Bonding Method using Mixture of Adhesive and Non-Compressible Beads

Bonding Method using Mixture of Adhesive and Non-Compressible Beads


A method for adhesively joining two members includes the steps of mixing non-compressible beads with an adhesive, applying the resulting mixture to one of the members and hemming one member over the other in overlapping relationship. Apparatus for performing this method includes a container for containing a mixture of an adhesive and a plurality of non-compressible beads, an applicator for applying the mixture to one of the members, and hemming means for hemming one member over the other in overlapping relationship. A metering device for dispensing adhesive fluid is constructed with a dispensing rod having a cooling means for facilitating operation of the metering device. The present invention finds particular utility in bonding together the inner and outer panels of an automotive door assembly.

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United States Patent [191 Herring, Jr. et al. llllllllllllllll|||||l||l||lllllIlllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll US 0054704 1 6A Patent Number: 5,470,416 Nov. 23, 1995 [11] [45] Date of Patent: [54] [75] [73] [21] [22] [63] [51] [52] [58] [56] BONDING METHOD USING MIXTURE OF ADHESIVE AND NON-COMPRESSIBLE BEADS Inventors: James M. Herring, Jr., Rochester Hills; Bruce N. Greve, Davisburg, both of Mich. Assignee: The Budd Company, Troy, Mich. App]. No.: 195,746 Filed: Feb. 14, 1994 Related U.S. Application Data Continuation of Ser. No. 869,649, Apr. 16, 1992, abandoned. Int. Cl.6 .................................................... .. B32B 31/00 U.S. Cl. ........................ .. 156/196; 156/216; 156/204; 156/217; 156/276; 137/268; 239/10; 239/310; 427/137; 427/180; 427/208.2; 427/197 Field of Search ................................... .. 156/216, 196, 156/204, 217, 276; 137/268; 239/10, 310; 427/137, 180, 208.2, 197 References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2,821,890 2/1958 Vfilson .................................. .. 118/310 3,551,232 12/1970 Thompson . . 156/330 3,554,449 1/1971 Curie ............ .. 222/146 3,770,546 11/1973 Childress et al. ..................... .. 156/285 3,773,098 11/1973 Rock . _ 3,909,918 10/1975 Takizawa et al. . 4,131,980 1/1979 Zinnbauer . 4,353,951 10/1982 Yukitoshi et al. .................... .. 428/198 4,467,071 8/1984 Dawdy .................................. .. 525/112 4,538,920 9/1985 Drake . 4,749,833 6/1988 Novorsky et al. . .. 156/272.4 X 4,769,419 9/1988 Dawdy .................................. .. 525/111 4,801,008 1/1989 Rich . /2 /0 /4 4,866,108 9/1989 Vachon et al. ........................ .. 523/428 4,916,284 4/1990 Petrick ........... .. 219/121.64 4,971,859 11/1990 Kimura et al. ..... .. 428/325 5,237,734 8/1993 Polon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29/513 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 0289632 9/1988 European Pat. Off. . 49-30259 8/1974 Japan ................................... .. 156/276 135430 6/1986 Japan ................................... .. 156/216 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Elber, “Putting adhesives in their place”, Plastics Design Forum, Sep./Oct. 1993, pp. 40-44. Berins, SP1 Plastics Engineering Handbook, Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc., 18 pages, 1991. Clark, ‘Tapes and Structural Bonding Reduce Radar Unit Cost”, Adhesives Ages, Jun. 1991, pp. 28-34. “Metal to Metal Overlap Shear Strength Test for Automotive Type Adhesives”, SAE 11523, Jun. 1985. Primary Examiner—Chester T. Barry Attomey, Agent, or Firm—Hamess, Dickey & Pierce [57] ABSTRACT A method for adhesively joining two members includes the steps of mixing non-compressible beads with an adhesive, applying the resulting mixture to one of the members and hemming one member over the other in overlapping rela- tionship. Apparatus for performing this method includes a container for containing a mixture of an adhesive and a plurality of non-compressible beads, an applicator for apply- ing the mixture to one of the members, and hemming means for hemrning one member over the other in overlapping relationship. A metering device for dispensing adhesive fluid is constructed with a dispensing rod having a cooling means for facilitating operation of the metering device. The present invention finds particular utility in bonding together the inner and outer panels of an automotive door assembly. 14 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Nov. 28, 1995 Sheet 1 of 5 5,470,416 /0 2 /F79"/ /2 /4 U.S. Patent Nov. 23, 1995 Sheet 2 of 5 5,470,416 28 .3 ;.,1z-"'45!-2'.-..z:.*,~ 31111.11. 2/ gtwxu. .:‘.°:;::::;,»-3.}. U.S. Patent Nov. 28, 1995 Sheet 3 of 5 5,470,416 '_i—'' /3” 5,470,416 64’ 66’ ‘I J; "*2? .‘ gl 7 I :;:;:--I; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ._L..._..__..