2-Cyanoacrylates. Synthesis, Properties, and Applications
2-Cyanoacrylates. Synthesis, Properties, and Applications
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Methods for the synthesis, properties and applications of alkyl 2-cyanoacrylates are surveyed. The reactions of alkyl 2-cyanoacrylates with various nucleophiles (thiols, alcohols, diols, hydrogen sulfide, phosphines, etc.) including a new reaction involving insertion of isocyanates into the C=C bonds in the adducts of alkyl 2-cyanaocrylates with trialkylphosphines are considered. The prospects for the use of alkyl 2-cyanoacrylates in organic synthesis, in the chemistry of polymers and in the chemistry of adhesives are described. The bibiolgraphy includes 177 references.
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Russian Chemical Re views 66 (I l) 953 — 962 (1997)
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© "1997 Russian Academy of Sciences and Turpion Ltd
UDC 542.933:547.39l;S47.24l
2-Cyanoacrylates. Synthesis, properties and applications 7"
Yu G G-ololobov, W Gruber
I. Introduction
II. Methods for the synthesis of alley] 2-cyanoacrylates ,
Ill. Physical properties of 2-cyanoacrylrates
IV. Chemical properties of 2-cyanoacrylic acid and its derivatives
V. Prospects for the application ol“2-cyanoacrylates
Abstract. Methods for the synthesis, properties and applications
of allcyl 2-cyanoacrylates are surveyed. The reactions of alkyl
2-cyanoacrylales with various nncleophiles {thio1s, alcohols, diols,
hydrogen sulfide. phosphines, etc.) including a new reaction
involving insertion of isocyanates and lsothiocyanates into the
C: C bonds in the adducts of alkyl 2-cyanoacrylates with
trialkylphosphines are considered. The prospects for the use of
alkyl 2~eyanoacrylates in organic synthesis, in the chemistry of
polymers and in the chemistry of adhesives are described. The
bibliography includes I i 7 references.
I. Introduction
Al‘-:Cl-lg5[CN)CGOE: + Ts}-E3 -——*
_,__.. ref,’ C(CN)-COOEE _,q
3 rl "
Ts’, N’
f 9”"
*" F‘r3l°=l\'Ts + —r‘CH2—C
15 (E20051).
2). Reactions of 2-cyanoacryiates with nuclenphiles containing active
hydrogen atoms
When ACAS react with weak nucleophilcs, irrespective of the
particular experimental procedure. conditions are created under
which ACAS instantaneously‘ polymerise. However, when the
nueieophile contains an active hydrogen atom, polymerisation of
ACA is suppressed, because the primary adduct 6 is stabilised
through self-protonaticn.
.;: —. -C.t—t;=C(CN)(‘.0OR -= §*uCHactcNtcooii ——
H H 6
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The interaction of ACAs with thiols of diverse structures
under conditions when excess thiol is present (which is achieved by
adding the ACA to the reactions mixture) apparently gives rise to
zwittcr—ion 16 in the first stage of the process. Since the proton at
the sulfur atom in this zwitter-ion is relatively active, this species is
rapidly self-protonated giving sulfide 17.7“ Dlthio- and thio-acids
react with ACAS in a similar way.
RS}.-1 + Cl-l;=C(CN)COOE1 = R$iCH25(CN)C0OEl ~—--
'EI 16
R = Alk, Ar, HOCI-lgCH2, HSCH2CI-I2. HC1'NH2CHg,
HCI-l‘-lH2Cl-i;Cl-l(COOH), HOOCCE-ig. Ac, {ETO)2P(S},
Alcohols can be introduced in this reaction instead of thiols.
Normally, alcohols cause only polymerisation of ACAS, because
they are less acidic and less nucleophilic than thiois; however,
under special conditions (in the presence of an acid the conjugate
union of which is a weak nucleophile), formation of relatively
stable adducts of ACAS with alcohols is possible.
Unlike CAA, which reversibly adds water, its esters undergo
instantaneous polymerisation in the presence of water. Treatment
ofethyl cyanoacrylate with hydrogen sulfide in the presence of l %
of Et3N gives aniinodihydrothlopyran 17 in a quantitative yield.
