-dienoic acid
esters, can be prepared by reacting an appropriate
2-cyanoacetate with acrolein in the presence of a catalyst
such as zinc chloride. This method of preparing
2-cyanopenta-2,4-dienoic acid esters is disclosed, for
example, in U.S. Pat. No. 3,554,990, which is hereby
incorporated by reference herein.
Preferred monomers are alkyl alpha-cyanoacrylates and
more preferably octyl alpha-cyanoacrylates, especially
2-octyl alpha-cyanoacrylate. Monomers utilized in the
present invention should be very pure and contain few
impurities. That is, the monomers used in the present inven-
tion should preferably be of surgical grade.
The compositions of this invention may also include at
least one plasticizing agent that imparts flexibility to the
polymerized monomer formed on the wound or incision.
The plasticizing agent preferably contains little or no mois-
ture and should not significantly affect the polymerization of
the monomer.
Examples of suitable plasticizers include, but are not
limited to, acetyl tributyl citrate, dimethyl sebacate, triethyl
phosphate, tri(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate, tri(p-cresyl)
phosphate, glyceryl triacetate, glyceryl tributyrate, diethyl
sebacate, dioctyl adipate, isopropyl myristate, butyl stearate,
lauric acid, trioctyl trimellitate, dioctyl glutarate, mixtures
thereof and the like. Preferred plasticizers are tributyl citrate
and acetyl tributyl citrate.
The compositions of this invention may also include at
least one acidic stabilizing agent that inhibits polymeriza-
tion. Such stabilizing agents may also include mixtures of
anionic stabilizing agents and free radical stabilizing agents.
Examples of suitable anionic stabilizing agents include,
but are not limited to, sulfur dioxide, sulfonic acid, lactone,
boron trifluoride, organic acids, alkyl sulfate, alkyl sulfite,
3-sulfolene, alkylsulfone, alkyl sulfoxide, mercaptan, alkyl
sulfide, mixtures thereof and the like. Preferable anionic
stabilizing agents are acidic stabilizing agents of organic
acids such as acetic acid or phosphoric acid with acetic acid
being a more preferable acidic stabilizing agent. The maxi-
mum amount of sulfur dioxide present in the adhesive
composition should be less than 50 ppm.
Examples of suitable free radical stabilizing agents
include, but are not limited to, hydroquinone, hydroquinone
monomethyl ether, catechol, pyrogallol, benzoquinone,
2-hydroxybenzoquinone, p-methoxy phenol, t-butyl
catechol, butylated hydroxy anisole, butylated hydroxy
toluene, t-butyl hydroquinone, mixtures thereof and the like.
Suitable acidic stabilizing agents include those having
pKa ionization constants ranging from about 0 to about 7,
preferably from about 1 to about 6, and more preferably
from about 2 to about 5.5. For example, suitable acidic
stabilizing agents include, but are not limited to: hydrogen
sulfide (pKa 7.0), carbonic acid (pKa 6.4), triacetylmethane
(pKa 5.9), acetic acid (pKa 4.8), benzoic acid (pKa 4.2),
2,4-dinitrophenol (pKa 4.0), formic acid (pKa 3.7), nitrous
acid (pKa 3.3), hydrofluoric acid (pKa 3.2), chloroacetic acid
(pKa 2.9), phosphoric acid (PKH 2.2), dichloroacetic acid
(pKa 1.3), trichloroacetic acid (pKa 0.7), 2,4,6-
trinitrophenol (picric acid) (pKa 0.3), trifluoroacetic acid
(pKa 0.2), mixtures thereof and the like.
When adding the above-mentioned weak acidic stabiliz-
ing agents to the adhesive composition, it has been discov-
ered that the addition of plasticizing agents in amounts
ranging from about 0.5 wt. % to about 16 wt. %, preferably
from about 3 wt. % to about 9 wt. %, and more preferably
from about 5 wt. % to about 7 wt. %, provides increased film
strength (e.g., toughness) of the polymerized monomer over
polymerized monomers having amounts of plasticizing
agents and acidic stabilizing agents outside of the above
The concentration of the acidic stabilizing agents utilized
may vary depending on the strength of the acid. For
example, when using acetic acid, a concentration of 80-200
ppm (wt/wt), preferably 90-180 ppm (wt/wt), and more
preferably 100-150 ppm (wt/wt) may be utilized. When
using a stronger acid, such as phosphoric acid, a concentra-
tion range of 20-80 ppm (wt/wt), preferably, 30-70 ppm
(wt/wt) and more preferably 40-60 ppm (wt/wt) may be
The compositions of this invention may also include at
least one biocompatible agent effective to reduce active
formaldehyde concentration levels produced during in vivo
biodegradation of the polymer (also referred to herein as
“formaldehyde concentration reducing agents”). Preferably,
this component is a formaldehyde scavenger compound.