__. IIIIIIIIJ :II mm-a--um; I IImm-I I-um; IIIIIIII... © _!..II|.IIII|lII..a Nov 28, 1995 Sheet 4 of 5 77 I II II IlII .IIllI u--Inn III—I.ll *5 I r'zi i g %& @ 8% % W14 a U.S. Patent 56 //6 76 . I //6‘ ' "E . . ‘E l;:““‘ ‘V. g I I " / 7 I ' 75 /34' 48 46 flay-A9 U.S. Patent Nov. 28, 1995 Sheet 5 of 5 5,470,416 .3 n...- I!.lr‘l W‘ In I“!!! Ilplnld II T! ,.\u. _m.:+...»¢.«.w _r..E. 9 V 7'\ ||..|.l+...|..|@ . ..I.xI u ir“!WaI/‘tam! ink’! 5,470,416 1 BONDING METHOD USING MIXTURE OF ADHESIVE AND NON-COMPRESSIBLE BEADS This is a continuation of patent application Ser. No. 07/869,649, filed Apr. 16, 1992, now abandoned entitled “Adhesive Bonding Apparatus and Method Using Non- Compressible Beads.” BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Technical Field This invention relates to adhesively bonding at least two members and, more particularly, to joining at least two members with a mixture of an adhesive and non-compress- ible heads. 2. Discussion FIGS. 1 through 4 show a method of making a hemmed joint for inner and outer sheet metal door panels. FIG. 1 shows a first member 10, a second member 12, and an amount of adhesive 14 which has been applied to second member 12. In FIG. 2, first member 10 has been placed into proximity with second member 12, and first and second members 10,12 have been squeezed together. The area where first and second members 10,12 overlap defines an adhesive joint 15. Adhesive 14 has spread throughout the area of joint 15. FIG. 2 further shows a hemming die 18 which is pressed downward to bend a portion of second member 12 into overlapping relationship with first member 10. In FIG. 3, a second hemming die 20 is shown completing the hem by further folding down a portion of second member 12 to overlap first member 10, such that a hemmed portion 22 of second member 12 is parallel with the portions of first and second members 10,12 in the area of joint 15. Quite often, adhesive 23 is squeezed out of the area of joint 15 as a result of completion of the hemming operation. This squeezed-out adhesive 23 is unsightly and often requires removal in an additional manufacturing step where aesthet- ics is important, such as in the making of an automobile door where inner and outer panels are hemmed together. Following formation of the hemmed joint 15, the first and second members 10,12 tend to elastically relax and “spring back” toward their original positions. FIG. 4 shows joint 15 subsequent to this “spring back” phenomenon, which tends to create an air-filled gap 26 between adhesive material 14 and first member 10. Air-filled gap 26 results because adhesive 14 has been squeezed out of joint 15 and an insufiicient amount remains to fill the void created by the “spring back” of first and second members 10,12. This air-filled gap 26 reduces the area of joint 15, resulting in a weakened joint. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention provides a method and apparatus for adhesively joining at least two members in which a plurality of non-compressible beads are mixed with the adhesive, and one of the members is folded into overlapping relationship with the other in a hemming operation. The beads may be added to the adhesive in a preselected sub- stantially uniform concentration. The apparatus for perforrn- ing this method includes a container for containing a mixture of an adhesive and a plurality of non-compressible beads. An application gun applies this mixture to at least one of the members to be joined. A pump is employed for pumping the bead and adhesive mixture from the container through the application gun onto at least one of the members. A hemmer 5 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 2 then hems one member into overlapping relationship with another. The present invention further provides a metering device having an improved displacement rod which includes a cooling means for cooling the rod and preventing the adhesive fluid from hardening, thus facilitating insertion of the displacement rod into the metering chamber. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The various advantages and features will become appar- ent from the following description and claims in conjunction with the accompanying drawings: FIGS. 1 through 4 are sectional views showing steps in making a hemmed adhesive joint which illustrate the prob- lem solved by the present invention; FIGS. 5 through 8 are sectional views of a hemmed adhesive joint formed according to the principles of the present invention; FIG. 9 is a perspective and partial cut-away view of an apparatus according to the principles of the present inven- tion; FIG. 10 is a cut-away View of a metering device according to the principles of the present invention; FIG. 11 is a cut-away view of a displacement rod accord- ing to the principles of the present invention; and FIG. 12 is a cut-away view of an adhesive application gun according to the principles of the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT The following description of the preferred embodiments is merely exemplary in nature and is in no way intended to limit the invention or its application or uses. Referring to the drawings, in which like reference numer- als refer to similar features, FIGS. 5 through 8 show a method of joining a first and second member 11,13 accord- ing to the present invention. By way of a non-lin1iting example, the first and second members 11,13 are edges of inner and outer sheet metal automobile door panels. FIG. 5 shows first member 11, second member 13, and an amount of adhesive 17 which has been mixed with a plurality of non-compressible beads 24. This mixture has been applied as a strip to second member 13. In FIG. 6, first and second members 11,13 have been squeezed together to form a joint 16, which has caused the adhesive 17 and bead 24 mixture to spread throughout the area of joint 16. The non-com- pressible beads 24 maintain a specific distance 28 between the portions of first and second members 11,13 in the area of joint 16. Hemrning die 19 is shown folding a portion of second member 13 over a portion of first member 11. FIG. 7 shows the joint 16 following completion of the hemming operation by second hemming die 21. The non-compressible beads 24 prevent an excess amount of adhesive 17 from being squeezed out of the area of joint 16 and maintain the predetermined distance 28 between first and second mem- bers 11,13 throughout all the areas of joint 16. The joint 16 does not require additional processing to remove the unac- ceptable squeezed-out adhesive as in the aforementioned prior art technique. FIG. 8 shows joint 16 following plastic relaxation of first and second members 11,13 toward their original positions. Because beads 24 ensure that most of adhesive 17 remains in the area of joint 16, the joint 16 created by a method of the present invention tends to maintain its integrity and 5,470,416 3 prevent creation of an air-filled gap in the area of joint 16, resulting in a stronger bond between first and second mem- bers 11,13. The beads 24 need not be spherical, al though a spherical shape is preferable. Beads 24 are preferably made of glass and should be mixed with adhesive 17 in a concentration which is sufliciently high to prevent beads 24 from becom- ing partially embedded in the surfaces of the members 11,13 during the hemming operation, and should not show “read through” to the outer panel surface 25. “Read through” is defined as an imperfect, uneven or bumpy outer surface 25 of second member 13. The concentration of beads 24 in adhesive 14 should also be sufliciently low to provide a strong joint and not to damage apparatus for handling and pumping the bead and adhesive mixture. The adhesive in mixture 17 is preferably a blend of a two component acrylic/epoxy adhesive, such as Versilok 252 and Versilok 254 available from Lord Corporation. The concentration of beads 24 in the mixture range from about 5% to about 20% of the total weight of the mixture and about 10% by weight is preferable, which results in approximately 1000 beads per square inch of the adhesive mixture in the final joint. The beads 24 should preferably be made having a diam- eter sufliciently low to provide a strong joint and sufficiently high such that the beads 24 are efl“ective spacers, without showing “read through” to the outer panel. Acceptable diameters for the beads 24 range from 0.003 to 0.030 inches, and 0.010 inches is preferable. FIG. 9 depicts apparatus 30 for forming an adhesive bond according to the method of the present invention. In the embodiment of FIG. 9, the adhesive is a two part adhesive consisting of a first component 32 and a second component 34. The present invention may also be practiced with a one component adhesive. The proper amount of beads 24 are mixed in container 38 with the first component 32 to achieve the aforementioned concentration. The first component 32, in this particular example, is Versilok 252 which contains acrylic and an epoxy curative. (Second component 34 con- tains epoxy resin and an acrylic curative). Beads 24 are mixed with first component 32 because it is more thixotropic than second component 34, thereby keeping the beads in suspension for longer periods of time. It is the understanding of the inventors that a pre-mixed bead/adhesive mixture is now available from Lord Corporation as Versilok 253. A second container 40 substantially similar to first container 38 contains second component 34. First and second containers 38,40 are preferably 55 gallon drums, as used in the art. First and second pumps 42,44 pump the first mixture 36 of first component 32 and beads 34 as well as the second component 34 from first and second containers 38,40 respectively. First mixture 36 is pumped through a first supply tube 46 into a first metering chamber 56 of a metering device 50 through a first inlet valve 52. Second component 34 is pumped through