Et;N NH1
Cl-I;=C[CN)COOEt + H28
The interaction of AC;\s with phosphites 18a,b derived from
pyrocatechol has been descrihed.5” The reaction gives rise to cyclic
phosphonates 203,]: via the corresponding zwitzer-ions 19a,b
{Scheme 6).
Scheme 6
10%” CN
Y = —cH;CH:— ta). 6- (b).
In these case, too, the zwitter-ions 19n,h formed initially
undergo self-protonationfi“ It should be noted that it is the
formation of five-rnembered phosphorus-containing rings that
ensures the success of the synthesis of monomeric products
according to Scheme 6. When phosphites that cannot be con-
vened into five-rnembered phosphoranes like 29 are used in this
reaction, oligorneric derivatives are formed.
c. Interaction of 2-cyanoacrylates with weal: nucleophiles in the
presence of acids
The zwitter-ions 6 formed initially in the reactions of weak
nuclcophiles with ACAS can also be protonatccl by an acid
present in the reaction mixture and forming no strong bonds
with the nucleophile. In this case, the reaction yields salt 21.
Yu G Gololobov, V Grubcr
Nu: - CH3“-‘C(CN)C0OR ———* Kucnzctcnqcook 335-
—~ .{luCl-I2Cl-l(Cl\')C0Ol{.
X‘ 2:
In this reaction, the acid not only protonates the zwitter-ion 6,
but also activates ACA molecules. This has been confirmed by the
data of IR spectroscopy?" according to which the nitrile and
carboxyl groups in ACAs are protonated by acids, and this
increases the overall eiectrophiiicity of the ACA molecule.
The activating influence of acids ensures the murrence of
reactions of ACAs with weak nucleophiles, which do not enter
into these reactions without acids. Thus 1,3,2-benzodioxachloro-
phosphole 23 does not react with ACAs in benzene a‘ 20 °C;
however. when the reaction mixture contains CF3COOH, the
process yields phosphor-late 24 (Scheme 7 .'-"
0 .
'/ E :P--C1+CH1=C(CN)COOEt £530-95+
\ o
—- \ i ’!P—CH2CH{CN)COOEt _CFJC(O)C1
Oct cF3coo~
/ 0\ ll
—- g I /P-CI-I:CH(CN}CO0Et.
- 24
This reaction is an example of conjugate addition of a weak
nucleophile and a strong acid to an ACA; the proton of the acid
acts as an inductor. Alcohols and other lowly nucleophilic
reagents can also enter into these reactions.”
ti. Interaction of 2-cyanoacrylates with C]-I-acids in the presence of
In addition to P-, S- and O-nuclcophiles, C-nucleophiies (deriv-
atives of CI-I-acids) can also add to ACAs under certain condi-
tions giving rise to monomeric compounds {Scheme 3).”
Scheme 8
B: + Ci-I:=C(Cl\’)CO0Et = iscnzércmcoost -3-
lb 611
-—* Polymer,
3; + cnarxrr = in -.~ E:H(x)Y.
2s 25
énoov + Cl-i2=C(CN)COOEt =Y(x)CHc1-l25(CN>C00Et,
1'73 +1314. —- Y(x)CHCH;CH(CN‘JCO0Er + B:
B: — amine;
x = 1-1, COOR(R = I-LE1);
Y - N01, CN, Ac.
This version of the Michael reaction is possible only for those
CI-l-acids that react with minor amounts of amines {present as
catalysts of the reaction) much more rapidly than ACAS react with
these amines. Thus, sufficiently basic amines (B) and relatlveiy
strong Cl-I-acids with pK. < 13 (for example, 25) should be used.
The acids should be rapidly converted into the conjugated bases
26, which would either cause polymerisation of the ACA or react
with the ACA to give adduct 27-4. Thus, Scheme 8 reflects a fairly
complex system of eouilibnum processes, the outcome of which
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).,...,.........._......M. . -.,..._......_.....W.......,_.____......_.,.~,......a..w.. 4Yv\«~‘r4:-}'4’~Il“/‘MRI"V‘x‘1““*»v"‘4>b*"' M.......,s._....,.....s._-a._.u_..._.s.s..,.s..,..s...o..._..,..s..._.
