Solubility of Gases in Liquids

Solubility of Gases in Liquids

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254 (1 0) Bunbury, 4, 121: 1525; 22. 158: 861; 14. Patrick, 1, 44: 1; 22. 4, 119: 1126; 21. 7', 74: 567; 10. (20) Estrup, 56, 11: 8; 12. Firth, 4, 119 : 926; 21. 4, 123: 1219; 23. and Kaempfer, 7, 90: 581; 15. 12. (29) Geddes, 8, 29: 797; 09. (30) Georgievies, Z. Farben-Ind, 2: 253; O3. (32) Georgievics and Pollak, 57, 32: 655; 11. (34) Gurvich, 53, 47: 808; 15. 48: 1207; 26. 15. (35) Gustafson, 7, 91: 385; 16. (33) Gutbier, Gebhardt and Ottenstein, 25, 46: 1453; 13. and Maisch, 25, 52: 2275; 19. (4 0) Gutbier, Ottenstein and Weise, Z5, 52: 1366; 19. (42) Harkins and Ewing, 197, 6: 49; 20. (44) Harned, 1, 42: 372,- 20. (47) Hempel and Vater, 9, 18: 724; 12. (43) 1787; 21. Hayashi, 41, 43: 535; 22. Heermann, Fzirber-Ztg., 15: 325, 345; O4. 82: 513; 13. (50) Homfray, 7, 74: 129; 10. van Bemmelen, 1910. 548; 23. 70, 39: 679; 20. INDEX Definitions, abbreviations and symbols. Mathematical relations. Solubilities in Water. Solubilities in non-aqueous pure liquids. Solubilities in liquid metals. Solubilities in solutions. Definitions, Abbreviations, Symbols and Units :1 The Bunsen absorption coefficient. Thevol- ume of gas (reduced to 0°C, 760 mm) Which, at the tem- perature of the experiment, is dis- solved in one volume of the solvent when the partial pressure of the gas is 760 mm. L1 The same as a, except that the total pres- sure is 76O mm. 7 The Kuenen absorp- tion coetficient The same as ax, except that the amount of the solvent is one g. 5 The Raoult absorption coeflicient. T h e number of g of the gas dissolved by 100 cm3 of the solvent at the temperature of experiment when the (11) Chaney, 78, 36:91; 19 (13) Cude and Hulett, 1, 42: 391; 20. (1 5) Dewar, 325, 18: 433; 06. (17) Driver and Firth, .4, 121:. 2409; 22. (19) van Duin, 55, 17: 123; 15. (21) Evans and George, 5, 103: 190; 23. (22) (23) Firth, 54, 42 : 242T; 23. (25) Freundlich, 7, 73: 385; 10. larchemie, p. 234. Leipzig, Akadem. Verlagsges., 1923. (23) Freundlich and Posnjak, 7, 79: 168; (52) Katz, 64V, 21: 230; 12. (54) Koch, Thesis, Zurich, 1918. (59) Kiister, 13, 283: 360; 94. 7 Coefficient 5 Coefficient INTERNATIONAL CRITICAL TABLES (1 2) Claude, 34, (14) Davidheiser and (1 5) Driver and Firth, (1 3) Drucker, (24) Firth and Watson, (35) Freundlich, Ka.pz'l- (3 7) Freundlich (31) Georgievics, 57, 32: 1075; 11. (33) Gillespie and Hall, 1, (35) Gustafson, .9, 21: 459; (37) Gustafson, 19, 7: No. 22; 19. (39) Gutbier (41) Halla, 7, 86: 496; 14. (43) Harkins and Ewing, 1, 43: (4 5) Hawley, 45, 13: 301; 21. (45) (43) Holt, Edgar