Shock Resistant Cyanoacrylate Compositions
This invention relates to cyanoacrylate-containing compositions that exhibit at least one of improved shock resistance and bond strength, while demonstrating relative surface insensitivity with respect to establishing and maintaining fixture times that are on the order of comparable cyanoacrylate compositions without the added carboxylic acids, The compositions include, in addition to the cyanoacrylate component, certain carboxylic acids.
Type of document:
006/048851 A1 ||||||||||||||ll|||||||||||||||||||||||||Ill|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(19) World Intellectual Property Organization A
International Bureau
(43) International Publication Date
11 May 2006 (11.05.2006)
(51) International Patent Classification:
C09] 4/00 (2006.01)
(21) International Application Number:
(22) International Filing Date:
27 September 2005 (27.09.2005)
(25) Filing Language: English
(26) Publication Language: English
(30) Priority Data:
1 1/ 1 19,703
1 November 2004 (01.11.2004)
3 May 2005 (03.05.2005)
(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US ): LOC-
TITE (R & D) LIlVIITED [IE/IE]; Tallaght Business Park,
Whitestown, Tallaght, Dublin 24 (IE).
(72) Inventors; and
(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): MCDONNELL,
Patrick, F. [IE/IE]; 31 Parkmore Drive, Terenure, County
Dublin (IE). KELLY, Ruth, A. [IE/IE]; 43 Hansfield,
Clonee, Dublin 15 (IE). LAMBERT, Robert, J. [IE/IE];
55 Cherry Park Road, Lucan, County Dublin (IE).
TIERNEY, Fergal, W. [IE/IE]; 67 The Walled Gardens,
Castletown, Celbridge, County Kildare (IE).
"' ||||||||||||||ll|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(10) International Publication Number
WO 2006/048851 A1
(74) Agents: LANE, Cathal, Michael et al.; Tomkins & Co., 5
Dartmouth Road, Dublin 6 (IE).
(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
kind of national protection available ): AE, AG, AL, AM,
(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
kind of regional protection available ): ARIPO (BW, GH,
ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI,
GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
— with international search report
For two—letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the ”Guid—
ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations " appearing at the begin-
ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
(‘S (57) Abstract: This invention relates to cyanoacrylate—contajning compositions that exhibit at least one of improved shock resis-
O tance and bond strength, while demonstrating relative surface insensitivity with respect to establishing and maintaining fixture times
that are on the order of comparable cyanoacrylate compositions without the added carboxylic acids, The compositions include, in
addition to the cyanoacrylate component, certain carboxylic acids.
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
Field of the Invention
[0001] This invention relates to cyanoacrylate—containing
compositions that exhibit at least one of improved shock
resistance and bond strength, while demonstrating relative
surface insensitivity with respect to establishing and
maintaining fixture times that are on the order of comparable
cyanoacrylate compositions without the added carboxylic acids.
The compositions include, in addition to the cyanoacrylate
component, certain carboxylic acids.
Brief Description of Related Technologx
[0002] Cyanoacrylate adhesive compositions are well known,
and widely used as quick setting, instant adhesives with a wide
variety of uses. See H.V. Coover, D.W. Dreifus and J.T.
O'Connor, “Cyanoacrylate Adhesives" in Handbook of Adhesives,
27, 463-77, I. Skeist, ed., Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 3rd
ed. (1990). See also G.H. Millet "Cyanoacrylate Adhesives" in
Structural Adhesives: Chemistry and Technology, S.R. Hartshorn,
ed., Plenun Press, New York, p. 249-307 (1986).
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
[0003] Nonetheless, various techniques have been used to
improve further the fixture times of such adhesive compositions
for certain applications where it is important to be able to
secure one substrate to another quickly, while allowing the bond
strength to develop over time. In addition, substrates
constructed of certain materials have proven in the past
difficult to bond, irrespective of the application to which the
adhesive and the substrate are to be placed.
[0004] To combat these issues, Henkel Corporation [then
Loctite Corporation, at least in part through its Henkel Loctite
(Ireland) Ltd. (then Loctite (Ireland) Ltd.) affiliate]
developed a technology based on calixarene and oxacalixarene
compounds. Generally, the addition of such materials to a
cyanoacrylate allow for accelerated fixturing of substrates to—
be—bonded together. gee U.S. Patent Nos. 4,556,700, 4,622,414,
4,636,539, 4,695,615, 4,718,966, and 4,855,461.
[0005] In addition to calixarene compounds, Henkel
Corporation also developed technology based on the addition of
silacrown compounds to cyanoacrylate adhesive compositions to
accelerate fixturing. For instance, U.S. Patent No. 4,906,317
(Liu) is directed to cyanoacrylate adhesive compositions which
include silacrown compounds as additives to give substantially
reduced fixture and cure times on de-activating substrates such
as wood. The silacrown compounds are preferably employed at
levels of about O.l—5% by weight of the composition.
[0006] Henkel KGaA developed technology based on the addition
to cyanoacrylate compositions of cyclodextrins to accelerate
fixturing. In U.S. Patent No. 5,312,864 (Wenz), the
acceleration of the setting properties of a cyanoacrylate
adhesive composition by adding thereto a hydroxyl group
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
derivative of‘an a-, B~ or y—cyclodextrin, which is at least
partly soluble in the cyanoacrylate, is described.
[0007] V Other approaches have also been investigated, such as
in U.S. Patent No. 4,837,260 (Sato), in which it is reported the
use of crown ethers in cyanoacrylate adhesive compositions.
[0008] More recently, Loctite (R&D) Ltd. investigated other
ways in which to accelerate the curing of cyanoacrylate adhesive
compositions. In U.S. Patent No. 6,294,629 (O’Dwyer), a
cyanoacrylate adhesive composition is provided with a first
accelerator component selected from calixarenes and
oxacalixarenes, silacrowns, cyclodextrins, crown ethers, and
combinations thereof; and a second accelerator component
selected from poly(ethyleneglycol) di(meth)acrylates,
ethoxylated hydric compounds, and combinations thereof.