2-Cyanoacrylates. Synthesis, properties and applications
depends on the acidity of the Cl-I-acid, basicity of amine B.
electrophilicity of the ACA, the nature of the solvent, tempera-
ture and the order of mixing the reactants.
The results obtained in the study cited 73 showed that the
Michael reaction involving ACAS can be used as a general method
for the synthesis of esters of substituted eyanocarboxylic acids.
The method is suitable for the preparation of various functionally
substituted compounds.
V. Prospects for the application of
Although the intense development of the ‘monomeric’ chemistry
of ACAs has started not long ago, it has led to two important
consequences. On the one hand, the chemistry of ACAS has
stimulated investigation of the chemical properties of the miller-
ions '7 formed by AC!-ks and trialkylphosphines, and this has
resulted in the discovery of the insertion of the carbamide
fragment into the C—C bond (Scheme 5). This, in turn, stimu-
lated the development of a new branch of catalysis, namely,
intramolecular electrophiiic catalysis by a phosphoniurn centre.
On the other hand, even the first studies on CAA and its esters
provided grounds to expect that new ACAS would be synthesised,
and this would markedly extend the performance characteristics
of cold-setting adhesives and open up new ways for their use in
industry, medicine and organic synthesis.
1. The ways to extend the temperature range of performance
of adhesives based on 2-cyanoacrylates
The strength of gluing surfaces together with an ACA depends on
at least two factors. all other factors being the same, namely, the
adhesive capacity of the cyanoacrylate itself and on the stability of
the adhesive joint under the conditions of its performance
(temperature, moisture content and hostility of the medium).
industrially manufactured methyl and ethyl 2-cyanoacrylates
forrn high-strength adhesive joints at room temperature; however,
the stability of these joints at elevated {> 80- 100 “(D or low
i: < -100 °C) temperatures is relatively low (especially in hostile
or moist media). At the same time, ample experimental material
on this topic implies that the temperature range of operation of
cyanoacrylate adhesives have markedly extended, and their
performance characteristics have improved.
The relatively low stability of ACA polymers used under
rigorous conditions can be explained by the fact that the polymer
backbone contains a quaternary carbon atom (see Scheme 4).
Polymers incorporating this fragment are known to possess low
thermal stabilitles.“ Therefore, to increase the thermal stability of
adhesive joints based on ACAs, the structure of the polymer
backbone should be modified by introduction of fragments that
would enhance the tolerance of the chain to high temperatures and
hostile media (mostly water at various pH). The existing theoret-
ical calculations 4- 75v 75 provide only general recommendations on
the increase in the quality of adhesives based on ACAS.
One of the possible ways of solving this problem is elaboration
of cross-linked structures." Two approaches to the formation of
‘cross-linked‘ structures based on ACAs have been considered in
the literature. One of them involves introduction of unsaturated
carbon—carbon bonds into the ester fragment of ACAS; subse-
quently, these bonds ensure cross-linking of the structure.
Allyl and propargyl 2-cyanoacrylates as well as other esters of
CAA containing more bullcy unsaturated groups have low
viscosities; this is a necessary condition for attaining the inter-
facial Contact between the adhesive and the substrate at the first
stage of the formation of an adhesive joint.”-45v75‘3° Under the
action of traces of moisture or other active reagents, the C=C
bond of the aerylate is cleaved on the surfaces being glued
together.”-9‘ Study on the thermodynamics of polymerisation of
ailyl cyanoacrylate and allyloxyethyl cyanoacrylategi makes it
possible to conclude that at room temperature these monomers
are completely converted into the corresponding polymers by an
anionic mechanism, and above l0O “C, cross-linked structures are
formed as a result ofrupture ofthe multiple bonds in the ally} and
propargyl fragrnents.‘“5- 75v 79- 33 it has been noted 3‘ that the inter-
faciai interaction between substrate and adhesive is due to van der
Waals and dipole—dipole forces. In addition to these adhesive
forces, chemical bonds of various natures (adsorption theory of
adhesion) contribute to the interaction.“ It is noteworthy that,
whereas the C=C bond of the acrylatc is cleaved by an anionic
mechanism, rupture of multiple bonds in the ester fragment of the
molecule occurs only with the participation of free radicals.” As a
result, an adhesive joint based on unsaturated esters of CAA
possesses better performance characteristics than a similar joint
based on saturated deriv2.tives.“5- 5* The main drawback of cross-
iinked structures based on unsaturated 2-cyanoacrylates (regard-
ing their practical use) is that in this case, strengthening of
adhesive joints occurs only at elevated temperatures {> 100 “C).
