Adhesion Promoter for 2-Cyanoacrylate Adhesive Compositions
Adhesion Promoter for 2-Cyanoacrylate Adhesive Compositions
Improved 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive compositions containing acetic acid exhibit greatly enhanced bond strength with no significant reduction in cure rate. Such compositions may be used on a wide variety of substrates and are particularly useful on metals.
Type of document:
United States Patent [19]
[11] 4,125,494
Schoenberg et al. [45] Nov. 14, 1978
[54] ADHESION PROMOTER FOR [58] Field of Search ............... .. 260/465 Y, 17 A, 881,
2-CYANOACRYLATE ADHESIVE ' 260/464, 464.5, 465 D; 106/36, 287; 252/ 188.3
COMPOSITIONS [56] References Cited
[75] Inventors: Jules E. Schoenberg, Scotch Plains; U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
W‘? K- R"Y'C"““dh““’ 2,912,454 11/1959 McKeever ....................... .. 260/465.4
Bfldgewatefs 13031 Of N-1 3,728,375 4/1973 Coover et al. .................. .. 260/465.4
[73] Assignee: National Starch and Chemical P’iW"IV Examine’-‘The0d0Te MOT 115
Co,-pm-afion, Bridgewater, NJ. Attorney, Agent. or Firm-James & Franklin
[21] Appl. No.: 823,981 [57] ABS
Improved 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive compositions con-
[22] Filed; Aug, 12, 1977 taining acetic acid exhibit greatly enhanced bond
strength with no significant reduction in cure rate. Such
[51] Int. Cl.2 .................... .. C07C 121/32; C08L 1/10; compositions may be used on a wide variety of sub-
C09K 3/00 strates and are particularly useful on metals.
[52] U.S. Cl. ........................... .. 260/17 A; 106/287.25;
252/188.3 R; 260/465.4
10 Claims, No Drawings
I. Field of the Invention
This invention relates to improved 2-cyanoacrylate
adhesive compositions having enhanced bond strength.
More particularly, this invention is directed to an adhe-
sion promoter for 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive composi-
tions which does not significantly reduce the cure rate
II. Description of the Prior Art
Adhesive compositions based on 2-cyanoacrylate
esters belong to a class of adhesives known as reactive
liquid adhesives. 2-Cyanoacrylate adhesives are single-
part, low-viscosity adhesives which are characterized
by features such as (1) their ability to polymerize at
room temperature without the use of an added catalyst
when pressed between two substrates, (2) their rapid
rate of cure, and (3) the strength of the bonds produced
with a wide variety of substrates. Conventional adhe-
sives, on the other hand, cure, for example, upon appli-
cation of heat and pressure, addition of catalyst, or
evaporation of a solvent. A general review of 2-cyanoa-
crylate adhesives can be found in I. Skeist’s “Handbook
of Adhesives”, New York: Reinhold Publishing Corpo-
ration, 1962, Chapter 31, p. 409-414.
Application of the 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive merely
involves spreading a small sample thereof in a thin film
between two substrates, pressing the substrates to-
gether, and allowing the resultant bond to cure. The
adhesive develops sufficient strength after a short per-
iod of time to hold the substrates together until the
adhesive completely polymerizes and builds up to its
maximum bonding strength.
Initiation of polymerization, or cure, is generally
believed to proceed through an anionic mechanism; the
2-cyanoacrylate adhesives have such a great tendency
to polymerize that water itself is a sufficiently active
initiator. Hence, when the adhesiye is applied to a sub-
strate and thereby exposed to atmospheric and surface
moisture, cure normally begins within a relatively short
period of time, generally less than one minute, and on
many surfaces within a matter of a few seconds. The
rapid cure rate of the 2-cyanoacrylate adhesives is par-
ticularly advantageous in production line applications.
Due to their tendency to polymerize, the 2-cyanoa-
crylate adhesive compositions normally contain one or
* more stabilizers. To prevent anionic polymerization, an
inhibitor such as an acidic gas or a protonic acid or
anhydride thereof is normally added to the composi-
tion. In general, as the acidity of these inhibitors in-
creases, the stability of the adhesive is enhanced while,
at the same time, the cure rate is reduced. Free radical
polymerization is generally inhibited in the adhesive
composition, if necessary, by adding phenolic-type
compounds such as hydroquinone or t-butyl catechol
thereto. Typical patents which describe the use of these
and other compounds as stabilizers for 2-cyanoacrylate
adhesive compositions include U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,765,332
and 3,993,678; and Japanese Patent Publication No.