[0009] Henkel Corporation further developed a cyanoacrylate
adhesive composition, based on a cyanoacrylate component; and an
accelerator component consisting essentially of (i) calixarenes,
oxcalixarenes, or a combination thereof, and (ii) at least one
crown ether, where the composition exhibits a fixturing speed of
less than 20 seconds for bonding two substrates, at least one of
which is constructed of a material selected from steel, epoxy
glass or balsawood, as described in U.S. Patent No. 6,475,331
[0010] It is known to use certain esters of carboxylic acids
as plasticizers to render cyanoacrylate compositions reportedly
less likely to bond the users skin. gee U.K. Patent No. 2 268
503 (Toa Gosei) and U.S. Patent Application Publication No.
2001/0004655 ]Takahashi).
[0011] U.S. Patent No. 4,450,265 (Harris) refers to the use
of phthallic anhydride in cyanoacrylates for the purpose of
improving resistance to moisture and/or heat.
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
[0012] German Patent No. 24 29 070 discloses the use of
itaconic anhydride as an additive in alkyl and allyl
cyanoacrylate compositions to impart improved heat resistance to
the adhesive bonds formed.
[0013] U.S. Patent No. 3,832,334 discloses the use of maleic
anhydride and derivatives thereof as additives in alkyl
cyanoacrylate compositions to impart improved heat resistance to
the adhesive bonds formed.
[0014] Japanese Patent No. 78 110 635 discloses the use of
hydroxyalkyl and hydroxyhaloalkyl esters of d, B—unsaturated
carboxylic acids as additives in alkyl cyanoacrylate
compositions to impart improved heat resistance to the adhesive
bonds formed.
[0015] However, the use of acids (not carboxylic acid esters
as described above in the preceding paragraph) generally is
known to retard the cure (or fixture) speed of cyanoacrylates
and therefore their use in such compositions is ordinarily
restricted to very small quantities for the sole purpose of
stabilization against premature polymerization.
[0016] Nevertheless, Japanese Patent No. 77 80 336 discloses
the use of dicarboxylic acids and their anhydrides as additives
in ethyl cyanoacrylate compositions to impart improved impact
resistance to the adhesive bonds formed.
[0017] And Japanese Patent No. 77 78 933 discloses the use of
aromatic polycarboxylic acids and their anhydrides as additives
in ethyl cyanoacrylate compositions to impart improved impact
resistance to the adhesive bonds formed.
[0018] Despite the existence of the JP '336 patent and the JP
‘933 patent, neither appears to show improved shock resistance
and/or bond strength, while maintaining the level of fixture
speeds observed in comparable cyanoacrylate compositions.
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
[0019] fhus, notwithstanding the state—of-the—technology, it
would be desirable to provide alternative technologies to
improve the shock resistance and/or bond strengths achieved with
cyanoacrylate compositions, while not compromising the fixture
speed of cyanoacrylates to substrates, and to provide a
cyanoacrylate composition with improved shock resistance when
[0020] The present invention is directed to a cyanoacrylate-
based composition, which includes beyond the cyanoacrylate
component, a carboxylic acid selected from those within the
following structure:
where Y is a direct bond, a methylene unit, an ethylene unit, a
propylene unit, an ethenylene unit, or a propenylene unit, or
forms part of an aromatic ring structure, with or without
hydroxyl functional groups; and n is 1-4.
[0021] More particularly, the invention provides a method of
improving at least one of the following physical properties:
shock resistance or bond strength of a cured cyanoacrylate
composition. The method includes the steps of:
providing at least two substrates;
providing a cyanoacrylate—containing composition,
which includes beyond the cyanoacrylate component, an
accelerator component and the carboxylic acid described in the
proceeding paragraph;
applying the cyanoacrylate composition to at least one
of the substrates; and
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
joining the substrates and maintaining them in place
for a time sufficient to allow the cyanoacrylate composition to
[0022] The carboxylic acid may be selected from one or more
of citric acid and its monohydrate, pyruvic acid, valeric acid,
trimellitic acid, 1,2,4—benzene tricarboxylic acid, aconitic
acid, tricarballylic acid, hemimellitic acid, trimesic acid,
pyromellitic acid, l,2,3,4—butane tetracarboxylic acid, 2-
ketobutyric acid, glutaric acid, l,2,4,5—benzene tetracarboxylic
acid, 1,2,4—benzene tricarboxylic anhydride, l,2,3—propene
“tricarboxylic acid, l,2,3—propane tricarboxylic acid, 1,2,3-
benzene tricarboxylic acid hydrate and combinations thereof.
[0023] The inclusion of one or more of these carboxylic acids
into a cyanoacrylate composition provides for at least one of
improved shock resistance and/or bond strength in cured products
thereof, while retaining fixture speeds observed in comparable
cyanoacrylate compositions without the added acid across a
variety of substrates are particularly attractive to assembled
end user products in the consumer products markets which are
subject to extensive handling and unfortunately dropping.
[0024] The discovery of the invention described herein also
renders the inventive composition particularly useful in a
substrate insensitive manner, without sacrificing shelf life and
other desirable properties.
[0025] This invention is also directed to a method of bonding
together two substrates using the inventive compositions. The
method includes applying to at least one of the substrates a
composition as described above, and thereafter mating together
the substrates.
[0026] Also, the invention is directed to a method of
preparing the inventive compositions.
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
[0027] The invention will be more fully understood by a
reading of the section entitled "Detailed Description of the
Invention", which follows.
[0028] Fig. 1 shows a comparative chart of Sample Nos. 45 and
46 as compared to a control (Sample No. 51) in terms of shock
[0029] Fig. 2 shows a comparative chart of Sample Nos. 45 and
46 as compared to a control (Sample No. 51) in terms of bond
strength on aluminum and mild steel substrates.
[0030] As noted above, this invention is directed to a
cyanoacrylate—based composition, which includes beyond the
cyanoacrylate component, a carboxylic acid selected from those
within the following structure:
HO-—-C y
where Y is a direct bond, a methylene unit, an ethylene unit, a
propylene unit, an ethenylene unit, or a propenylene unit, or
forms part of an aromatic ring structure, with or without
hydroxy functional groups; and n is 2-4.
