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DOI 10.1002/biot.200600123
Biotechnol. J. 2006, 1, 976–987
Research Article
Piezoelectric ink jet processing of materials for medical
and biological applications
Jan Sumerel1, John Lewis2, Andy Doraiswamy2, Leila F. Deravi3, Sarah L. Sewell3, Aren E. Gerdon3,
David W. Wright3 and Roger J. Narayan2
Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
3Department of Chemistry, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
Many advanced medical and biological devices require microscale patterning of cells, proteins,
and other biological materials. This article describes the use of piezoelectric ink jet processing in
the fabrication of biosensors, cell-based assays, and other microscale medical devices. A microelectromechanical system-based piezoelectric transducer was used to develop uniform fluid flow
through nozzles and to prepare well-defined microscale patterns of proteins, monofunctional acrylate ester, sinapinic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and DNA scaffolds on relevant substrates.
Our results demonstrate that piezoelectric ink jet deposition is a powerful non-contact, non-destructive additive process for developing biosensors, cell culture systems, and other devices for
medical and biological applications.
Received 12 July 2006
Accepted 14 July 2006
Keywords: Biomaterials · Ink jet · Microarray · Piezoelectric · Tissue engineering
Recent advances in tissue engineering, biological sensing, and biotechnology have resulted from two complementary forces. First, there is a natural evolution towards
microscale patterning and rapid prototyping of materials
as novel technologies become available. Second, patterned materials provide the capability for specific interactions with cells, proteins, DNA, viruses, and other biological structures. Micropatterned biological materials are
not only essential in medicine and biology, they are also of
increasing interest in microelectronics, microelectro-
Correspondence: Professor Roger J. Narayan, Joint Department of
Biomedical Engineering, Campus Box 7575, University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7575, USA
E-mail: roger_narayan@unc.edu
Fax: +1-919-5133814
Abbreviations: DAPI, diaminidino-2-phenyl indole; FT-IR, Fourier transform
infrared; MAPLE DW, matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation direct write;
MEMS, microelectromechanical system; PZT, lead zirconate titanate
© 2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
mechanical systems (MEMS), sensors, display units, and
optoelectronic devices [1].
One possible application for microscale patterning of
biomaterials is tissue engineering. The demand for replacement materials for damaged or diseased tissues has
led to the development of this field, which involves creating tissue substitutes by placing living cells within threedimensional hydrogels [poly(vinyl alcohol)], resorbable
polymers [poly(lactic acid)], or naturally derived material
scaffolds (collagen) that help guide development [2–5].
The cell-seeded structures are then placed in bioreactors
that provide the nutrients that allow cells to multiply within the scaffold. The cellular structures in the three-dimensional scaffold are then implanted in the body, so that it
can resume normal function. Rapid prototyping techniques are used to guide cell growth within scaffolds; for
example, patterned growth factors or cytokines manipulate cell attachment and differentiation [6].
Patterning technologies may also benefit the fabrication of cell-based biosensors and biological assays. A
biosensor is an analytical device that uses antibodies, enzymes, nucleic acids, microorganisms, isolated cells, or
other biologically derived systems as a sensing element
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[7, 8]. These devices may be used to monitor variations in
chemical and biological environments. Cell-based assays
have been considered for use in prescreening pharmacological agents, proteins, and nucleic acids. DNA, RNA,
and protein arrays have been used in biosensors, immunoassays, cell-culture devices, drug delivery devices,
and high throughput drug screening devices [9]. Rapid
prototyping techniques like ink jet printing may allow for
high-throughput production of patterned multiplexed biological materials without the use of masks, stamps, ribbons, or other costly and time-consuming conventional
processing equipment.
Rapid prototyping is a materials processing technology originally developed approximately 30 years ago for the
preparation of machine tool prototypes [10]. In rapid prototyping, three-dimensional structures are created by selectively joining materials in an additive manner. These
technologies include layer-by-layer growth of solids, liquids, or powders. Rapid prototyping technologies are subcategorized into contact and non-contact deposition.