and Firth, 7, (51) Jorissen, Gedenkboelc aangcboden mm .7. M. (53) Katz, 64F, 26: (55) Kruyt and van Duin, (57) Lacks and Michaelis, SOLUBILITIES OF INDEX Définitions, abréviations et symboles. Relations mathématiques. Solubilités dans l’eau. Solubilités dans les liquides ' ' purs non aqueux. Solubilités dans les métaux liquides. Solubilités dans les solutions. Definitions, Abréviations, Sym- boles et Unités oz Coefficient d’absorp- tion de Bunsen. C’ est le volume de gaz (réduit 5. 0°C, 760 mm) qui est dissout :2 la température de Pexpérience dans un volume du solvant, lorsque la pression partielle du gaz est de 760 mm. )9 Le méme que oz, ex- cepté que la pression totale est de 760 mm d’absorp- tion de Kfinen. Le meme que ex, ex- cepté que la quan- tité du solvant est un gramme. d’absorp— tion de Raoult. C’ est le nombre de grammes du gaz dis- sout dans 100 cm3 du solvant a la tempe- rature de Pexpérience 55, 9'. 275; 12. Langmuir, 1, 40: 1361; 18. (50) Lemon, 2, 14: 281; 19. 5: 289; 19. Lottermoser, 55, 9: 135; 11. Hulett, 1, 42: 1393; 20. and Patrick, 1, 42: 946; 20. (70) Maffia, 287, 3:85; 12. 205, 15: 196; 08. (75) Nowack, 93, 113: 1; 20. 50, 26: 790; 22. Long, 50, 29: 336; 25. (30) Patrick and Opdycke, 50, 29: 601; 25. 50, 29: 421; 25. Piutti, 172, (7th), 2: 83; 09. (39) Schmidt, 7‘, 74: 689; 10. (99) Schmidt-Walter, 55, 14: 242; 14. Sapoéhnikov, 7, 78: 209; 11. 7, 74: 641; 10. and Middleton, 50, 24: 630; 20. (75) Osaka, 451, 1: 257; 15. (73) Patrick and Jones, 50, 29: 1; 25. (55) Lamb, Wilson and Cheney, 45, 11: 420; 19_ (59) (51) Lemon and Blodgett, 2, 14: 394; 19_ 197 (62) Levites, 55, s: 129; 10. ’ (55) Lowry, 1, 46: 824; 24. (57), 83, 14: 202; 19, (5 9) Mcfiaflie and Lehner, 4, 127: 1559; 25. (71) Marc, 7, 75 : 710; 10 (72) Miehaelis and Rona, (73) Miller, 1, 46: 1150; 24. (63) Levites, 55, 9: 1, 11_ (54) (55) Lowry and (53) McGavack (74) Morton. 1,36: 1832;1.;, (77) Paddon, (79) Patrick and (91) Patrick, Preston and Owens, (32) Philip, Dunnill and Workman, 4, 117: 362; 20, (83) (94) Rakovskii, 53, 49: 371; 17. 26. (55) Reichjnstein, 7, 107: 119; 23. (37) Rona and Michaelis, 205, 94: 240; 19. 10. 5: 1265; (35) Richardson, 1, 39: 1828; 17_ (33) Schmidt, 7, 15: 56; 94, (91) Sieverts, 7, 88: 103, 451; 1-1. (92) (93) Sheldon, 2, 16: 165; 20. (95) Traube and Nishizawa, 55, 32: 383; 23. (94) Titov, (93) VVeiser (97) Wiegner, J. Landw., 40: 111, 197; 12_ (93) Wiegner and Burmeister, 55, 8: 126; 11. (99) Williams, 83, 10: 167; 14. (100) Williams, 6'8, 37: 161; 16. (101) Williams, 5, 98: 223; 20. (102) Wm- statter and Wasserrnan, 205, 16: 81; 09. GASES IN LIQUIDS INDEX ‘ INDICE PAGE Definitionen, Abkiirzungen und Definizioni, abbreviazioni e Zeichen. simboli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 254 Mathematische Beziehungen. Relazioni matematiche. . .. 