[0031] More particularly, the invention provides a method of
improving at least one of the following physical properties:
shock resistance or bond strength, of a cured cyanoacrylate
composition. The method includes the step of providing a
cyanoacrylate—based composition, which includes beyond the
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
cyanoacrylate component, an accelerator component and a
carboxylic acid as described in the preceding paragraph.
[0032] The carboxylic acid may be selected from one or more
of citric acid and its monohydrate, pyruvic acid, valeric acid,
trimellitic acid, l,2,4—benzene tricarboxylic acid, aconitic
acid, tricarballylic acid, hemimellitic acid, trimesic acid,
pyromellitic acid, l,2,3,4—butane tetracarboxylic acid, 2~
ketobutyric acid, glutaric acid, 1,2,4,5—benzene tetracarboxylic
acid, l,2,4~benzene tricarboxylic anhydride, 1,2,3-propene
tricarboxylic acid, l,2,3—propane tricarboxylic acid, 1,2,3-
benzene tricarboxylic acid hydrate, and combinations thereof
[0033] The carboxylic acid chosen should have an appreciable
solubility in the cyanoacrylate selected at room temperature and
as such may be used in an amount of 5 ppm to 5000 ppm.
[0034] The table below shows the number of acid groups and
the respective pKa‘s.
acid groups Z—
Number of CAS No_
1,2,3,4-Butane tetracarboxylic acid 1703-58-8
89-05-4 1.87 2.71
5255-44-9 2.84 3 3 —
1,2,3—Propane tricarboxylic acid 99-14-9 4.31 2 _
1,2,3—Ben‘zenc tricarboxylic acid 3 36362_97_7 2.52
Pyruvic acid 2 127-17-3 2.65
1,2,4,5-Benzene tetracarboxylic acid -
Citric acid
Citric acid monohydratc
1,2,4-Benzene tricarboxylic acid
1,2,4-Benzene tricarboxylic
1,2,3-Propcne tricarboxylic acid
77—92—9 2.93 4.2316.13
55230-7 3.33 -
2.93 4.23
[0035] The cyanoacrylate component includes cyanoacrylate
monomers which may be chosen with a raft of substituents, such
as those represented by H2C=C(CN)—COOR, where R is selected from
CL45 alkyl, alkoxyalkyl, cycloalkyl, alkenyl, aralkyl, aryl,
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
allyl and haloalkyl groups. Desirably, the cyanoacrylate
monomer is selected from methyl cyanoacrylate, ethyl-2-
cyanoacrylate, propyl cyanoacrylates, butyl cyanoacrylates (such
as n—butyl—2-cyanoacrylate), octyl cyanoacrylates, allyl
cyanoacrylate, B-methoxyethyl cyanoacrylate and combinations
thereof. A particularly desirable one is ethyl—2~
[0036] The cyanoacrylate component should be included in the
compositions in an amount within the range of from about 50% to
‘about 99.98% by weight, with the range of about 90% to about 99%
by weight being desirable, and about 95% by weight of the total
composition being particularly desirable.
[0037] One or more accelerators may also be included in the
composition._‘Such accelerators may be selected from calixarenes
and oxacalixarenes, silacrowns, crown ethers, cyclodextrins,
poly(ethyleneglycol) di(meth)acrylates, ethoxylated hydric
compounds and combinations thereof.
[0038] Of the calixarenes and oxacalixarenes, many are known,
and are reported in the patent literature. '§§§ e.g. U.S. Patent
Nos. 4,556,700, 4,622,414, 4,636,539, 4,695,615, 4,718,966, and
4,855,461, the disclosures of each of which are hereby expressly
incorporated herein by reference.
[0039] For instance, as regards calixarenes, those within
structure 2 are useful herein:
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
' n
where R1 is alkyl, alkoxy, substituted alkyl or substituted
alkoxy; R2 is H or alkyl; and n is 4, 6 or 8.
[0040] , One particularly desirable calixarene is tetrabutyl
tetra[2-ethoxy-2-oxoethoxy]calix—4—arene ("TBTEOCA").
[0041] A host of crown ethers are known. For instance,
examples which may be used herein either individually or in
combination, or in combination with other first accelerators
include l5—crown—5, l8—crown—6, dibenzo—l8—crown—6, benzo-15-
crown—5—dibenzo—24—crown—8, dibenzo—30—crown—lO, tribenzo—18-
crown—6, asym—dibenzo—22-crown—6, dibenzo-l4—crown—4,
dicyclohexyl—18—crown—6, dicyclohexyl—24—crown—8, cyclohexyl—l2~
crown—4, l,2—decalyl—l5-crown—5, l,2—naphtho—l5—crown—5, 3,4,5-
naphtyl—l6-crown—5, l,2-methyl-benzo-l8~crown~6, 1,2-
methylbenzo-5, 6—methylbenzo—18-crown-6, 1,2—t~butyl—l8~crown—6,
1,2-vinylbenzo—l5-crown-5, 1,2—vinylbenzo—l8—crown-6, l,2—t—
butyl—cyclohexyl—l8—crown-6, asym—dibenzo—22—crown~6 and 1,2-
benzo—l,4-benzo—5—oxygen-20—crown—7. §ee U.S. Patent No.
4,837,260 (Sato), the disclosure of which is hereby expressly
incorporated here by reference.
[0042] Of the silacrowns, again many are known, and are
reported in the literature. For instance, a typical silacrown
may be represented within the following structure (23):
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
R ——s;L——-—O
where R3 and R4 are organo groups which do not themselves cause
polymerization of the cyanoacrylate monomer, R5 is H or CH3 and n
is an integer‘of between 1 and 4. Examples of suitable R3 and R4
groups are R groups, alkoxy groups, such as methoxy, and aryloxy
groups, such as phenoxy. The R3 and R4 groups may contain
halogen or other substituents, an example being trifluoropropyl.
However, groups not suitable as R4 and R5 groups are basic
groups, such as amino, substituted amino and alkylamino.