Some commonly used rapid prototyping techniques in
biomedical engineering include fused deposition modeling, stereolithography apparatus, selective laser sintering, laser direct writing, microcontact printing, and ink jet
Solid-based rapid prototyping techniques involve the
joining or fusing of extruded material [11, 12]. For example, in fused deposition modeling, material is melted and
extruded into thin filaments on a mobile platform, which
can operate along X-, Y-, and Z- planes. The filaments fuse
together upon cooling [11]. One of the disadvantages of
fused deposition modeling is high operating temperatures. As a result, patterning of many biological materials
is precluded [7, 12]. In addition, materials prepared using
this process exhibit very high porosities and poor mechanical properties. Several variants of the fused deposition modeling process have been developed to overcome
these limitations, including precision extrusion manufacturing, low-temperature deposition manufacturing, and
rapid prototyping robotic dispensing.
Liquid-based techniques involve selective solidification of material in the liquid phase [11]. For example, in
stereolithography, a photocurable resin is selectively solidified upon exposure to UV laser radiation. In this technique, movement of a Z-height stage controls exposure of
the laser to a liquid resin reservoir. The X- and Y-stage
movements may be used to pattern the material in the Zplane. The laser polymerizes the liquid resin layer to generate a layer of solidified material. The table is then lowered and another layer is selectively cured. This layer-bylayer buildup process is repeated until the desired threedimensional structure is obtained. The structure is then
removed from the liquid reservoir, baked, and cleaned.
Several factors, including encoder resolution, table step
height, laser spot size, and laser performance determine
the resulting resolution of fabricated structures processed
© 2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
using this technique. In addition, the biological, chemical, and mechanical properties of the resins, breakdown
products, diluents, and dispersants used in stereolithography may not be suitable for many medical and biological applications [13, 14].
Powder-based rapid prototyping techniques involve
selective melting of powders or granules in a powder bed
using a high-power laser. Prior to laser exposure, the powder is annealed to a temperature close to its transition
melting point, such that only a small increase in temperature is required to cause localized melting. A three-dimensional object is formed by moving the height-adjustable table containing the powder bed after processing
of each layer. This technique has been utilized to fabricate
complex porous ceramic matrices suitable for implantation in a bone defect [15]. Many other materials, including
nylon, polystyrene, and titanium, may also be processed
using this technique. The technique has the capability to
process 3-D structures with complex features, including
overhangs and undercuts. However, materials processed
using selective laser sintering generally exhibit high
porosity and surface roughness, which may preclude its
use in many medical applications.
Matrix-assisted pulsed-laser evaporation direct write
(MAPLE DW), also known as laser forward transfer, has recently been used for sub-10-µm resolution patterning of
cells, biological materials, and organic materials. The
process is a variation of the MAPLE technique, which is
used for thin film processing of polymeric biomaterials
[16]. The MAPLE DW system utilizes an UV laser source,
a ribbon, a receiving substrate, and an X-Y-Z translational stage. The biomaterial to be deposited is embedded in
a UV-absorbing matrix material. The biomaterial-matrix
mixture is then spin-coated onto an optically transparent
quartz piece, which is known as the ribbon. A computerguided laser selectively ablates the matrix, which propels
less than 10 nL of the biomaterial from the ribbon to the
substrate. This subtractive process operates at room temperature and ambient pressure. MAPLE DW is a flexible
process that can be used to fabricate micropatterns at
lower laser fluences or to provide annealing, cleaning, and
micromachining at higher laser fluences.
The MAPLE DW process provides several advantages
over other techniques, including: (i) enhanced cell-substrate adhesion, (ii) deposition under ambient conditions,
(iii) the amount of material transferred can be quantitatively determined, and (iv) multilayered structures can be
prepared by serial ablation of several ribbons. MAPLE DW
has been used to create composite patterns of bioceramic and osteoblast-like cells, which have potential applications in orthopedic and dental tissue engineering [17].
Neuroblast-like B35 cells were deposited at several
depths within protein gels; these structures may be used
for regeneration of damaged peripheral nerves [18]. More
recently, the MAPLE DW system has been used to machine microscale channels in agarose substrates. Chan-
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nels with widths between 60 and 400 µm were filled with
adhesive proteins and cells. The structures were delaminated from the agarose substrates, and free-standing cellular networks were obtained [19, 20].