Examples of formaldehyde scavenger compounds useful in
this invention include, but are not limited to, sulfites;
bisulfites; mixtures of sulfites and bisulfites; ammonium
sulfite salts; amines; amides; imides; nitriles; carbamates;
alcohols; mercaptans; proteins; mixtures of amines, amides,
and proteins; active methylene compounds such as cyclic
ketones and compounds having a [3-dicarbonyl group; het-
erocyclic ring compounds free of a carbonyl group and
containing an NH group, with the ring made up of nitrogen
or carbon atoms, the ring being unsaturated or, when fused
to a phenyl group, being unsaturated or saturated, and the
NH group being bonded to a carbon or a nitrogen atom,
which atom is directly bonded by a double bond to another
carbon or nitrogen atom; mixtures thereof and the like.
Bisulfites and sulfites useful as the formaldehyde scav-
enger compound in this invention include alkali metal salts
such as lithium, sodium and potassium salts, and ammonium
salts, for example, sodium bisulfite, potassium bisulfite,
lithium bisulfite, ammonium bisulfite, sodium sulfite, potas-
sium sulfite, lithium sulfite, ammonium sulfite, and the like.
Examples of amines useful in this invention include the
aliphatic and aromatic amines such as, for example, aniline,
benzidine, aminopyrimidine, toluene-diamine,
triethylenediamine, diphenylamine, diaminodiphenylamine,
hydrazincs and hydrazidc.
Suitable proteins include collagen, gelatin, casein, soy-
bean protein, vegetable protein, keratin and glue. The pre-
ferred protein for use in this invention is casein.
Suitable amides for use in this invention include urea,
cyanamide, acrylamide, benzamide, and acetamide. Urea is
the preferred amide.
Suitable alcohols include phenols, 1,4-butanediol,
d-sorbitol, and polyvinyl alcohol.
Examples of suitable compounds having a [3-dicarbonyl
group include malonic acid, acetylacetone, ethylacetone,
acetate, malonamide, diethylmalonate or another malonic
Preferred cyclic ketones for use in this invention include
cyclohexanone or cyclopentanone.
Examples of suitable heterocyclic compounds for use as
the formaldehyde scavenger in this invention are disclosed,
for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 4,127,382 (Perry) which is
hereby incorporated by reference herein. Such heterocyclic
compounds include, for example, benzimidazole, 5-methyl
benzimidazole, 2-methylbenzimidazole, indole, pyrrole, 1,2,
4-triazole, indoline, benzotriazole, indoline, and the like.
Apreferred formaldehyde scavenger for use in this inven-
tion is sodium bisulfite.
In practicing embodiments of this invention, the formal-
dehyde concentration reducing agent, e.g., formaldehyde
scavenger compound, is added in an effective amount to the
cyanoacrylate. The “effective amount” is that amount suf-
ficient to reduce the amount of formaldehyde generated
during subsequent in vivo biodegradation of the polymer-
ized cyanoacrylate. This amount will depend on the type of
active formaldehyde concentration reducing agent, and can
be readily determined without undue experimentation by
those skilled in the art.
The formaldehyde concentration reducing agent may be
used in this invention in either free form, protected form
(e.g., chemically protected), or in microencapsulated form.
When microencapsulated, the formaldehyde concentra-
tion reducing agent is released from the microcapsule con-
tinuously over a period of time during the in vivo biodeg-
radation of the cyanoacrylate polymer.
For purposes of this invention, the microencapsulated
form of the formaldehyde concentration reducing agent is
preferred because this embodiment prevents or substantially
reduces polymerization of the cyanoacrylate monomer by
the formaldehyde concentration reducing agent, which
increases shelf-life and facilitates handling of the adhesive
composition during use.
Microencapsulation of the formaldehyde scavenger can
be achieved by many known microencapsulation techniques.