[0043] Specific examples of silacrown compounds useful in the
inventive compositions include:
0/ \O
dimethylsila-ll—crown-4 (VII);
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
(\ 0 KW
}hC CEg
dimethylsila—l4—crown—5 (VIII);
H30 CH3
and dimethylsila—l7—crown-6 (I§). gee e;g; U.S. Patent No.
4,906,317 (Liu), the disclosure of which is hereby expressly
incorporated herein by reference.
[0044] Many cyclodextrins may be used in connection with the
present invention. For instance, those described and claimed in
U.S. Patent No. 5,312,864 (Wenz), the disclosure of which is
hereby expressly incorporated herein by reference, as hydroxyl
group derivatives of an d, B or y—cyclodextrin which is at least
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
partly soluble in the cyanoacrylate would be appropriate choices
for use herein as the first accelerator component.
[0045] For instance, poly(ethylene glycol) di(meth)acrylates
suitable for use herein include there within structure § below:
CH . H C
H2c=c: 3 3 :c=cH2
c O—CH-CH o——c
H 2 2 H
o I1 o
where n is greater than 3, such as within the range of 3 to 12,
with n being 9 as particularly desirable. More specific
examples include PEG 200 DMA, (where n is about 4) PEG 400 DMA
(where n is about 9), PEG 600 DMA (where n is about l4), and PEG
800 DMA (where n is about 19), where the number (e.g., 400)
represents the average molecular weight of the glycol portion of
the molecule, excluding the two methacrylate groups, expressed
as grams/mole (i.e., 400 g/mol). A particularly desirable PEG
DMA is PEG 400 DMA.
[0046] And‘of the ethoxylated hydric compounds (or
ethoxylated fatty alcohols that may be employed), appropriate
ones may be chosen from those within structure §£:
(T”[O\ fifl]
m- ga 2OH
R n»
where Cm can be a linear or branched alkyl or alkenyl chain, m is
an integer between 1 to 30, such as from 5 to 20, n is an
integer between 2 to 30, such as from 5 to 15, and R may be H or
alkyl, such as C34 alkyl.
[0047] Commercially available examples of materials within
structure §£ include those offered under the DEHYDOL tradename
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
from Cognis Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, Dusseldorf, Germany, such
as DEHYDOL 100 .
[0048] In addition, accelerators embraced within structure
ggg, where R is hydrogen, alkyl, alkyloxy, alkyl thioethers,
haloalkyl, carboxylic acid and esters thereof, sulfinic,
sulfonic and sulfurous acids and esters, phosphinic, phosphonic
and phosphorous acids and esters thereof, X is an aliphatic or
aromatic hydrocarbyl linkage, which may be substituted by oxygen
or sulfur, is a single or double bond and n is 1-12, m is 1-4,
and p is 1-3, such as
XIII, may be used as well.
[0049] For instance, a particularly desirable chemical class
embraced by these structures is
XIV, where R, Z, n and p are as defined above, and R’ is the
same as R, and g is the same as n.
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
[0050] A particularly desirable chemical within this class as
an accelerator component is
XV, where n and m combined are greater than or equal to 12.
[0051] The accelerator should be included in the compositions
in an amount within the range of from about 0.01% to about 10%
[by weight, with the range of about 0.1 to about 0.5% by weight
being desirable, and about 0.4% by weight of the total
composition being particularly desirable.
[0052] Additional additives may be included in the inventive
compositions to confer additional physical properties, such as
improved shelf-life stability, flexibility, thixotropy,
increased viscosity, color, improved toughness, and enhanced
resistance to thermal degradation. Such additives therefore may
be selected from free radical stabilizers, anionic stabilizers,
gelling agents, thickeners [such as polymethyl methacrylate
("PMMA")], thixotropy conferring agents (such as fumed silica),
dyes, toughening agents, thermal resistance additives,
plasticizers and combinations thereof.
[0053] In another aspect of the invention, there is provided
a method of bonding together two substrates. The method
includes applying to at least one of the substrates a
cyanoacrylate composition as described above, and thereafter
mating together the substrates for a time sufficient to permit
the adhesive to fixture. For many applications, the substrates
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
should become fixed in less than 30 seconds, and depending on
substrate as little as 1-3 seconds.
[0054] In an additional aspect of the invention, there is
provided a method of bonding together two substrates. The
method includes applying the compositions to at least one of the
substrates and mating together the substrates for a time
sufficient to permit the composition to fixture.
[0055] The inventive compositions may also be used in a two
part form, where the carboxylic acid is applied to a surface of
one or both substrates as a solution or dispersion in a highly
volatile organic solvent, such as acetone or isopropyl alcohol,
and thereafter the cyanoacrylate is applied thereover, and the
substrates mated.
[0056] These aspects of the invention will be further
illustrated by the examples which follow.
[0057] We prepared in these examples a variety of
formulations on a percent by weight basis (unless otherwise
noted as ppm) to evaluate their fixture time, bond strength,
shelf life and shock resistance on a variety of substrates. The
samples were prepared by mixing together the constituents in any
order for a sufficient period of time to ensure substantial
homogeneity of the constituents. Ordinarily, about 30 minutes
suffices, depending of course on the identity and quantity of
the constituents used.
Example 1
[0058] The acids listed in Table 1 were added to ethyl
cyanoacrylate at a concentration of 0.1% to prepare four
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
different formulations. Another formulation, without any added
acid, was included as a control.
[0059] The formulations were used to bond lapshear test
specimens constructed from either mild steel or aluminum, which
were bonded in triplicate. The test specimens had dimensions of
100 x 25 mm and were cleaned/degreased before use. The
lapshears were overlapped at their centers to form a cross
shaped assembly with an overlap area of 25 mm x 25 mm. The
formulations were each applied to one side of one of the
lapshears only using the minimum quantity of adhesive to wet the
entire area of the overlap. The lapshears were clamped securely
and left to cure at room temperature for 48 hours and 100 hours.
[0060] The shock resistance of the so-formed bonded lapshear
assemblies was determined by dropping the bonded lapshear
assemblies from a height of one metre onto a concrete surface,
so that the flat part of one of the lapshears made the initial
impact with the concrete rather than an edge thereof. The
bonded lapshear assemblies were dropped repeatedly until failure
was observed to occur through breakage of the bond. Thus, the
number of times the bonded assembly was dropped and the bond
survived were recorded as a measure of shock resistance.