Microcontact printing transfers a fluid film from a
poly(dimethysiloxane) stamp onto a substrate [21]. Although the microcontact printing method may be used to
create patterns at relatively low costs, it is plagued by
stamp fatigue and resolution problems [22]. There is also
evidence that the micropatterned surfaces produced using this technique continue to degrade after deposition
[23]. This process may not be specific to the microcontact
printing technique, and it may result from the use of materials to reduce adhesion between corresponding surface areas. Pattern resolution has been increased by employing a laser-scanning confocal microscope to pattern
the photoresist used in the fabrication of the master
stamp [24]. Moving this method to large scale use will require additional fabrication advances.
In contrast to other prototyping methods, ink jet printing is a relatively straightforward fabrication process. In
general, many formats of 2-D drawings, pictures and
structures can be converted to a bit map image. The resulting bit map image can then be rasterized into X- and
Y-coordinates to deposit materials in a corresponding
printed pattern. This high-resolution patterning technology has many potential biological and medical applications. For example, ink jet printing technology has recently been used to fabricate electronic, medical, optical,
and polymeric devices [25, 26].
Ink jet printers can dispense fluid droplets with volumes in the picoliter to microliter range, and the volume
is related to nozzle size. The resolution of patterns prepared using ink jet printing is determined by a number of
factors, including ink viscosity, surface tension, droplet
size and lateral resolution of the printer head [27]. The development of desktop thermal ink jet printers by Canon
and Hewlett-Packard [28] drove ink jet technology from
expensive industrial applications to universal availability.
The chemical properties of inks determine their jettability in a printer. As a result, the inks are tailored specifically for the printing device that is employed. Surface tension and viscosity are two primary chemical properties
that determine printing success. During droplet formation, energy is distributed between viscous flow, the drop
surface tension, and the drop kinetic energy.
Syringe-solenoid ink jet printers contain a syringe
pump and a microsolenoid valve. The syringe pump is
used to compress the fluid in the reservoir. When opened,
the solenoid valve creates a pressure wave that forces fluid through the orifice [29]. There are three types of solenoid dispensers: flow through, aspirate-dispense, and isolated. These printers cannot generate droplets in the picoliter range. As a result, they are primarily used for liquid
dispensing on a large scale. These valves rapidly switch
back and forth between their open and closed states in
© 2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Biotechnol. J. 2006, 1, 976–987
very small, rapid pulses to permit the flow of pressurized
liquid. Microsolenoid valves demonstrate higher resolution patterns. Improving dispensing precision is obtained
due to decrease in drop size after each valve closure. The
capability for rapid actuation makes the solenoid type of
dispenser ideal for non-stop reagent dispensing, These
dispensers have become an integral component of highthroughput laboratory applications in pharmaceutical industries.
In thermal ink jet printers, the printhead includes a
nozzle, heater, chamber (site of bubble growth), manifold,
and restrictor (ink path from between manifold and chamber). The resistive element heats a plate to approximately 300°C. As a result, a bubble boils out from the fluid in
the chamber. This process forces fluid out of the nozzle
[30]. Ink flows from the restrictor to the chamber after the
bubble shrinks. Thermal ink jet printers are subdivided
into three groups based on the orientation between the
plane of bubble formation and the ejection of the droplet:
roof shooting (ejection and bubble formation are in same
direction), back shooting (ejection and bubble formation
are in opposite directions), and side shooting (ejection is
perpendicular to bubble formation). Major fabrication advances have been made using thermal ink jet printing [26]
due to the low cost and wide availability of printheads.
However, the thermal ink jet process may cause damage
to thermally sensitive materials used in biology and medicine.