49-31619. ‘
Although adhesive compositions consisting of 2-
cyanoacrylate esters and conventional stabilizers inher-
ently yeild high bond strength (as commonly measured
by the test of tensile shear strength), improvements
therein would be desirable particularly in cases where
the substrate is of greater strength than the adhesive, as
in the case of many metal bonds. While many stabilizers
for 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive compositions have been
investigated in the prior art, relatively little research has
been done on adhesion promoters which enhance the
bond strength of the adhesive without lessening the
stability or cure rate thereof. In this regard, selected
carboxylic acid anhydrides have been used in the prior
art as adhesion promoters for 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive
compositions. Thus U.S. Pat. No. 3,832,334 teaches the
use of maleic anhydride to increase the bond strength of
a 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive at elevated temperatures,
while U.S. Pat. No. 3,948,794 teaches the use of itaconic
anhydride to improve not only the stability of the 2-
cyanoacrylate adhesive composition but also the tensile
shear strength and other properties associated there-
It has been disclosed in German Offenlegungsschrift
No. 26 12 546 that a wide variety of carboxylic acids,
generally known to stabilize 2-cyanoacrylate adhesives
to varying degrees, exert a definite effect on the bond
strength of certain 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive composi-
tions containing excess plasticizer. The plasticizer is
added in amounts of 20-60% by weight, based on the
total composition, to make the adhesive bonds readily
releasable. It is suggested that one of the functions of
the carboxylic acid therein is to counteract the weaken-
ing effect of the plasticizer on the bond strength of the
adhesive. Nevertheless, the large number of carboxylic
acids described as being applicable in the German publi-
cation limits the use of the adhesive composition to very
few types of substrates. For example, many of the car-
boxylic acids listed therein, i.e., those with a high acid
strength (low pKa), act very effectively as anionic poly-
merization inhibitors and hence will significantly retard
the rate of cure of the adhesive, particularly on non-
polar substrates, within the concentration range given
therein. Yet, as described hereinabove, the rapid rate of
cure is one of the main characterizing features of 2-
cyanoacrylate adhesives in general. Furthermore, it has
been demonstrated that at least some of the weaker
acids (with relatively high pK,,) within the scope of the
German publication, which acids do not significantly
reduce the rate of cure of the adhesive composition,
have in fact very minimal effect on the bond strength of
the composition on many metals.
Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention
to provide an improved 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive hav-
ing enhanced bond strength.
It is another object to provide an adhesion promoter
for 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive compositions which does
not significantly reduce the cure rate thereof.
It is a further object to provide a process for improv-
ing the adhesive properties of a fully stabilized 2-
cyanoacrylate adhesive composition.
The above and related objects are achieved in prepar-
ing an improved adhesive composition comprising a
mixture of:
(A) a fully stabilized 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive con-
sisting essentially of:
(1) a monomeric ester of 2—cyanoacrylic acid of the
general formula:
wherein R is an alkyl or alkenyl group having from 1 to
16 carbon atoms, a cyclohexyl group or a phenyl group,
(2) an effective amount of an anionic polymerization
inhibitor selected from the group consisting of acidic
gases, protonic acids and anhydrides thereof, wherein
said anionic polymerization inhibitor has a pK,, less than
about 4; and
(B) from 0.02 to 0.3% by weight, based on the total
composition, of acetic acid,
said composition being characterized by a tensile
shear strenth of at least 80 kg./cm.2 as measured on
The process for preparing such an improved adhesive
composition comprises the step of dissolving the speci-
fied amount of acetic acid into the fully stabilized 2-
cyanoacrylate adhesive described hereinabove.
If the adhesive composition is to be stored for an
extended period of time, it may be desirable to add a
free radical polymerization inhibitor to the composition
of this invention for added storage stability. In addition,
other optional ingredients which improve specific prop-
erties of the adhesive such as thickeners or plasticizers
may be incorporated into the composition.
Acetic acid is a known, albeit weak, stabilizer for
2-cyanoacrylate adhesive compositions as disclosed in
U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,912,454 and 2,926,188. However, it is
believed that the ability of acetic acid to promote the
adhesive of a fully stabilizer 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive
composition has heretofore not been recognized. Of the
many carboxylic acids which are potentially capable of
enhancing the bond strengths of 2-cyanoacrylate adhe-
sives, only the weak acids with pK,, greater than about
4, employed within a certain concentration range, do
not significantly retard the rate of cure of conventional
2-cyanoacrylate adhesives when applied to non-polar
substrates. Of these weak acids, only acetic acid serves
to enhance the bond strength of the adhesive composi-
tion when applied to many substrates which are stron-
ger than the adhesive bond, such as most metal sub-
strates. It is necessary that the acetic acid employed in
the composition be within a specified concentration,
and only the narrow range given hereinabove is effec-
tive in obtaining the high bond strengths characteristic
of this invention. In a preferred embodiment, 0.03—O.l% '
by weight of acetic acid is employed.