255 Ltislichkeit in Wasser. Solubilita in acqua . . . . . . . . 255 Léslichkeit in wasserfreien rei- Solubilita in liquidi puri nen Fliissigkeiten. non acquosi . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Loslichkeit in fliissigen Metalle. Ltislichkeit in Lfjsungen. Defmitionen, Abkiirzungen, Zeichen und Einheiten oz Der Bunsen—Absorp- tionskoefiizient. Die- ser ist das Volu- men eines Gases (re- duziert auf 0°C und 760 mm) welches in einem Volumteil des Ltisungsmittels bei der Versuchstempe- ratur geltist ist, Wenn der Partialdruck des Gases 760 mm betragt. ,3 So Wie a nur ist der Totaldruck 760 mm. 7 Der K1“men-Absorp- tionskoefiizient. Die- ser ist gleich oz nur betragt die Menge des Lt3sungs- mittels 1 Gramm. 6 _ Der Raoult—Absorp- tionskoefizient. Ist die Anzahl der Gramme des Gases welche von 100 cm?‘ des Losungsmittels bei der Versuchs- Solubilita in metalli liquidi 270 Solubilita in soluzioni. . . . . 271 Definizioni, Abbreviazioni, Simboli e Unité oz Coefiiciente di assor- bimento di Bunsen. Volume di gas (a 0°C '\e 760 mm) che, alla 9 temperatura dell’ esperienza, si scio- glie in un volume di solvente quando la pressione parziale del gas e di 760 mm. 5 Lo stesso coefficiente a, con la differenza che la pressione to- tale e di 760 mm. 7 Coefificiente di assorbi- mentodiKi‘1nen. Lo stesso coefficiente oz riferito pero ad un g di solvente." 6 Coefficiente di assorbi- mento di Raoult. Numero di grammi di gas disciolti da 100 cm’ di solvente alla temperature. dell’es— perienza, quando 6 . 1 3 I i«»»..._.. ...-..,.-,_..._._.. i ____I_ SOLUBILITY—GASES IN LIQUIDS I 265 C2H5OH (49 93); C5Hs (126); CeH5CH3 (46); ethyl, CO2 C2H4BI‘2, Ethylene propyl and isobutyl alcohols (96); quinoline (102). 955% H2304 (21); bromide t, °C at - SbH3 in organic liquids (124) cf. (s4) (63) 40 2.23 t, cc C, 1, °C 5. 50 1.89 20 0,9230 15 2.298 t = —78°C; dz" = C014 (63) 20 2.137 0.872 (109: 122) G3-TABLE. THE (E-ARRANGEMENT 15 2_ 467 25 L976 ,. poo), mm a Solubilities of organic compounds 20 2.331 (59) 100 95-75 _ 25 2.102 1-8 2.18 200 97.15 CO’ Carbon monomde ' CS2 (63); cf_ (136) 20 2.12 300 98.65 Solvent ‘ t, °C 1030. I Lit. 15 0,8954 22 2.06 400 100.1 H so (95.67) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ' 21.64 (21) 20 0.8282 24 2-00 500 101-6 C62, éarbon §1su1fide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 75.58 (63) 25 0.7969 26 1-94 600 103-1 25 7617 5 (53) CHC13; cf)“, 30, 58, 28 1.85 700 104.6 . 