In contrast, piezoelectric ink jet printers have demonstrated greater promise for use in rapid prototyping and
patterning of materials for medical and biological applications. The pressing requirements for smaller drop sizes,
faster printing speeds, lower device costs, higher precision of printed features, and higher resolution of printed
features have led to the use of silicon MEMS techniques
for fabrication of ink jet printheads. Silicon fabrication
methods have provided both improved overall jet-to-jet
uniformity and increased fluid resistance performance
characteristics. The jet-to-jet uniformity increased drop
placement accuracy. In addition, the expansion of the operating range provided higher ink throughput values.
Since silicon is a chemically inert material, a broad range
of jettable fluids, including graphic arts inks, functional
inks, and biologically relevant materials may be processed
using piezoelectric ink jet printing.
Piezoelectric ink jet printing is a thermally constant
process that can be carried out at room temperature or in
a localized cold environment. The piezoelectric printhead
consist of a piezoelectric transducer, nozzles, manifolds,
ink pumping chambers, and fluid inlet passages. When a
voltage is applied to the lead zirconate titanate (PZT)
piezoelectric transducer, the transducer deforms and creates mechanical vibrations. These vibrations create
acoustic waves, which in turn force ink out of the chamber through the nozzle [31]. Piezoelectric print heads are
categorized based on the deformation mode of the trans-
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ducer (e.g., squeeze mode, bend mode, push mode, or
shear mode) [32]. For example, the ink jet cartridge in the
Dimatix Materials Printer (Dimatix Inc., Santa Clara, CA,
USA) is powered by a thin piezoelectric unimorph, which
is constructed in the plane of the wafer. This structure
consists of patterned PZT bonded to a silicon diaphragm
[31]. Actuation of the PZT piezoelectric transducer is in
the plane of the wafer (bender mode). A die consists of 16
individually addressable jets that release drops perpendicular to the wafer from an array of inline nozzles that are
spaced 254 µm apart. The effective diameter of the nozzle
is 21.5 µm, which provides a drop in the ~10 pL range.
The optimum viscosity for jettable fluids in piezo
drop-on-demand printheads is ~8–14 mPas (8–14 cps).
However, most biological materials exhibit very low viscosities (0.1–1 cps) and very high surface tension values
(58–60 cps dynes/cm). As a result, it is important to be
able to adjust the operating parameters of the ink jet printhead to successfully jet low viscosity fluids. For example,
in the Dimatix Materials printing system, it is possible to
adjust the frequency of the waveform, the voltage to individual nozzles, and the structure of the waveform that
drives the movement of the PZT piezoelectric transducer.
As discussed here, this piezeoelectric ink jet printing may
be used to develop microscale patterns of materials for
medical and biological applications. Streptavidin protein,
monofunctional acrylate esters, sinapinic acid, DNA, and
multiwalled carbon nanotube/DNA hybrid materials have
been printed on technologically relevant substrates. The
patterned materials have been examined using several
characterization techniques, including optical microscopy, atomic force microscopy, electron microscopy,
Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, PCR, and
quartz crystal microbalance. Our results demonstrate that
piezoelectric ink jet deposition is a powerful non-contact,
non-destructive additive process for developing biosensors, cell culture systems, and other devices for medical
and biological applications.
Ink Jet processing of streptavidin patterns
Rhodamine-conjugated streptavidin (Pierce Chemicals,
Rockford, IL, USA) was dissolved in PBS (Fisher Scientific, Fair Lawn, NJ, USA) to create a 1.6 mM solution.
Polysorbate 20 surfactant (1%; Fisher Scientific, Fair
Lawn, NJ, USA) was added to isolate the water-soluble
protein. Silicon, methyl cellulose, and borosilicate glass
slides substrates were used in these studies. A piezoelectric ink jet materials printer (Dimatix) produced digitally
fabricated microarrays. The protein solution was maintained at 28°C, purged through the printhead for uniform
droplet formation and then calibrated at a constant velocity of 0.58 m/s for all nozzles prior to deposition. The time
of flight (TOF) of the ~10-pL drops was recorded using a
stroboscopic broad band white light emitting diode and a
© 2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
CCD camera with a high-resolution 4× magnification lens
and a spectral response of greater than 60% between
400–700 nm. The camera’s field of view is approximately
1.2 × 1.6 mm. The strobe frequency is matched to the
waveform frequency, and the computer aided design/
computer aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) motion control software (Drop Manager, Dimatix) has a built-in variable delay and drop refresh rate controls. The protein solution was deposited at 13 V using an optimized waveform. The ink jetted protein patterns were stored at a temperature of 4°C prior to characterization. In addition, a
drop-cast sample of the rhodamine-conjugated streptavidin protein was prepared for FT-IR spectroscopy studies
(see below).