However. it is often necessary that joints be strengthened below
100 “C. In addition, this procedure can yield a rigid cross-linked
polymer and, consequently, the adhesion layer can become
brittle.” Elastomers can be partly dissolved in ACA5 during
gluing to give interpenetrating networks 57 (the process is
described in terms of the diffusion theory of adhesion). The
second approach to the production of a cross-linked adhesive
layer is based on copolyrnerisation of methyl or ethyl cyanoacry-
lates with unsaturated compounds of various types. Apparently,
by selecting an appropriate cornonomer, one can obtain adhesive
joints with properties varying over a wide range. This approach is
more advantageous, because in some cases, a ‘cross-linked’
adhesive joint can be obtained at low temperatures. Unsaturated
compounds containing electronegative polar groups have been
used as comonomers, because, on the one hand, owing to these
groups, compounds enter in the copolymerisation with ACAS
and, on the other hand, these substituents ensure additional
cohesion with the substrate. This line of research has led to
impressive progress.3"" """"’5 Evidently, the structure of 2-cyano-
acrylates derived from diols 37 and triols9‘ is nearly ideal, because
in these cases, a cross-linked adhesive joint is formed rapidly
under conditions close tci those used 1' or the polymerisation of the
main monomer. Unfortunately, at present, it is fairly difficult to
produce bis- and Iris-cyanoacrylatcs in large amounts. Some
methods proposed for their synthesis 3“= 37 are labour-consuming
and expensive; direct esterification of CAA 4‘ '43 or its chloride as
well as transesteriilcation of methyl cyanoacrylate with diols39
can be used only on a laboratory scale.
Judging by several publica.ti0ns.77'97‘ W3 the research aimed at
the involvement of esters of 2-cyano-2.4-pentadienoic acid in the
copolymerisation with ACAS is proceeding vigorously. The
derivatives of ethylene glycol and 2-cyano-2,4-peutadienoic acid
are especially efficient? These esters polyrnerise at room tempera-
ture in the presence of the same catalysts that induce polymer-
isation of ACA to give a cross-linked structure. It has been
shown 7'"-9'-' that the performance characteristics of ACAS are
markedly improved when they are used as mixtures with buta-
disne derivatives.
These cross-linking reagents are synthesised by the K.n5vena-
gel reaction between the corresponding esters of cyanoaoetic acid
and aldchydes (Scheme 9).”-99
Scheme 9
Cl-l2(C:\l}COOEt + R’CH=Cl-lCi-10 j‘
R’ = H, Me.
A significant feature of the process shown in Scheme 9 is that
anhydrous zinc chloride dissolved in dioxane or THF is used as the
catalyst. A method 1' or the synthesis of bis-2-cyanopentadienoates
derived from diois containing disiloxane units in the chain has
been recently described in a patent.‘-03
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'r r" —-r————~- --~ v--—~.... .........-.,.. r,....,_,,_,_,_,_
Cm them and thus fix any traces left there, for example, finger.