Table 1
Sam le Shock Resistance (No. of Dro - s
Nap Acid Identity Mild Steel
2 tricarboxylic 12 17 14 12
1 ,2,4-benzene
tficarboxylic 16 17 17 70+
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
[0061] As can be seen, the lapshear assembly bonded with the
control (without an added acid), broke at its bond line after
only one drop irrespective of the material form which the
lapshear was constructed, whereas the lapshear assemblies bonded
with any of the four formulations prepared with the listed acids
showed clear improvement, whether the lapshears were constructed
from mild steel or aluminum and whether data was collected after
two or seven days of cure.
Example 2
[0062] Ethyl cyanoacrylate was thickened to a viscosity of
100 mPas using polymethylmethacrylate ("PMMA") powder. A
calixarene accelerator was added at a concentration of 0.5%.
The acids listed in Table 2 were next added at concentrations of
500 ppm and 1000 ppm. The resulting formulations were then used
to construct bonded mild steel assemblies which were tested for
shock resistance as outlined in Example 1. The cure time before
testing here was 24 hours.
Shock Resistance (No. of Dro - s)
500 - m Acid 1000 in mAcid
Mild Steel Aluminum Mild Steel
Pymvic acid
1,2,4-Benzene tricarboxylic acid
1,2,4-Benzene tricarboxylic anhydride
[0063] As can be seen, the lapshear assembly bonded with the
control (without an added acid), broke at its bond line after
only one drop irrespective of the material from which the
lapshear was constructed, whereas the lapshear assemblies bonded
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
with any of the six formulations prepared with the listed acids
showed clear improvement, whether the lapshears were constructed
from mild steel or aluminum and whether with 500 ppm or lOOO ppm
of the acid, except for l,2,3,4~butane tetracarboxylic acid
where no benefit was observed at the 500 ppm level on aluminum
Example 3
[0064] Adhesive formulations were prepared by adding pyruvic
acid to (A) unthickened ethyl cyanoacrylate at concentrations of
1O, 50, 100, 250 and 1000 ppm and (B) ethyl cyanoacrylate
thickened to a viscosity of lO0 mPas using PMMA powder and also
.containing a calixarene accelerator at a level of 0.5%. Similar
formulations were prepared by using l,2,4—benzene tricarboxylic
acid at concentrations of 50 and 100 ppm in thickened ethyl
cyanoacrylate containing a calixarene accelerator at a level of
0.5%. These formulations are summarized in Table 3. Two
control formulations (Sample Nos. 13 and 19) containing no added
acid were included in each case. The resulting formulations
were then used to construct bonded lapshear assemblies from mild
steel, which were evaluated (in triplicate) for shock resistance
as outlined in Example 1. The cure time before testing here was
24 hours. Results are shown in Table 3.
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
Table 3
Sample . . Shock Resistance (No. of Dro u s)
"““‘“”‘*“"°’“‘“1“‘“°” Runs
Control (unthickened)
1 + 10 ppm Pyruvic acid (unthickened)
4 :1
+ 50 ppm Pymvic acid (unthickened) ii
. + 100 ppm Pymvic acid (unthickened)
17 + 250 ppm Pyruvic acid (unthickened)
+1000 ppm Pyruvic acid (unthickened) if
_ Control (thickened+ca1ixarene) 1 1 1
19 ---1-
20 + 10 ppm Pyruvic acid (thickened+ca1ixarene)
+ 100 ppm Pyruvic acid (thickened+ca1ixarcne
+ 250 ppm Pymvic acid (thickened+ca1ixarene)
+ 50 ppm 1,2,4-Benzene tricarboxylic acid 18 17 13
24 + 100 ppm 1,2,4-Benzene tricarboxylic acid
25 + Blend of 50 ppm Pynivic acid and 50 ppm
1,2,4—Benzene tricarboxylic acid
Example 4
[0065] Two additional formulations were prepared and tested
as follows.
[0066] Formulation A: PMMA (6%) was dissolved in ethyl
cyanoacrylate by heating at a temperature of 65°C for a period
of time of 30\minutes with constant stirring, to yield a
thickened formulation with a viscosity of 100 mPas. A
calixarene accelerator was the added at a level of 0.4%.
[0067] Formulation B: PMMA (6%) was dissolved in ethyl
cyanoacrylate by heating at a temperature of 65°C for a period
of time of 30 minutes with constant stirring, to yield a
thickened formulation with a viscosity of 100 mPas. Two“
accelerators were added: calixarene (0.2%) and
polyethyleneglycol 400 dimethacrylate (0.4%) Glycerol triacetate
(12% w/w) was also added as a plasticiser.
[0068] Citric acid was added to both Formulation A and B at
concentrations of 10, 25, 50 and 100 ppm. The resulting
formulations were then used to construct bonded lapshear
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
assemblies from each of mild steel and aluminum, which were
tested in triplicate for shock resistance as outlined above in
Example 1. The cure time before testing here was 72 hours.
Results are shown in Table 4.
Table 4
Sa1{I‘:)P1° Adhesive Formulation Mild Steel
' R11113
U1 U1
uzuaw UIUIUI
++ +++
[0069] As can be seen, the lapshear assemblies bonded with
either Sample No. 26 or 31 (the control formulations) broke at
the bond line after only one drop, whereas the lapshear
assemblies.bonded with any of the eight formulations prepared
with the listed acids (Sample Nos. 27-30 and 32-35) showed
improvement, irrespective of whether the lapshears were
constructed from mild steel or aluminum.
[0070] Increasing the concentration of citric acid in these
samples showed an increase in shock resistance in the ranges
[0071] These samples were also evaluated for tensile shear
bond strength on grit—blasted mild steel lapshear specimen
assemblies and also on degreased aluminum lapshear specimen
assemblies. All the lapshear specimens had dimensions of 100 x
25 mm and the overlap bond area was 25 x 12.5 nm?. The
assemblies were prepared by applying the formulation to one
surface of a lapshear, making the other lapshear therewith, and
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
completing the joint immediately. The assemblies were then
stored at room temperature for 48 hours to allow for cure. The
tensile shear bond strength was then measured at room
temperature using an Instron tensile tester with a crosshead
speed of 2 mm/minute.