a second supply tube 48 into a second metering chamber 58 of metering device 50 through a second inlet valve 54. A first and second valve member (not shown) are operated by compressed air tubes 60,62 and 132, 134. The operation of first and second valve 52,54 by compressed air tubes 60,62 and 132, 134 respectively will be explained below. First mixture 36 and second component 34 are then dis- placed from first and second metering chambers 56,58 through exit valves (not shown) identical to inlet valves 52, 54 and then into application tubes 114, 115 into an adhesive application gun 102 which is shown in greater detail in FIG. 12. Adhesive gun 102 has left and right halves (not shown) each containing a valve (not shown) operated by compressed 1O 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 4 air tubes 136,138 and 140,142. Adhesive materials exit adhesive gun 102 and are mixed in an elongated mixing nozzle 118 and the resulting mixture is applied to a member 11,13 to be adhesively joined. Adhesive materials consisting of first mixture 36 and second component 34 flow through first and second valves 52,54 into a metering device 50 which is shown in greater detail in FIG. 10. Metering device 50 defines a first and a second metering chamber 56,58. The first mixture 36 is pumped into first metering chamber 56 and second compo- nent 34 is pumped into second metering chamber 58, with the exit valves being closed. The force of the fluids being pumped into the metering chambers causes rods 78, 78‘ to be pushed upwardly. First and second valves 52,54 then close, preventing flow of first mixture 36 or second component 34. First and second valves 52,54 are constructed substan- tially similarly having a valve seat 68,68’ and a valve member 70,70‘ consisting of a spherical valve plug 72,72‘ connected to a longitudinally extending valve shaft 74,74’ which is in tum connected to a plate-shaped piston member 76,76’. Inlet tubes 46,48 are connected to first and second valve 52,54 and allow fluid to enter valve chambers 116, 116'. Compressed air hoses 60,62 and 132,134 are also connected to first and second valves 52,54. Valve members 70,70’ are moved between open and closed positions by creating a pressure differential across pistons 76,76’. To close the valve, the pressure in valve opening chamber 64, 64' is alleviated and compressed air is, forced into the closing chamber 66,66’ by closing com- pressed air tube 62,134 to increase the pressure therein. The resulting difference in pressure across piston 76,76‘ causes the valve shaft 74,74‘ to move axially and press spherical valve plug 72,72’ into place against the valve seat 68,68’. To open valve, the pressures in opening and closing chambers 64,66 and 64' 66', are reversed. When first and second valves 52,54 are open, first mixture 36 and second component 34 which are under pressure due to first and second pumps 42,44 enter first and second metering chambers 56,58 through valve chambers 116,116‘ and from inlet tubes 46,48. Valve plug 72,72‘ must make full circular contact with valve seat 68,68‘ to completely shut off flow. As a result, valve plug 72 and seat 68 are made of a material sufliciently strong to resist damage by beads 24, or strong enough to repeatedly crush any glass beads 24 without damage. As a result, valve plug 72 and seat 68 are preferably constructed of tungsten carbide or hardened steel. The same is true of the exit valve (not shown) which is connected to chamber 56. Metering device 50 further has a first and second dis- placement rod 78,78‘ which are assembled through a bearing 79,79‘ and opposing seals 81,81‘ formed with O-rings 82,82‘ to retain them in place. Displacement rod 78 is preferably made of hardened steel to prevent damage by the beads. Displacement rods 78,78‘ are adapted to be forced into first and second chamber 56,58 respectively, and thereby to displace first mixture 36 as well as second component 34 from first and second chamber 56,58. As a result, first mixture 36 and second component 34 are forced by dis- placement rods 78,78‘ through outlets 83,83‘ and through a first and second application tube 114,115 into an application gun 102 and a mixing nozzle 118 which combines first mixture 36 and second component 34 into a second mixture of component 32, second component 34, and beads 24. Gun 102 is used to apply second mixture to a member 11,13 to form an adhesive joint 16 according to the present invention. Rods 78, 78' have different but constant cross-sections throughout their longitudinal lengths. Accordingly, rods 78, 5,470,416 5 78' force a preselected volume flow ratio of first mixture 36 and second component 34 out of outlets 83 and 83' respec- tively, in the proper proportion substantially equivalent to the cross-sectional ratio of the diameter of rod 78 to rod 78’ when they are moved downwardly by power head 77. FIG. 11 depicts displacement rod 78 as having a cooling