Ink jet patterns were initially imaged using a broadband emission white light emitting diode source and a
CCD camera outfitted with a high-resolution 4× magnification lens, which is integrated into the materials deposition printer. FT-IR spectroscopy was performed using a
5000 series spectrometer (Mattson, Madison, WI, USA),
which provides 4 cm–1 resolution. The absorption spectra
(4000–500 cm–1) was recorded for both the ink jet deposited protein and drop-cast streptavidin protein films
as a control. Atomic force microscopy was performed using an N-scriptor system (Nanoink, Skokie, IL, USA). In
this system, the scanning head provides a maximum scan
range of 80 µm × 80 µm. The imaging was performed in
contact mode using silicon nitride cantilevers (spring
constant = 0.06 N m–1) with integrated pyramidal tips.
Linear and 3-D profiles were obtained using Nanorule
data analysis (Nanoink). Optical fluorescent microscopy
of the ink jetted protein patterns was performed using a
DLMB upright microscope (Leica Microsystems, Wetzlar,
The appropriate jetting voltage, firing frequency,
waveform, and viscosity for the streptavidin/PBS solution
were determined after systematic studies using several
deposition conditions. Figure 1a contains optical micrographs of streptavidin ink drops generated at 13 V, and
Fig. 1b shows drop location measured from the nozzle
plate at specific time points. The mass-velocity remained
constant after an initial 25–30 µs period. An optical image of an ink jetted streptavidin array on a silicon substrate is shown in Fig. 2. Various grid spacings and 2-D
patterns were obtained using Drop Manager. Figure 2a
shows ~20-µm features prepared using ink jetting, and
Fig. 2b shows ~60-µm features prepared using ink jetting. The spacing between the features was well controlled. Occasionally, feature overlap was observed. The
dried 60-mm drops were imaged using contact mode
atomic force microscopy. Figure 3a and b contain low and
high resolution atomic force micrographs of the ink jetted
streptavidin protein arrayed patterns, respectively. The
ink jetted proteins exhibited randomly oriented peaks,
troughs, and feature sizes. The streptavidin features varied in size from 3 to 8 µm. Figure 3b shows a clear contrast
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Figure 1. (a) Optical micrographs of
streptavidin protein-ink jetting out of
the nozzle plate. The droplets were captured at 20, 50, 100, and 200 μs.
(b) Drop location measured from the
nozzle plate at specific time intervals.
Figure 2. Optical micrographs of several ink jet-deposited streptavidin dot
arrays, which contain different feature spacings.
Figure 3. Contact mode atomic force micrographs of ink jet-deposited
streptavidin arrays.
© 2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
square-shaped streptavidin feature with a flat upper surface. Figure 4 contains a 3-D topography image of the protein patterns of Fig. 3a type pattern. A height profile of the
protein structures shown in Fig. 5 indicates feature
heights of approximately 2.2 µm with approximately
10-µm spacing. A high-resolution atomic force micrograph of the surface of the streptavidin feature in Fig. 3b
is shown in Fig. 6. At a scan length of 0.67 µm on the feature surface, the Z-distance (peak to peak) was observed
to be 0.68 µm with an average surface roughness of
0.092 µm. The atomic force micrographs demonstrated
clear contrast images of the streptavidin patterns obtained by ink jetting. The distinctive micrometer-sized Zheights and uniform smooth surfaces are unique to the
piezoelectric ink jetting process. The streptavidin protein
used in this study was labeled with rhodamine for imaging using fluorescence microscopy. Figure 7 shows fluorescence micrographs of a rhodamine-labeled streptavidin microarray prepared using ink jet printing. Feature
sizes of approximately 20 µm were observed. Randomly
oriented peaks, troughs, and feature sizes were observed
in the patterned material. Figure 8a and b contain fluorescent micrographs at several resolutions of ink jetted
streptavidin in a hatched-line pattern on a silicon substrate.