32 +10 .. Citric acid 6.
33 + 25 ppm Citfic acid 19.33
IlfifilllflflflflfiflflfiflfififllIEMEIIIEIIEHIEZEII 2L5 Ilflll
[0072] As can be seen, the lapshear assemblies bonded with
either Sample No. 26 or 31 (the control formulations) showed
lower bond strengths on either of the lapshear assemblies
compared with‘any of the eight formulations prepared with the
listed acids (Sample Nos. 27-30 and 32-35).
[0073] Whereas certain of the shock resistance measurements
did not show a trend of clear improvement, the bond strength
evaluation shows a much more consistent set of improved data for
the inventive compositions relative to the control formulations.
[0074] In addition, while the inclusion of accelerators is
seen to decrease the bond strength relative to control
formulations, the inclusion of the acid increases the bond
strength back to levels observed without the accelerator.
o . 6 . 4 .
. 1.56 . - .5 .3 6- -
24.76 25.1
7 17.4 .5 51 6
8 . . . 7
7 6
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
Example 5
[0075] Six formulations (Sample Nos. 36-41) were prepared
from ethyl cyanoacrylate, and in each of which citric acid was
dissolved at a concentration in the range 30 — 100 ppm. PMMA
thickener was added to give viscosities were in the range 50 -
150 mPas. ‘A control formulation without citric acid was also
prepared (Sample No. 42).
[0076] Shock resistance on steel and aluminum lapshear
specimens and bond strengths on aluminum lapshear specimens was
determined after 24 hour room temperature cure for each sample
as described in previous examples.
[0077] Fixture time on ABS plastic lapshear specimens was
determined in each case, measured as the cure time in seconds
for a bond of area 625 Km? to support a mass of 3 Kg. The
fixture time on photocopy paper was determined in a similar
manner. While improvements in fixture time may ordinarily be
determined by a decrease in the amount of time necessary to
achieve bonding, in some cases a slight increase in time
actually is considered beneficial, such as where bond alignment
(or re—alignment) and repositionability are desirable.
[0078] A 20 gram quantity of each sample was placed in a
polyethylene bottle, the bottle closed and then aged at a
temperature of 82°C to determine a measure of the potential
shelf life. The bottles were examined daily and the number of
days that the formulation remained flowable (without gelling)
was recorded. A commercially acceptable result ordinarily would
be between 5 and 10 days.
[0079] Results for these evaluations are set forth in Table
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
Samle No.
"“yS‘°a”"°P”‘y —n—
Shock Resistance — 11 11 12 12 1 5 1
Steel (No. of Drops)
Shock Resistance — A1
(N/mm )
Flxture Tlme ‘ ABS 3-5 3-5 3-5 1-3 3-5 3-5 1-3
(seconds) .- W
Fixture Time —
Photocopy Paper 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 3-5 1-3
She1f'(1J‘3f:y:§8°°C 21+ 21+ 24+ 24+ 24+ 24+
Citric Acid level (ppm) E-Efi:
Example 6
[0080] Sample 43-50 based on ethyl cyanoacrylate were
prepared with~each of the acids listed below in Table 7, all at
a concentration of 0.02%, and a calixarene accelerator at a
concentration of 0.4%. A control formulation without added
acids was included (Sample No. 51).
Table 7
Sample No.‘ Acid Identity ‘ ‘
1,2,3,4-Butane tiicarboxylic acid
1,2,4,5~Benzene tiicarboxylic acid
_ Citiic acid monohydrate
— 1,2,4-Benzene tricarboxylic acid
— 1,2,4-Benzene tricarboxylic anhydiide
— 1,2,3-Propene tricarboxylic acid
1,2,3-Propane tricarboxylic acid
50 1,2,3-Benzene tricarboxylic acid
[0081] These samples were used to prepare bonded assemblies
of test specimens which were evaluated for physical properties,
such as shock resistance (drop test), bond strength and fixture
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
time. The shock resistance was tested on mild steel and
aluminum specimens after curing for 24 hours at room
temperature, as described in previous examples. The bond
strengths (after 24 hour cure at room temperature) were
evaluated on grit-blasted mild steel ("GBMS") lapshear specimens
and on degreased aluminum lapshear specimens. The fixture times
were tested on acrylonitrile butadiene styrene ("ABS") plastic
specimens and teak wood specimens. The fixture time is defined
as the cure time in seconds for a bond of area 625 mm? to support
a mass of 3 Kg.
[0082] As above, the accelerated shelf life of each sample
was determined in sealed polyethylene bottles containing 20
grams of samples, which were each aged for a period of time of
72 hours at a temperature of 82°C. Viscosities of the samples
were measured‘before and after aging and the percent viscosity
change calculated. A percentage change in the range 0%-100% is
considered satisfactory and would project to a shelf life of at
least 1 year at room temperature.
Table 8
Shock Resistance 2 . . " ‘ Viscosity
Sample No. Bond Strength (N/mm) Flxture Tlme (secs) Increase
A1 ' GBMS -33 — k ' 82°C
10732 77%
10-12 Gelled
11 12-15 39%
n 20-25 30%
:_ 10-12 44%
n 10-12 33%
n 10-12
:_ -
[0083] Thus, as seen from data in Table 8, a cyanoacrylate
composition that includes a cyanoacrylate component, an
accelerator component, and an acid having two or more acidic
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
groups, when cured demonstrates at least a 3.5 fold improvement
in shock resistance when a pair of bonded steel lapshears which
have been dropped to the ground from a one metre distance,
maintains their fixture speed on acrylonitritle—butadiene-
styrene copolymer and teak, demonstrates a 37.5 percent increase
in bond strength on aluminum, and maintains bond strength on
grit blasted mild steel, when compared with a comparable
cyanoacrylate composition without the acid.