For example, microencapsulation can be carried out by
dissolving a coating polymer in a volatile solvent, e.g.,
methylene chloride, to a polymer concentration of about 6%
by weight; adding a formaldehyde scavenger compound in
particulate form to the coating polymer/solvent solution
under agitation to yield a scavenger concentration of about
18% by weight; slowly adding a surfactant-containing min-
eral oil solution to the polymer solution under rapid agita-
tion; allowing the volatile solvent to evaporate under agita-
tion; removing the agitator; separating the solids from the
mineral oil; and washing and drying the microparticles. The
size of the microparticles will range from about 0.001 to
about 1000 microns.
The coating polymer for microencapsulating the formal-
dehyde concentration reducing agent should be polymers
that undergo in vivo bioerosion, preferably at rates similar to
or greater than the cyanoacrylate polymer formed by the
monomer, and should have low inhcrcnt moisture content.
Such “bioerosion” can occur as a result of the physical or
chemical breakdown of the encapsulating material, for
example, by the encapsulating material passing from solid to
solute in the presence of body fluids, or by biodegradation
of the encapsulating material by agents present in the body.
Examples of coating materials that can be used to
microencapsulate the formaldehyde concentration reducing
agent include, but are not limited to, polyesters, such as
polyglycolic acid, polylactic acid, copolymers of polygly-
colic acid and polylactic acid, polycaprolactone, poly-[3-
hydroxybutyrate, copolymers of epsilon-caprolactone and
delta-valerolactone, copolymers of epsilon-caprolactone and
DL-dilactide, and polyester hydrogels; polyvinylpyrroli-
done; polyamides; gelatin; albumin; proteins; collagen; poly
(orthoesters); poly(anhydrides); poly(alkyl-2-
cyanoacrylates); poly(dihydropyrans); poly(acetals); poly
(phosphazenes); poly(urethanes); poly(dioxinones);
cellulose; starches; mixtures thereof and the like.
Examples of the surfactant that can be added to the
mineral oil include those commercially available under the
designations Triton x-100, Tween 20 and Tween 80.
The composition of this invention may further contain one
or more adjuvant substances, such as thickening agents,
medicaments, or the like, to improve the medical utility of
the monomer for particular medical applications.
Suitable thickeners include, for example, poly-
cyanoacrylates, polylactic acid, polyglycolic acid, lactic-
glycolic acid copolymers, polycaprolactone, lactic acid-
caprolactone copolymers, poly-3-hydroxybutyric acid,
polyorthoesters, polyalkyl acrylates, copolymers of alky-
lacrylate and vinyl acetate, polyalkyl methacrylates, and
copolymers of alkyl methacrylates and butadiene.
To improve the cohesive strength of adhesives formed
from the compositions of this invention, difunctional mono-
meric cross-linking agents may be added to the adhesive
compositions of this invention. Such crosslinking agents are
known. Reference is made, for example, to U.S. Pat. No.
3,940,362 to Overhults, which is hereby incorporated by
reference herein. Examples of suitable crosslinking agents
include alkyl bis(2-cyanoacrylates), triallyl isocyanurates,
alkylene diacrylates, alkylene dimethacrylates, trimethylol
propane triacrylate, and alkyl bis(2-cyanoacrylates). A cata-
lytic amount of an amine activated free radical initiator may
be added to initiate polymerization of the monomer/
crosslinking agent blend.
The compositions of this invention may further contain
fibrous reinforcement and colorants, i.e., dyes and pigments.
Examples of suitable fibrous reinforcement include PGA
microfibrils, collagen microfibrils, cellulosic microfibrils,
and olefinic microfibrils. Examples of suitable colorants
include 1-hydroxy-4-[4-methylphenyl-amino]-9,10
anthracenedione (D+C violet No. 2); disodium salt of
acid (FD+C Yellow No. 6); 9-(o-carboxyphenyl)-6-hydroxy-
2,4,5,7-tetraiodo-3H-xanthen-3-one, disodium salt, mono-
hydrate (FD+C Red No. 3); 2-(1,3-dihydro-3-oxo-5-sulfo-
sulfonic acid disodium salt (FD+C Blue No. 2); and [phtha-
locyaninato (2-)] copper.
Compositions employed in the present invention are pref-
erably sterilizable by conventional methods that include, but
are not limited to, autoclave or aseptic filtration techniques.
The invention is further illustrated by the following
non-limiting examples.
The adhesive compositions according to the present
invention are prepared utilizing conventional mixing equip-
ment. For example, the process may be conducted as fol-
To a surgical grade cyanoacrylate in a round-bottom flask
is added a heat dissipating agent, and other formulation
components as described herein. The resulting mixture is
mechanically stirred until it is homogeneous.