25 87.9 (119) K 136.5) 30 1-82 1 = —59°C3 dim = CHC13, Chloroform. .......... 20 176.8 (63) ' (63) :2 0-856 25 179-0 (63) 15 3.750 ~ 100 34-7 I. 25 189 (119) 20 3 .430 36 1.65 200 34 .8 011.0, Methyl alcohol ........... . . 20 170.5 (63) 25 3- 142 C’H‘C]1fi’ Eflhylene 351 25 179.1 (63) (69) 0 011 8 35-27 25 130 (119) 18 3 59 ((63) 500 35.45 023.01., Ethylene chloride . . . . . . . . 20 135 (119) 20 3' 47 15 3-850 600 35-63 C2H402, AS81110 301d. . . '. . . . . .A . . . . . . (63) 3 25 157_0 (33) 24 3'22 25 55.22%) 740 35.84- , 25 158 (119) 26 3 ‘ 09 C2H4O2, AS38510 acld (110) 02151.0, Ethyl alcohol; cf. (18, 2°)... 20 177.1 (ea) 28 2:96 (8110111) PC02:atm'| 0 A9’* 25 17(3_() (63) 30 2 81 (63) . t = 20 C 25 176 (119) 32 2:66 15 5.322 30 98.9 C.H..0, Acetone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 198.3 (63) 34 2 50 20 4-779 35 119-0 25 203.8 (53) ' 25 4.287 40 14.0.2 25 218_ (119) C1338 M th (59) 45 2 158.7 CsHsO3 Glycerol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Very small (119) 4 7 9 y 9‘ Co‘ 13 5-07 50 176-1 C-1HsO2: Ethyl acetate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 225.4 ‘ (63) 151101 (61114 366 t = 35°C . 25 230_5 (63) ' . - 30 69.98 C.H..,0, Ethyl ether . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 361.8 (22) 2° 3 ' 918 24 4-51 35 85-4 10 370.6 25 _3-515 26 4.32 40 100.9 For Pup to 1200 atm .......... .. (24) 18 (‘*0 3 41 28 4.15 45 114.9 0.121120, Amyl alcohol . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 159.0 (63) ‘ 30 3-07 50 127-9 . 25 1575 (63) 20 3-33 32 3.80 55 140.2 CeHaNO2, Nitrobenzene . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 84.84 (63) 22 3'25 34 3'65 50 153-8 25 85.81 (53) 24 3'16 36 ' 3.53 65 169.4 2 25 85 (119) 26 3 - 07 0.11.0, Ethyl 9160- 70 189.5 CoH6, Benzene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 153.3 (63) _ h°1(§::%) . 1 = 60°C 25 156_4 (63) 32 2'76 ' 40 61.3 25 159 (119) ' 15 2.967 45 71.3 CeH7N, Aniline; cf. (77) .......... .. 25 49 (us) 34.4‘ (1) 2E4 20 2-724 50 81-2 20 (53) t = -7800; d; S = 25 91.0 25 49)-)9 (53) 0.884 (109! 122) (69) 60 101.1 C.H.,0., Isobutyl acetate . . . . . . . . .. 20 215.6 (63) P002: mm a 18 2-77 65 110- 6 25 216.7 (63) 100 167.4 20 2.67 70 119. 2 CH8, Toluene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 162.3 (63) :33 fig-)1: 22 2-3 73 221- 1 25 165.6 (63) ‘ ~ - 8 3 -2 0.11.402, Amyl acetate ........... . . 20 196.4 (63) Egg 2:3) 2-32 31; 140- 9 25 196.1 (53) . .23 - 153.1 0.111., Xylene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 162.5 (63) 23 5 :2 $3 100 "1295 2 - 25 163.2 (63) - ~ 1 = 100 Various organic solvents, 7;. (35: 107) 15 = —59°C} -61:59 = (99%) (15) 50 32.9 Russian petroleum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 134 (43) 0'866 -65 ’3 3938 55 44-6 - 20 123 . 