Example 7
[0084] An ethyl cyanoacrylate gel formulation (Formulation E,
Sample No. 52) was prepared from the following components: PMMA
(6%), fumed silica (5%), glycerol triacetate (10%) and the
accelerators, calixarene (0.2%) and compound g! (0.4%). From
this formulation, Sample Nos. 53-55 were prepared by the
addition of citric acid in concentrations ranging between 50 and
200 ppm.
[0085] Formulation F (Sample No. 56) was also prepared from
the components of Formulation E, with the exception that fumed
silica was omitted. Citric acid, at a level of 50 ppm, was also
‘added to this formulation to create Sample No. 57. ~~
[0086] These samples were used to form bonded assemblies and
allowed to cure for 24 hours. The shock resistance for each
sample was then evaluated, the results for which are reported in
Table ll below. Bonded assemblies were prepared and tested as
outlined in Example 1.
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
[0087] As the concentration of acid increases in Formulation
E (from Sample Nos. 53-55), the shock resistance on mild steel
was observed to increase.
[0088] The added acid in Formulation F (from Sample No. 57),
resulted in the observation of an increase in shock resistance
with mild steel lapshears and a considerable increase with
aluminum lapshears. Formulation F, without fumed silica,
performs in a comparable manner to Formulation E, with fumed
silica; however, when citric acid was added to each to form
Sample Nos. 57 and 53, respectively, Sample No. 57 is seen to
out perform Sample No. 53 in terms of shock resistance.”~
Example 8
[0089] In this example, seven different hydrophobic, fumed
silica samples were evaluated in an ethyl cyanoacrylate. The
different silica samples are listed in Table 10 below, together
with shock resistance data for cyanoacrylate compositions
containing such silica samples on a variety of substrates.
[0090] Sample Nos. 58-64 were thus prepared from the
following components: ethyl cyanoacrylate, PMMA (6%), the
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
accelerators, calixarene (0.2%) and compound gz (0.4%), citric
acid (100 ppm) and one of the silica samples A to G (6%).
[0091] Table 10 below shows the shock resistance of these
samples on lapshears constructed from four different metal
substrates, as noted. Bonded lap shear assemblies were prepared
and tested according to the method outlined in Example 1. Each
Table 10
result is an average of the number of drops of three assemblies.
Shock Resistance
(No. of Drops)
Sample Silica ' SSA Stainless
No. Sample on Silica (mzlg) Aluminum Steel
:1 —
—iZ 0
SSA = Surface Specific Area
PDMS = Polydimethylsiloxanc
DMDCS = Dirnethyldichlorosilane
[0092] These results demonstrate that the properties of the
fumed silica used in the formulation can affect the shock
resistance achieved. As specific surface area increases (within
a surface coating type), a decrease in the shock resistance (in
terms of drops achieved without breakage) was observed.
[0093] Without being bound by theory, this may be explained
due to an increase in surface area resulting in an increase in
the number of SiOH groups exposed at the surface. The acid
additive, in this case citric acid, can interact with these SiOH
groups and hence give a decreased effect at the metal surface.
As the aluminum surface is more active than that of the other
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
metals evaluated, the effect is not as pronounced within the
test parameters in the case of Samples A to E.
[0094] Interactions -— which can effect shock resistance --
may also take place between silica surface coating and the acid
species. This may help to explain the difference in shock
resistance performance (again, in terms of numbers of drops
achieved) when comparing PDMS and DMDCS surface treatments.
However, the same trend of increasing surface area leading to
decreasing shock resistance was observed within both surface
treatments examined.
[0095] As seen, the number of drops achieved decreased as the
surface area of the fumed silica increased. Silicas A to E in
Table 10 are all surface treated in the same way and show this
trend over the range of metals. Silicas F and G are surface
treated in the same way as each other (but differently from
Samples A to E) and again show this trend.
Example 9
[0096] In this example, an ethyl cyanoacrylate formulation
was prepared from the following components: PMMA (6%), fumed
silica (6%) and the accelerators, calixarene (0.2%) and PEG 400
DMA (0.4%). This formulation is identified as Sample No: 65 in
Table 11.
[0097] To this formulation was added 150 ppm or 700 ppm of
the various acids listed, to create Sample Nos. 66-75. Table 11
below also reports the shock resistance of these formulations
when used to bond mild steel lap shear assemblies and tested
according to the method outlined in Example 1.
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
Sam le Shock Resistance on Mild Steel (N 0. of Dro n s)
Nop Adhesive Formulation 24 hr Cure 72 hr Cure
' Ave Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Ave
0 U1 -l>~ K9 0
+ 700 ppm Parabanic
Transaconitic Acid
+ 700 ppm
Transaconitic Acid
[0098] Most of the acids (with the exception of parabanic
acid, Sample Nos. 72 and 73), showed improvement in shocfi
resistance over the control formulation (Sample No. 65).
[0099] When the assemblies were left to cure for 72 hours
instead of 24 hours, the shock resistance in some cases was
observed to improve, such as in Sample Nos. 67, 69 and 71.
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
What is Claimed is:
l. A method of improving at least one of shock
resistance or bond strength of an assembly comprising at least
two substrates bonded together with a cyanoacrylate—containing
composition, comprising the steps of:
providing at least two substrates;
providing a cyanoacrylate-containing composition,
which includes beyond the cyanoacrylate component, an
accelerator component and a carboxylic acid selected from those
within the following structure:
where Y is a direct bond, a methylene unit, an ethylene unit, a
propylene unit, an ethenylene unit, or a propenylene unit, or
forms part of an aromatic ring structure, with or without
hydroxyl functional groups; and n is 1-4;
applying the cyanoacrylate composition to at
least one of the substrates; and
joining the substrates and maintaining them in
place for a time sufficient to allow the cyanoacrylate
composition to cure.
2. The method of Claim 1, wherein fixture speed is
maintained as compared to a cyanoacrylate composition without
the carboxylic acid.