In the following examples, various heat dissipating agents
are utilized in adhesive compositions of the present inven-
tion that illustrate the effects on the exothermic reaction
temperature of the composition. The monomer used in all of
the Examples is 2-octyl cyanoacrylate. The results are
compared against a control sample that included no heat
dissipating agent. The results are set forth in Table I.
Heat Average Temp
Dissipating Concentration Temp Decrease
Sample Agent (Wt %) (° C.) (° C.)
Control 94
TABLE I-continued
Heat Average Temp
Dissipating Concentration Temp Decrease
Samp e Agent (Wt %) (° C.) (° C.)
Examo e I Diethyl Ether 10 37
Examo e II Diethyl Ether 20 32
Examo e III Pentane 10 55
Examo e IV Pentane 20 46
Examo e V BME* 10 49
Examo e VI BME* 20 34
Exarna 6: VII TBME” 10 38
Exama e VIII TBME** 20 35
Examo e IX Acetone 13 34
Examo e X Acetone 20 35
*BME = Butyl methyl ether
**TBME = Tert-Butyl methyl ether
The process as conducted above was utilized with a
2-octyl cyanoacrylate with a solid heat dissipting agent,
namely 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-hepten-3-one. A control com-
prising 2-octyl cyanoacrylate with 6% by weight of acetyl
tributyl citrate was used. The results are set forth in Table II.
Heat Average Temp
Dissipating Concentration Temp Decrease
Sample Agent (Wt %) (° C.) (° C.)
Control 85
Example II TMH* 13 74
*TMH = 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-hepten-3-one
What is claimed is:
1. A biocompatible monomer composition having a shelf
life, comprising:
A) at least one monomer, which forms a medically
acceptable polymer; and
B) an effective amount of at least about 1% by weight of
at least one heat dissipating agent sufficient to reduce
exothermic polymerization temperature increase of the
2. A biocompatible composition according to claim 1,
wherein the amount of heat dissipating agent added to the
composition is sufficient to prevent necrosis of living tissue.
3. A biocompatible composition according to claim 1,
wherein the heat dissipating agent is present in the compo-
sition in an amount of about 0.1 to about 70% by weight.
4. A biocompatible composition according to claim 1,
wherein said reduction in temperature increase is about 1 to
about 100° C.
5. A biocompatible composition according to claim 1,
wherein the heat dissipating agent is in a solid or a liquid
6. A biocompatible composition according to claim 1,
wherein the heat dissipating agent is at least one component
selected from the group consisting of a volatile liquid, a
solid having a melting point of from about 20° C. to about
150° C. and a solid having a sublimation point of from about
20° C. to about 150° C.
7. A biocompatible composition according to claim 1,
wherein the heat dissipating agent is selected from the group
consisting of potassium nitrate, sodium acetate trihydrate,
sodium sulfate decahydrate, barium hydroxide octahydrate,
calcium oxalate dihydrate, magnesium oxalate dihydrate,
aluminum hydroxide, zinc sulfate, aluminum oxide, barium
oxide, titanium oxide, manganese oxide, and calcium oxide;
copper, lead, nickel, aluminum and zinc; carbon black and
carbides; urea, paraffin wax and polyvinyl fluoride;
1-fluoropentacyclo[,6.03,10.05,9]undecane, 6,7-
diazabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-6-ene, 5,5,6,6-tetramethylbicyclo
[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol, complex of dimethyl magnesium and
trimethylaluminum, N-benzyl-2,2,3,3,4,4,4-heptafluoro-
butyramide, 3-isopropyl-5,8a-dimethyl-
decahydronaphthalen-2-ol, 2-hydroxymethyl-1,7,7-
trimethyl-bicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol, 3,5 -dichloro-3-methyl-
cyclopentane-1,2-dione, (5-methyl-2-oxo-bicyclo[3.3.1.]