prints. l '7
439 {"1935}
37'. C 5 Buck J’. Polym. Sci. 16 2475 (i978)
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Yu G Goiolobov. V Gruber
2. The use of 2-cyanoacrylates in medicine
The ability of ACAs to polyrnerise on the surface of a living tissue
over periods of several seconds under very mild conditions
without special initiation permits these compounds to be
regarded as promising surgical materials.“‘4 it is of prime
importance that the polymer based on an ACA is destroyed
relatively quickly in a Eiving organisrn.‘°5 Polymers based on
isobutyl and isoamyl cyanoaerylates are highly biocornpatible. It
should also be mentioned that ACAs are relatively non-toxic and
possess antimicrobial activities. l,2-isopropylidencglyceryl
cyanoacrylates are quite promising in this respect.” Laboratory
and clinical tests on the regeneration of tissue cells and restoration
of other characteristics of an organism have shown that ACAs
ensure strong and elastic connection of tissues; simultaneously,
they exhibit antiseptic properties and pose no harmful conse-
quences. ‘95 Medical adhesives of this type are used during surgical
operations on lungs. brains, heart, kidneys, on organs of diges-
tion, sight and respiration, bone tissue and teeth.“-‘°““°9
Efficient medicinal adhesives of the MK series and SO-9m,
SO-9t and SO-57 trademarks prepared using fluorinated meth-
acrylates as conionorners have been developed in the former
USSR by Russian, Ukrainian and Azerhaijanian chemists. These
forrnuiations are non-toxic and tolerant to disinfectants.“ They
possess bacteriostaric and bactericide properties; besides, they are
biodegradable in an organism and Form no toxic products of
decomposition. They also cause no immunological reaction.“
The second way of using ACAS in medicine is associated with
the development of medical preparations of prolonged action
based on them. A procedure has been elaborated for incorporat-
ing medical preparations into an ACA-based polymeric matrix.
When an ACA is introduced into an intensely stirred solution ofa
drug, it polymerises to give particles with a size of l70—350 nm
containing molecules of the drug sorbed in the poiymenc matrix.
This procedure was used to obtain immobilised apornorphine "'3
and oxytocin. ' 13 The procedure is general and, apparently, it can
be used in several ‘variants.
3. Other applications of 2-cyanoacrylates
Polymers based on ACAS are used to produce photo- and
electrono-resists. By chemical deposition of perfluoroethyl cyano-
acrylate vapour on a support, a photoresist with a sensitivity of‘
0.2 J crrr‘ has been obtained.“ Positive electronoresists have
been obtained using hornopolymers of ACAs and their copoly-
mcrs with functionally subszituted :nonomers.’°5 Lengthening of
the hydrocarbon chain in the ester group of ACAS markedly
decreases the adhesive properties of these compounds. Alltyl
cyanoacrylates in which the alicyi chain consists of more than six
methylene units have found application in the formation of
Lar.gmuir—Blodgett monomoiecular layer5.l ‘5 Monolayers are
formed by polymerisation cl‘ CAA esters (from hexyl to decyl
ester) directly on the water surface. Since the energy of interaction
of the cyano-group in the polymer with water is relatively low
(14.6 kl), the monolayer can be easily transferred on a solid
support. At the same time, monornoleculat layers of poly(alltyl
cyanoacrylates) exhibit some adhesion both to hydrophilic and to
hydrophobic surfaces. The above technology for the preparation
of Langrnuir—Blodgett films can be used in the production of
micro-instruments by the submicron technology.
Cyanoacrylates are readily soiuble in liquid carbon dioxide? ‘ 5
therefore, ACAS packed in aerosol bottles can be used in those
cases where a high concentration of ACA vapour is needed. It is
clear that the aerosol use or" ACAs would help to solve some
unexpected problems, because it would permit almost instanta-
neous production of a polymeric adhesive surface on various
objects. ACA vapours deposited on various surfaces polymcrise
on them and thus fix any traces left there, For example, finger-
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The data presented in this review provide grounds for
believing that at present, a new stage in the development of the
chemistry of ACAs has started. This can lead to development of
cold-setting adhesives with better performance properties; in
addition, new applications of CA:-\ derivatives can appear, and
the use of ACAs in organic and organometallic synthesis can
become wider.
The review was prepared with the support of the Russian
Foundation for Basic Research (Project No. 95-O3-08200).
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