ór'' lntern¿tional Symposium on Feedstock Recycting of Potynrerrc Materials
Carbon dioxide (99.8%) was purchased from Carburos
Melálims España S.A. (MadrkJ, Spain).
C. Gutiénezt, M.T. Garciar, l, Graciar, A. de Lucasr and J.F. Rodríguezz
Solubility determination
thsrmogravimet¡ic analysis (TA-DSC Q 100). Glass tubes
prepare saturaled solutions ol PS pellets
were used lo
I oeparlment of Chemical Engineering. 2 lnslilule for
Chemical and Environmental Technology [1].University ol Castilla-La
with excess solid solute in differenl terpene oils. The
Mancha. Facutty of Chemistry. Avda. Camito José Ceta 12, 13071 Ciudad
Polystyrene (PS) is currenlly used as packaging, insulat¡ng and stodng malerial in var¡ous industríal
domeslic fietds,
As a resuf, a large guantity ol PS wasles ,b produced gaslic u/asles are nol usuelty biodegraddb,e,
so I is nacessary lo
suggesf a technology lo recycle lhem. Landñll and incineratbn arc reasonable cnéap meinods, bú not environneniatty
acceptable, lherelorc, aftemalive nelhcds fot Nyner recycling arc requircd.
Dissolulion and shrink¡ng w¡lh nalural solvenls is e cheap añ effíc¡ent process lor polynnr waste ÍEnagefltenl,
has been sti¡die4 pS h disso'ived beller in lhe
wasles show an impoflanl wlume rcduclion ol more than 1N lirnes. As I
nonpolar solvents of the terpene family, as p-cymene,liñorcne or aalnttandrene, sluwing solubitity vatues
arwnd 0.J
g/ml. HoweveL polar lerpene solvenlq wfh hbh lendency lo form hydrogen bonds,
as geran,iol'ot t¡natod, present
sdub¡lily values ol 0.NS glnl. For lhis reason, nonpdat létpene ols n€le serecfed fo study piS disso/ulion pmcess.
Finally, solvanl can be recovercd by means of superctit¡cdt lechndogy, in oder to obiain a potymer iith a raduced
volune and wilhout degndatíon ol lhe Nlyneric chains.
The two main allern¿l¡ves for handling polymer wastes
are energy recycling, where wasles are incineraled, and
mechanical recycling. Unfortunetely, lhis last method of
recovery are oflen more expensive than using vhgin
plastics [4, 51. An intorest¡ng and cost+ñective
alternative cañ be the d¡ssolution ol lhe foam wastes wilh
suilable solvenls, to get a volume reduct¡on without
degradation ol polymer chains. Furlhermore if the foam
shrinking is carried oul in house of the residue producer,
the transporlalion would be more eff¡cienl lhan in
conventional recycling methods [61.
Aomatic compounds, such as loluene or benzene, are
good solvenls of PS foams [7], but they are nol
environmentally friendly and would limil the furlher
applical¡on of recycled PS. for example, in food
packaging. Thus, the use of a 'green' solvent would
avoid lhose difliculties. Th6 employment of a nah,ral
solvent for the treatment of PS wasles could kansform
lhe dissolut¡on of PS wastes in an envionmentally
friendly lechnology. By this reason, terpene oils have
been reportsd as an anractive alternaüve lor PS loam
recycling f8¡. However, solvenl removal process by
atmospheric or vacuum d¡st¡llal¡on presents several
d¡sadvenlages as the lormation of undeskable by-
at a
rate of
temperafure, the first one belongs to
solvenl and the lasl one
Solvent removal was caried oul in an experimental seta stainl€ss-sleel high pressure
vessel wilh an internal volum€ of 350 ml. A pressure
up wltich consists ol
indicator having a range from 0 lo 250 bar end accuracy
of 10 ber is used for ths pressure measuremenls. The
products as a consequence of thernel degradation of
polymer cha¡ns, es well as imporlanl energy consumption
and a worsl plastic quelity, due lo certain level of solveñt
res¡dues [6, 9]. To avoil all ol these disadvantages,
elim¡nation ol the solvent with liquid or supercdtical COz
can be considered as an attractive eltsmative process,
because ol loa operating temperatures and the facl of
leaving no solvents ¡esidues in the recovered PS. Also,
the use of COz is very atlractive br the polymer solvonl
separalion since is capable of sw€lling the polymar
making access¡ble lhe intemal part of the polymer bulk to
Results and Discussion
The first stage consisls ¡n the dissolul¡on of polystyrene
with suitable solvents. A good solvent lor $e recyding of
extruded polystyrene should have high dissolution ability
and high volat¡lity $al will allow its removal with minimum
temperature to avoid chain degradalion. By this reason, a
sel ol exp€riments was carried oul lo check
lerpenic solvents could be used to dissolve PS [61. Table
1 shows the values of the solubility of PS in diffarent
lerpenic solvents al 25oC.
Table 1. Experimental solubility of PS in terpene oils
citrus oil wilh supercrilical COz in order to obtain
lerpeneless cilrus oil. The operaling temperalure and
pressure were in the range 313K.333K and
MPa. At such condilions, limonene was exlracted
seleclively, showing a solubility value ol 5 mglg
conlirming that COz is a very good solvent for terpenes
and exh¡bits relalively high solubility in COz.