non-3-en-1-yl)-acetic acid, 4b,6a,11,12-tetrahydro-indeno
[2,1-a]fluorene-5,5,6,6-tetracarbonitrile, tetracosafluoro-
tetradecahydro-anthracene, 4,5-dichlorobenzene-1,2-
dicarbaldehyde, bicyclo[4,3.1]dec-3-en-8-one, 3-tert-butyl-
1,2-bis-(3,5-dimethylphenyl)-3-hydroxyguanidine, 1-[2,6-
dihydroxy-4-methoxy-3-methylphenyl]butan-1-one, 2,3,6,
7-tetrachloronaphthalene, 2,3,6-trimethylnaphthalene,
dodecafluoro-cyclohexane, 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-hepten-3-
one, 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2,2-trifluoro-ethane, [5-(9H-beta-
carbolin-1-yl)-furan-2-yl]methanol, 5-nitro-benzo[1,2,3]
thiadiazole, 4,5-dichloro-thiophene-2-carboxylic acid, 2,6-
dimethyl-isonicotinonitrile, nonafluoro-2,6-bis-
trifluoromethyl-piperidine, (dimethylamino)difluoroborane,
dinitrogen pentoxide, chromyl fluoride, and chromium
hexacarbonyl; 1-methylcyclohexanol, phenyl ether,
nonadecane, 1-tetradecanol, 4-ethylphenol, benzophenone,
maleic anhydride, octacosane, dimethyl isophthalate, buty-
lated hydroxytoluene, glycolic acid, vanillin, magnesium
nitrate hexahydrate, cyclohexanone oxime, glutaric acid,
D-sorbitol, phenanthrene, methacrylamide, fluorene,
4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, trans-stilbene, neopentyl glycol,
pyrogallol, and diglycolic acid; and combinations thereof.
8. A biocompatible composition according to claim 1,
wherein the composition is absorbable by living tissue.
9. A biocompatible composition according to claim 1,
wherein the monomer is 1,1-disubstituted ethylene.
10. Amethod of applying to living tissue a biocompatible
monomer composition, comprising:
A) applying to living tissue a biocompatible adhesive
composition having a shelf life and comprising at least
one monomer, which forms a medically acceptable
polymer, and an effective amount of at least about 1%
by weight of a heat dissipating agent to reduce exo-
thermic polymerization temperature increase; and
B) polymerizing the adhesive composition to form the
medically acceptable polymer.
11. Amethod of applying to living tissue a biocompatible
monomer composition, comprising:
A) applying to living tissue a biocompatible adhesive
composition comprising at least one monomer, which
forms a medically acceptable polymer, and an effective
amount of a heat dissipating agent to reduce exothermic
polymerization temperature increase; and
B) polymerizing the adhesive composition to form the
medically acceptable polymer,
wherein said heat dissipating agent is at least one com-
ponent selected from the group consisting of a solid
(ii) and a liquid selected from the group consisting of
ethers, esters, ketones, chlorofluorocarbons, alkanes,
alkenes and mixtures thereof.
12. A method according to claim 11, wherein the heat
dissipating agent is premixed with the at least one monomer
or is mixed with the at least one monomer immediately prior
to application to the living tissue.
13. A method according to claim 10, wherein the com-
position contains said heat dissipating agent in an amount
sufficient to prevent necrosis of living tissue.
14. A method according to claim 10, wherein the heat
dissipating agent is present in the composition in an amount
of about 0.1 to about 70% by weight.
15. Amethod according to claim 10, wherein said reduc-
tion in temperature increase is about 1 to about 100° C.
16. A method according to claim 10, wherein the heat
dissipating agent is in a solid or a liquid form.
17. A method according to claim 10, wherein the heat
dissipating agent is a volatile liquid.
18. A method according to claim 10, wherein the heat
dissipating agent is selected from the group consisting of
potassium nitrate, sodium acetate trihydrate, sodium sulfate
decahydrate, barium hydroxide octahydrate, calcium oxalate
dihydrate, magnesium oxalate dihydrate, aluminum
hydroxide, zinc sulfate, aluminum oxide, barium oxide,
titanium oxide, manganese oxide, and calcium oxide;
copper, lead, nickel, aluminum and zinc; carbon black and
carbides; urea, paraffin wax and polyvinyl fluoride;
1-fluoropentacyclo[,6.03,10.05,9]undecane, 6,7-
diazabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-6-ene, 5,5,6,6-tetramethylbicyclo
[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol, complex of dimethyl magnesium and
trimcthylaluminum, N-bcnzyl-2,2,3,3,4,4,4-hcptafluoro-
butyramide, 3-isopropyl-5,8a-dimethyl-
decahydronaphthalen-2-ol, 2-hydroxymethyl-1,7,7-
trimethyl-bicyclo [2.2.1]heptan-2-ol, 3,5-dichloro-3-
methyl-cyclopentane-1,2-dione, (5-methyl-2-oxo-bicyclo