100 54.2 -25 8.86 60 50.2 Transformer oil “Wemco A”* . . . . . . 25 186 (36) 200 54' 5 -20 T67 65 58-6 80 153 300 54.7 — 10 5. 75 70 66.9 * See note to H2, p. 262. +13 600 55 . 2 20 3 . 00 85 88 . 8 700 55.3 30 2 59 90 95.0 266 INTERNATIONAL CRITICAL TABLES CO2.—(Cont-inued) CsHs02, Propionic CaHsO.- C4HaO2.——(C'ont’d.) C.,H1oO, Ethyl ether CsHsN.—(Coni’d.) C2HsO.— acid (63) (Continued) PO02, mm a - (22) t, °C 0: (Continued) t, °C at Pco2,atm. fi'* t = -—59°C; 1, °C c: 28 3.11 1 = 100°c.— 15 4.533 35 46.5 71;” = 0.994 0 7.330 30 3.00 (Continued) 20 4. 106' 40 - 55. 1 100 33. 3 10 5.331 32 2.39 Pco2,a.t1n. 6'* 25 3 .736 45 64.2 200 33. 9 15 5.130 34 2.73 95 100.9 C H O Methylaw 50 73.3 300 34. 2 130 36 2.63 100 106.1 3ta;e2E109’122) 55 32.6 400 35.1 ( >g CO2 0.131131, AmyIb1-0. 105 111.3 t = __783C_ 60 92.2 500 86.2 t, °C gEtheI_ 1111.18 (63) 110 116.5 73 __ ’ 65 102.2 600 87.5 15 2 557 oz: -1.056 -78.6 0.551 - 115 121.5 70 111.5 700 33.9 _ 20 2.158 pco._,, mm a 70 0.320 120 125.5 50 3138 75 121.5 (110) _60 0 192 25 2219 125 128-4 100 313 9 8° 131-3 ?’°°2-3‘m- 5” -50 01125 07111101 Amy1ch1o- 130 130.7 ' 35 141.5 1: 20°C _ ' ride 63 200 314.1 40 0 033 ( ) 135 132 300 314.6 90 152-7 24 141-8 -30 0057 ' 15 3.188 See further (1. 9, 400 315.8 95 165-1 25 147.9 _20 01,39 20 291.1 13, 18, 20, 4s, 92)_ 500 318.2 100 178 30 174_1 _10 0026 25 2666 C H B P 1 D 600 321.7 1 = 100 °C 35 193-7 0 0.019 C1H1707 Amyl alco- “ I; 1””-, d 1E’§33’)" 9 650 323.6 38 17-16 40 2:39-2 +10 0.017 ho1(‘*3) t D18“ 9 t = _59°C. 40 21.74 t = 35 C 15_2c_f_(1) 0316 - 15 1_951 . _ or _59 _ 4 45 32.23 29 124.5 - 20 1209 15 2--451 ‘14 “ 1-032 50 40.35 30 123.5 01°) 25 - 1 677 20 3-385 :38’ E;--:’ 55 48.64 35 143.6 Pcozyatm. 1-3’* (69) 35 2-103 300 98-5 60 55.71 40 165.1 1 = 35°C _ 20 1_-,2 _ - 65 62.7 45 177.7 43 175.2 22 1.74 3 CsHsC120_. D:e3h1o- :33 33-3 - 70 69.5 50 135.0 45 179.2 24 1.70 rohydrm ( ) 600 100-1 75 76.1 55 137.7 50 139.3 ' 26 1.65 I 1 13 1-3:? 700 100:8 30 32.3 60 139.1 55 200.4 23 1.60 5 25 1-658 (63) 35 33.5 t= 60 C 53 207.1 30 1.56 1 - 90 94.7 29 85.6 32 1.51 - t °C a t = 60°C ‘ 0.11.0, Acetone 25 5.949 133 $3 SE -13:: 43 135.4 C £131 Tn.C11'1fo6r0_ =- - - 6 a 3 - (631 0.1310 Propyl 5156- 105 112.7 40 114.3 50 139-5 1,..,.Z’.,.e(s1, 20 6-449 11o1(63) 110 113 '5 45 124 6 -55 149-3 25 | 1 505 5.767 ' - - ‘ 25 (69) 25 ] 2.239 115 124.4 50 133.9 3% Egg 0.11.31, Bromoben- 116 125.5 55 142.8 ' zene (53) 20 6.50
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