The length of the line pattern was varied by altering the
overlap of the droplets or the mass-velocity of the fluid.
Developing this ink jet process further, we embedded proteins within a gel-like substrate. Figure 9a and b contain
fluorescent micrographs of ink jetted streptavidin patterns at several resolutions. These figures suggest that
streptavidin was embedded at variable depths within the
methyl cellulose gel. To compare the native protein before
and after jetting, FT-IR absorption spectra of ink jet de-
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Figure 4. 3-D topographic image of the
ink jet-deposited streptavidin microarrays (scan area 39 μm, Z-height
5.29 μm).
Figure 5. Height profile of streptavidin
protein microarray, with features spaced
approximately 10 μm apart.
Figure 6. 3-D topographic image of ink
jet-deposited streptavidin protein (scan
size 0.67 μm, average surface roughness 0.09 μm).
posited and drop-cast streptavidin are shown in Fig. 10.
Good correspondence between the peaks is observed.
Slight differences in peak height were attributed to a variation in concentration between the drop-cast and ink jet-
© 2006 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
deposited samples. The observed peaks were identified
and are listed in Table 1. Unlike many other high-throughput rapid prototyping techniques that require sample
heating, piezoelectric ink jet deposition allows for rapid
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Table 1. FT-IR absorption peaks for streptavidin protein deposited using
piezoelectric ink jet printing
Peak wave number
Monosubstituted amide
Strong amino acid zwitterions
Secondary amine (CH2–N)
C=O stretching
Aromatic ring stretching
Weak amino acid zwitterions
1297.9, 1249.9
Conjugated thiol
g, h
deposition of heterogeneous microscale patterns of biomolecules. It is important to note that proteins were reproducibly printed using the MEMS device piezo ink jet printhead, and no obstruction of the printhead was observed.
Figure 7. Optical fluorescent micrographs of rhodamine-labeled streptavidin deposited on a silicon substrate in a dot array pattern. Micrographs
were obtained at several resolutions.
Figure 8. Optical fluorescent micrographs of rhodamine-labeled streptavidin protein deposited on a silicon substrate in a hatch pattern. Micrographs were obtained at several resolutions.
Ink jet processing of monofunctional acrylate
Miniaturization of medical device packaging requires
spatially controlled precise deposition of materials.
UV/electron beam-cured coatings, inks, and adhesives
are critical materials for these advanced devices [33]. The
need for higher level packaging to increase board density
and complexity also requires adhesive-specific technical
advances [34]. Stenciling is one available technology for
Figure 9. Optical fluorescent micrographs of rhodamine-labeled streptavidin protein deposited on a methyl cellulose gel in a dot array pattern.
Micrographs were obtained at several resolutions.
Figure 10. FT-IR absorption spectra
overlay of ink jet-deposited and
drop cast streptavidin protein.
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Figure 11. Optical micrograph of piezoelectric ink jet printed monofunctional acrylate ester on silicon wafer.
patterning of adhesives; however, there are disadvantages of this process, including (i) the typical dip and
stamp set up involves the use of excessive amounts of adhesive, and (ii) there is no control of individual adhesive
drop placement or volume. In addition, the stencils wear
out over time, so deposition precision decreases with
each stamping event. Ink jet printing of adhesives may allow for the precise deposition of these materials. We have
deposited both thin films and arrays of Sartomer CD277
(Sartomer, Exton, PA, USA), a monofunctional acrylate ester. This material exhibit suitable chemical properties for
piezoelectric ink jetting (surface tension = 28.5 dynes/cm,
viscosity = 6 cps at 25°C), and was used in as-packaged
form. Figure 11 shows an optical micrograph of the resulting drop pattern onto the silicon wafer. The resulting
drops were approximately 56 µm each, and spacing between drops was approximately 266 µm. This ability to
pattern an adhesive with drop sizes of