3. The method of Claim l, wherein the acid is
selected from the group consisting of one or more of citric acid
and its monohydrate, pyruvic acid, valeric acid, trimellitic
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
acid, 1,2,1—benzene tricarboxylic acid, aconitic acid,
tricarballylic acid, hemimellitic acid, trimesic acid,
pyromellitic acid, 1,2,3,4~butane tetracarboxylic acid, 2-
ketobutyric acid, glutaric acid, l,2,4,5—benzene tetracarboxylic
acid, 1,2,4—benzene tricarboxylic anhydride, 1,2,3—propene
tricarboxylic acid, l,2,3—propane tricarboxylic acid, 1,2,3-
benzene tricarboxylic acid hydrate and combinations thereof.
4. The method of Claim 1, wherein the acid is used
in an amount within the range of from 5 ppm to 5000 ppm based on
the total composition.
5. The method according to Claim 1, wherein the
cyanoacrylate component is selected from materials within the
structure H2CfC(CN)—COOR, wherein R is selected from C345 alkyl,
alkoxyalkyl, cycloalkyl, alkenyl, aralkyl, aryl, allyl and
haloalkyl groups. ‘
6. The method according to Claim 1, wherein the
cyanoacrylate component comprises ethyl—2—cyanoacrylate.
7. The method according to Claim 1, wherein the
accelerator component is selected from the group consisting of
calixarenes, oxacalixarenes, silacrowns, cyclodextrins, crown
ethers, poly(ethyleneglycol) di(meth)acrylates, ethoxylated
hydric compounds, an accelerator represented by the following
chemical structure
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
wherein R is hydrogen, alkyl, alkyloxy, alkyl thioethers,
haloalkyl, carboxylic acid and esters thereof, sulfinic,
sulfonic and sulfurous acids and esters, phosphinic, phosphonic
and phosphorous acids and esters thereof, X is an aliphatic or
aromatic hydrocarbyl linkage, which may be substituted by oxygen ‘
or sulfur, Z is a single or double bond, n is 1-12, m is 1-4,
and p is 1-3, and combinations thereof.
8. The method according to Claim 1, wherein the
accelerator component is used in an amount within the range of
from about 0.01% by weight to about 5% by weight based on the
total composition.
9. The method according to Claim 1, further
comprising additives selected from the group consisting of free
radical stabilizers, anionic stabilizers, plasticizers,
thixotropy conferring agents, thickeners, dyes, toughening
agents, thermal degradation reducers, and combinations thereof.
10. A method of bonding together two substrates
comprising the steps of:
applying a cyanoacrylate—containing composition
according to Claim 1, to at least one of the substrates and
mating together the substrates for a time sufficient to permit
the adhesive to fixture.
WO 2006/048851 PCT/IE2005/000108
11. The method according to Claim 10, wherein at
least one of the substrates is constructed of metal.
12. The method of Claim 1, wherein fixture speed is
maintained as compared to a cyanoacrylate with the acid.
13. A cyanoacrylate composition comprising:
a cyanoacrylate component;
an accelerator component, and
an acid having two or more acidic groups, which
when cured demonstrates at least a 3.5 fold improvement in shock
resistance when a pair of steel lapshears bonded with the
cyanocrylate composition have been dropped to the ground from a
one metre distance, maintains fixture speed on acrylonitrile—
butadiene—styrene copolymer and teak, demonstrates a 37.5
percent increase in bond strength on aluminum/ and maintains
bond strength on grit blasted mild steel, compared with a
comparable cyanoacrylate composition without the acid.
C0904 O0
International application No
According to International Patent Classification (IPC) orto both national classification and IPC
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Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched
Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practical, search terms used)
EPO-Internal, WPI Data, PAJ, CHEM ABS Data
Category‘ Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
vol. 2000, no. 05,
14 September 2000 (2000-09-14)
& JP 2000 053924 A (TOAGOSEI CO LTD),
22 February 2000 (2000-02-22)
US 4 950 701 A (OKAMURA ET AL)
21 August 1990 (1990-08-21)
US 4 196 271 A (KIMURA, KAORU ET AL)
1 April 1980 (1980-04-01)
& JP 52 078933 A 2 July 1977 (1977-07-02)
cited in the application
Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box 0.
* Special categories of cited documents :
‘A’ document deflnlngthe general state otthe art which is not
considered to be of particular relevance
'E' earlier document but published on or afterthe international
filing date
'L' document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or
which is cited to establish the publication date of another
citation or other special reason (as specified)
'0' document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or
other means
‘P’ document published priorto the international filing date but
laterthan the priority date claimed
Date of the actual completion of the international search
9 February 2006
Name and mailing address of the lSA/
European Patent Office, P.B. 5818 Patentlaan 2
NL - 2280 HV Fiiiswijk
Tel. (+31 -70) 340-2040, TX. 31 651 epo nl,
Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (April 2005)
See patent family annex.
'T' later document published after the international filing date
or priority date and not in conflict with the application but
cited to understand the principle or theory underlying the
'X' document of particular relevance; the claimed invention
cannot be considered novel or cannot be considered to
involve an inventive step when the document is taken alone
'Y' document of particular relevance; the claimed invention
cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the
document is combined with one or more other such docu-
mernts, stuch combination being obvious to a person skilled
in t e a .
'&' document member of the same patent family
Date of mailing ofthe intemational search report
Authorized officer
Andriollo, 0
Relevant to claim No.
International application No
Category‘ Cilalion of document, with lndlcatlon. where appropriate. of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No.
vo1. 007, no. 007 (C-144),
12 January 1983 (1983-01-12)
& JP 57 164175 A (NIPPON GOSEI GOMU KK),
8 October 1982 (1982-10-08)
V01. 012, no. 202 (C-503),
10 June 1988 (1988-06-10)
LTD), 8 January 1988 (1988-01-08)
Form PCT/ISA/210 (continuation of second sheet) (Aprfl 2005)
Information on patent famlly members
International application No
PCT/I E2005/000108
Patent document Publication Patent family Publication
cited in search report date member(s) date
JP 2000053924 A 22-02-21000 JP 3601357 B2 15-12-2004
953959 C 31-05-1979
53037263 B 07-10-1978
2008893 C 11-01-1996
7030292 B O5-04-1995
Form PCTIISA/210 (patent family annex) (April 2005)
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