system to prevent partial polymerization or hardening of the adhesive fluid located near the juncture of the rod 78 and housing of metering device 50 at the seal 81. The displace- ment rod 78 is constructed of an upper and lower head block 80,82 which are each formed with vertical bores 84,86. The bore 84 formed in upper head block 80 has a smaller diameter than bore 86 formed in lower head block 82. Bore 84 formed in upper head block 80 carries the upper end of an inner flow tube 88 which has an inlet 90 and an outlet 92. Upper head block 80 is formed with a horizontally extending inlet passage 94 which opens into the inlet 90 of inner flow tube 88. Bore 86 formed in lower head block 82 carries the upper end of a displacement tube 96 which has an outlet 98 at one end and a cap 100 at the other end which allows no fluid communication. Inner flow tube 88 extends throughout a majority of the length of displacement tube 78. In operation of the displacement rod 78 cooling system, cooling fluid such as water enters and flows through inlet passage 94 to inlet 90 of inner flow tube 88 as shown by the arrows in FIG. 11. Coolant fluid flows through inner flow tube 88 and exits through outlet 92. Coolant fluid undergoes a flow reversal and proceeds upward through a gap 101 formed between the outer surface of inner flow tube 88 and the inner surface of displacement tube 96 and exits displace- ment rod 78 through outlet 98. FIG. 12 shows the adhesive application gun 102. Adhe- sive gun 102 is formed with side walls 104,104‘, a rear panel 106, a central longitudinally extending partition 108, and a front nozzle portion 109. Central partition 108 defines left and right symmetrical halves 110,112 of adhesive gun 102. Each half 110,112 of adhesive gun 102 includes similar valves 128,130 constructed substantially sirrrilar to first and second inlet valves 52,54 and have a valve seat 144,144‘ valve plug 143,143’ valve member 146,146‘, and application inlet tubes 114,115 which allow fluid to enter valve cham- bers 148,148'. Valve seat 144 and plug 143 are made of tungsten carbide or other hardened materials to reduce bead damage. Compressed air hoses’ 36,138 and 140,142 operate valves 128,130 as described above. When the valves 128, 130 are open, adhesive fluid under pressure due to displace- ment rods 78,78' enters valve chambers 148,148‘ through fluid inlet hoses 114,115 and proceeds out of adhesive gun 102 through nozzle 109. An elongated mixing nozzle 118 is afiixed to and extends from nozzle 109 formed on adhesive gun 102. Mixing nozzle 118 is formed as an elongated tube 120 having an inlet 122 and an outlet 124 and contains a plurality of helical mixing elements 126. The adjacent ends of successive helical elements 126 should not be aligned so that the adhesive fluids entering left and right sides 110,112 of adhesive gun 102 are thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture exits rrrixing nozzle 118 through outlet 124. Because first component 32 and second component 34 are mixed within mixing nozzle 118, mixing nozzle 118 should be unscrewed and flushed or purged of old adhesive materials approximately every 15 to 20 minutes to prevent polymer- ization. Hemming apparatus as known in the art is used to fold one member 10 into overlapping relationship with a second 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 member 12. Hemrning means preferably should apply local I 6 pressures in the range of 2000 to 10,000 pounds per square inch, but should be at least 1000 pounds per square inch. A typical hemrning machine is commercially available from E.R. St. Dennis & Sons Ltd. of Old Castle, Ontario, Canada. It should be understood that various modifications of the preferred embodiments of the present invention will become apparent to those skilled in the art after a study of the specification, drawings, and the following claims. What is claimed is: 1. A method of making an exterior body part comprising the steps of: a) mixing a plurality of glass beads having a diameter of 0.003 to 0.030 inches with an adhesive to form a substantially unifonn fluid mixture having a concen- tration of beads in the adhesive in the range of about 5—20% by weight of the mixture; b) pumping the fluid mixture through pumping equipment having at least one valve to an applicator gun having a nozzle, the bead concentration being sufficiently low so as not to damage the pumping equipment; c) forcing the fluid mixture from the nozzle of the applicator gun onto one surface of a first sheet metal member adjacent an edge thereof; d) placing an edge portion of a second sheet metal member onto the surface of the flrst member, with the fluid mixture being sandwiched therebetween; e) hemrning an edge of the first member over the edge portion of the second member to form a joint by applying a pressure therebetween of 2,000—10,000 psi, the bead concentration and size being chosen such that the beads fail to read through to an exterior surface of the part while maintaining a space between the mem- bers to prevent excessive adhesive from being squeezed from the joint; f) removing the hemming pressure, with the space between the members being essentially free of air gaps; and g) thereafter, allowing the adhesive to cure. 2. The method of claim 1 where the members are inner and outer door panels. 