On lhe olher hand, solubil¡ty of PS in COz has also been
studied by several authors [14,15,16,17]. ln alt case a
poor solubility of the polymer in COz has been observed
[14,161. The general mnclusion would be th¿t PS w¡th
very low molecular weight is slightly soluble in Coz, for
instanc€ 500 g/mol exh¡bit a ralher small solub¡l¡ty tower
than 0.1%, while for higher molecular webhts (>1850
g/mol) PS is completely ¡nsoluble in COz [14,15,,l61.
study were anisole,
cinnamaldehyde, . p-cymenE, eucalyptol, geraniol,
limonene, linalciol, o-phellandrene, o.
pinene, y-lerpinena and a-lerpineol: all of lhem were
suppl¡ed by Sigma.Alddch and were used without further
[2] N.Kiran, E.Ekinci,
C.E.Snape. Resources,
Conservation and Recyd¡ng, Vol. 29, 2000, p. 273.
[3] Z.Zhibo, S.Nishio, Y.Morioka, A.Ueno, H.ohkita, Y.
Tochihara, T.Mizush¡ma, N. Kakuta. Catalys¡s Today, Vol.
29, l9g$, p.303.
[4] J.B€ndrup. Recycling and remvery of plast¡cs. G.Menges,
Mun¡ch, 1996, p.393.
[5] M.Lee. Recycl¡ng polymer wasle. Chemistry in Britain, Vol.
7, 1995, p. 515.
M.T.Garcia, G.Duque, l.Gracia, A.d€Lucas, J.F.Rodriguez.
Joumal of Material Cycles and Wasle Managemsnl, Vol. 1 1,
2009, p. 2.
A.Karaduman, E.H.$¡mgek. B.Qigek, A,Y.Bilgesú. Journat
fElT.Noguchi, Y.lnagaki, M.M¡ysshita,
Packag¡ng Technology and Science, Vol. 1 1, 199E, p. 19.
M.T.Garcia, Lcracia, G.Duque,
A.de Lucas,
Rodrlguez. Waste Managment, Vol. 29, 2009, p. 1814.
ll0lA.D.Shine, Gelb, Jr. M¡croencapsulation process
supercritic€l ffuids. United States Patent 5766637. 1998.
of Supercril¡cal
Fluids, Vol.23, 2002, p. 1 1.
flllJ.D.C.Francis€o, B.Sivik. The Journat
[12lE.V.Lassak. J.J.Brophy. Flavou¡ and Fragance Joumal,
Vol. 19, 2004, p.12.
[13lM.Sato, M.Goto, T.Hirose. lndustriat
Materlals and Methods
in his
R.K.Balakrishnan, C.Guria. Polymer Degradet¡on and
Slability, Vol. 92, 2007, p. 1583.
of Analylical and Applied Py¡olys¡s, Vol. 62, 2A02,
most appropriale solvents.
Th€ solvenls testod
the COz [101.
Polyslyrsne, pellels with a weight average molecular
w€ighlbf 280000 g/mol were suppl¡ed by Sigma.Atdrich.
because all of lhem
Salo and col. (1995) [13] have sludied Ihe exkaclion ol
This work proposes a globel process for polystyrene
reryding in two st€ps: a polystyrene dissolution wilh
suileble solvents lollowed by solvenl €liminaüon by
sup€rcriticel fiuids. ln order to develop e treen pocess'
the constituents of essenllel oils were selecled as lhe
monoterpene hydrocarbons with low molecular we¡ght,
high vapor pressure and low polarity, factors that favor
solubility in dense gases, espec¡elly in supercritical Coz
has great interesl in order lo prevenl the envhonmenlal
pollution and to preserve natural soorces
[1, 2, 31.
lower solubil¡ty rales
tempsrature is measured using a temperalure indic€lor
with an accuracy of t 0.1 K.
Polyslyrene, lerpene oil, supercrilical COz.
ln the lasl years, disposal of lhe non-biodegradable
plaslic wasles has been recognized as a se¡ious
environmenlal problem. The recycling of lhese wasles
tubes were sealed lo prevent evaporat¡on of solvenls and
placed in a thermostat¡c balh al a conslanl temperature;
they w€re ellowed to setlle about 48 hours lo ensure
equilibrium. For each tube, two samples were wilhdrawn
and weighted from the dear ssturated solution to
minimize experimental errors. The solvent ratio in the
sample was determined by lhermal gravimetric anelysis
where samples were heated from lhe room temperalure
Thermogravimetric analysis showed lwo w€ight losses as
anelyzed the solubllity of the selected lerpene oils in
COt, observing thal they are fully m¡sc¡ble with dense
gas, and the solubility increases in lemperafure, lead to
As oxpected, tñe solvents wiür polar groups ¡n their
struclure do not dissolve lhe PS (geraniol and linalool) or
exhibil a lower solubility potential. Linrcnene, y-lerpinene,
ptymene and o-p¡nene exhibit similar solubility values
being good all€rnatives to carry oul the rerycling process
thal is why nonpolar terpene oils were selected lo study
PS dissolution process.
The second stage br the recycling of PS wastes consists
of solvent removal by means of dense C0¡. Thus, it was
Chemical Roseardr, Vol. 35, 1996, p.
llal M.L.O'Ne¡ll, O.Cao, M.Fang, K.P.Johnsr¡rn, S.P.Witkinson,
C.D.Smith, J.L.Kersdner, S.H.Jureller. lndustrial and
Engineering Chemisry Research, Vot. 37, 199S, p. 3067.
ll5lC.F.K¡óy, M.A.McHugh. Chemical Reviem, Vot. 99, j999.
p. 565.
l16l F.R¡ndfe¡sch, T.P.DiNoia, M.A.McHugh
Chem¡slry, Vol. 100, 1996, p. tSSBi.
Jomat of physicat
[1fl D.Xu, C.B.Pa*, R.G.Fenlon. Annuat
2005, p. 106,
ANTEC, Conferene pmeedings, Vot.