[3.3.1.]non-3-en-1-yl)-acetic acid, 4b,6a,11,12-tetrahydro-
indeno [2,1-a]fluorene-5,5,6,6-tetracarbonitrile,
tetracosafluoro-tetradecahydro-anthracene, 4,5-
dichlorobenzene-1,2-dicarbaldehyde, bicyclo[4,3.1] dec-3-
en-8-one, 3-tert-butyl-1,2-bis-(3,5-dimethylphenyl)-3-
hydroxyguanidine, 1-[2,6-dihydroxy-4-methoxy-3-methyl-
phenyl]butan-1-one, 2,3,6,7-tetrachloronaphthalene, 2,3,6-
trimethylnaphthalene, dodecafluoro-cyclohexane, 2,2,6,6-
tetramethyl-4-hepten-3-one, 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2,2-trifluoro-
ethane, [5-(9H-beta-carbolin-1-yl)-furan-2-yl]methanol,
5-nitro-benzo[1,2,3]thiadiazole, 4,5-dichloro-thiophene-2-
carboxylic acid, 2,6-dimethyl-isonicotinonitrile,
(dimethylamino)difluoroborane, dinitrogen pentoxide,
chromyl fluoride, and chromium hexacarbonyl;
1-methylcyclohexanol, phenyl ether, nonadecane,
1-tetradecanol, 4-ethylphenol, benzophenone, maleic
anhydride, octacosane, dimethyl isophthalate, butylated
hydroxytoluene, glycolic acid, vanillin, magnesium nitrate
hexahydrate, cyclohexanone oxime, glutaric acid,
D-sorbitol, phenanthrene, methacrylamide, fluorene,
4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, trans-stilbene, neopentyl glycol,
pyrogallol, and diglycolic acid; and combinations thereof.
19. A method according to claim 10, wherein the com-
position is absorbable by living tissue.
20. A method according to claim 10, wherein the mono-
mer is 1,1-disubstituted ethylene.
21. A method according to claim 11, wherein the mono-
mer and the heat dissipating agent are stored separately and
are mixed during said applying step.
22. A biocompatible composition according to claim 1,
wherein said heat dissipating agent is a volatile liquid.
23. A biocompatible composition according to claim 1,
further comprising a component selected from the group
consisting of an initiator, a thickener, a plasticizer, a
colorant, a formaldehyde scavenger and combinations
24. A biocompatible composition according to claim 1,
wherein the heat dissipating agent is an alkaline metal oxide
selected from the group consisting of aluminum oxide,
barium oxide, titanium oxide, manganese oxide, and cal-
cium oxide.
25. A biocompatible composition according to claim 1,
wherein the heat dissipating agent is a metal selected from
the group consisting of copper, lead, nickel, aluminum and
26. A biocompatible composition according to claim 1,
wherein the heat dissipating agent is carbon black or a
27. A biocompatible composition according to claim 1,
wherein the heat dissipating agent is an organic compound
selected from the group consisting of urea, paraffin wax and
polyvinyl fluoride.
28. A biocompatible monomer composition, comprising:
A) at least one monomer, which forms a medically
acceptable polymer; and
B) an effective amount of at least about 1% by weight of
at least one heat dissipating agent sufficient to reduce
exothermic polymerization temperature increase of the
wherein said heat dissipating agent does not increase the
polymerization rate of the monomer in the composi-
29. A biocompatible monomer composition, comprising:
A) at least one monomer, which forms a medically
acceptable polymer; and
B) an effective amount of at least one heat dissipating
agent sufficient to reduce exothermic polymerization
temperature increase of the composition,
wherein said heat dissipating agent is at least one com-
ponent selected from the group consisting of (a) a solid
and (b) a liquid selected from the group consisting of
ethers, esters, ketones, chlorofluorocarbons, alkanes,
alkenes and mixtures thereof.
30. A method of applying to living tissue a biocompatible
monomer composition comprising:
A) applying to living tissue a biocompatible adhesive
composition comprising at least one monomer, which
forms a medically acceptable polymer, and an effective
amount of at least about 1% by weight of a heat
dissipating agent to reduce exothermic polymerization
temperature increase, wherein said heat dissipating
agent does not increase the polymerization rate of the
monomer in the composition; and
B) polymerizing the adhesive composition to form the
medically acceptable polymer.
31. A biocompatible composition according to claim 29,
wherein the heat dissipating agent is a solid having a
sublimation point from about 20° C. to about 160° C.
32. A biocompatible composition according to claim 29,
wherein the heat dissipating agent is a solid having a melting
point of from about 20° C. to about 160° C.
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