3. A method for bonding an exterior body member to an inner member, said method comprising the steps of: a) mixing a plurality of non-compressible beads with an adhesive to form a fluid mixture having a substantially uniform concentration of beads dispersed in .the adhe- sive; b) pumping the fluid mixture to dispensing equipment; c) forcing the fluid mixture from the dispensing equip- ment and applying the mixture to at least one of the members; d) pressing the members together, with the fluid mixture being sandwiched therebetween; and c) said concentration of beads being at least about 5% by weight of the mixture and sufliciently high enough to prevent the adhesive from being squeezed from between the members, with the concentration of beads being less than about 20% and sufliciently low to provide a strong joint and prevent damage to said equipment. 4. The method of claim 3 wherein the concentration of beads is about 10% by weight of the mixture. 5. The method of claim 3 wherein approximately l,000 beads per square inch of the fluid mixture is applied in step c). 6. The method of claim 3 wherein the beads are about 5,470,416 7 0.010 inch in diameter. 7. The method of claim 3 wherein the beads are made of glass. 8. The method of claim 3 wherein the adhesive contains epoxy and acrylic. 9. The method of claim 3 which further comprises: using at least one valve to control flow of the fluid mixture to the dispensing equipment, said valve being formed of hardened material to prevent damage by the beads. 10. The method of claim 3 which further comprises the step of: cooling a displacement rod used to pump the fluid mixture to prevent partial polymerization of the fluid mixture on the rod. 11. The method of claim 3 wherein the dispensing equip- ment includes an application gun having at least one valve to control flow of the fluid mixture to a nozzle of the gun, the valve being made of hardened material to prevent damage by the beads. 12. The method of claim 3 wherein the members are pressed together by a force of at least 1,000 pounds per square inch. 13.‘ The method of claim 12 wherein the first and second members are pressed together in a hemming operation whereby the first member is folded in overlapping relation- ship with the second member. 14. A method of making an exterior automotive body part, said method comprising the steps of: a) mixing a plurality of glass beads having a diameter of 0.003 to 0.030 inches with a first component of a two-part epoxy adhesive to form a first fluid mixture; b) storing said first fluid mixture in a container; c) storing a second component of the epoxy adhesive in a second container; d) pumping the first component and second component of the adhesive from their respective containers to a l0 15 20 25 30 35 8 metering device having a plurality of valves; e) pumping preselected proportions of the first component and the second component of the adhesive to an appli- cator gun having an elongated mixing nozzle; blending the first component and second component of the adhesive in the mixing nozzle to form a viscous fluid adhesive mixture having a concentration of beads in the mixture in the range of about 5-20% by weight of the mixture, the bead size and concentration being chosen so as not to damage the metering device and applicator gun while providing for a strong joint; g) forcing the viscous fluid adhesive mixture from the nozzle and applying the mixture as a strip onto one surface of a first sheet metal member adjacent an edge thereof; h) placing an edge of a second sheet metal member onto the surface of the first member, with the fluid adhesive mixture being sandwiched therebetween; i) hemming an edge of the first member over the edge portion of the second member to form a joint by applying a pressure therebetween of 2,000—l0,000 psi while the strip of the adhesive mixture is in a viscous state, said adhesive mixture spreading under the hem- ming pressure to fill the joint and minimize air gaps therein, the glass bead size and concentration in the fluid adhesive mixture being chosen such that the beads fail to read through to an exterior surface of the part while serving to maintain a space between the members to prevent excessive adhesive from being squeezed from the joint during hemming; j) removing the hemming pressure, with the space between the members remaining essentially free of air gaps; and k) thereafter, allowing the adhesive to cure to a solid state. * * * * *
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