The adhesive composition of the present invention is
based on a monomeric ester or mixture of esters of
2-cyanoacrylic acid as described hereinabove. For pur-
poses of this invention, the preferred esters are those
wherein the R group is an alkyl or alkenyl group having
1 to 4 carbon atoms, and more particularly, a" methyl,
ethyl, butyl, isobutyl, or allyl group. An especially pre-
ferred ester for preparing the adhesives of this invention
is ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate.
The above-mentioned monomeric esters of 2-cyanoa-
crylic acid may be prepared by methods well known in
the art such as those described in U.S. Pat. Nos.
2,467,926; 2,467,927; and 3,254,111; the disclosures of
which are incorporated herein by reference.
The 2-cyanoacrylate esters are stabilized by adding
one or more known anionic polymerization inhibitors
thereto. The inhibitor employed must have a pK,, of less
than about 4 to be effective in fully stabilizing the ester
and, in addition, must be an acidic gas, protonic acid or
anhydride thereof. The term anhydrides, as used herein,
refers to compounds which react rapidly with water to
produce protonic acids having pH less than 4. Hence, a
wide variety of anionic polymerization inhibitors
known in the art to stabilize 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive
compositions is applicable herein. Examples of suitable
acidic gases include sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide, hydro-
gen fluoride, and the like. Suitable protonic acids in-
clude mineral acids such as, for example, hydrochloric,
sulfuric or phosphoric acids and organic acids with pK,,
less than 4 such as, for example, sulfonic or carboxylic
acids. Examples of anhydrides of protonic acids which
are applicable include carboxylic acid anhydrides, phos-
phoric acid anhydrides such as phosphorus pentoxide, ‘
sultones, acid chlorides, and the like.’ ‘The preferred
anionic polymerizationinhibitor tobe employed herein
is sulfur dioxide. ' -I *7
Those anionic polymerization inhibitors which are in
the gaseous form act not only to lengthen the shelf life
of the adhesive’ but also are use‘d“as process stabilizers.
Hence, throughout several stages in the synthesis of the
2-cyanoacrylate ester, the gaseous inhibitor, such ‘as, for
example, sulfur dioxide, is passed through the system.
The high concentration of inhibitor which is thus built
up is removed by pulling vacuum on the ester upon
completion of the synthesis procedure. This process of
stabilizing the adhesive during synthesis is known and is
typically described in U.S. Pat. No. 2,756,251.
The anionic polymerization inhibitor must be em-
ployed in an amount effective to fully stabilize the 2-
cyanoacrylate ester. The concentration range of inhibi-
tor typically used to effectively stabilize the "ester is
0.00l—0.5% by weight, based on .the total composition;
however, because the amount of stabilizer depends on
many factors, it may be required in certain instances to
use amounts outside of this’ range. Furthermore, it may’
not always be necessaryto-add an anionic polymeriza-
tion inhibitor if the 2-cyanoacrylate ester used in the
composition is commercially "obtained because the com-
mercially produced esters in some cases already contain
an effective amount of inhibitor for stabilization pur- ~'~
poses. ’ » » A
To improve the adhesive properties of the 2-cyanoa-
crylate adhesive composition fully stabilized with ani-
onic polymerization inhibitor, acetic acid is added’
thereto as the novelfeature of this invention. As stated
hereinabove, acetic acid, unlike strong acids, will"- not
significantly retard the cure rate of the adhesive compo-
sition on non-polar surfaces at the concentrationvlevels
used herein. The adhesion-promoting ability’ "of acetic”
acid is observed when many substrates which 'ar'e'?’stron-
ger than the‘ adhesive bond; such as most metals, are
bonded. In addition to metals,‘ other substrates generally
known to be b/onclable ‘-by imeans of 2-cyanoacrylate
adhesives, suchsubstrates iricluding, forexample, rub-
ber, most plastics, phenolic resins," glass, and the like,
may also be bonded using the adhesive composition of
this invention. -However~,'for certain of these substrates
wherein the adhesive bond- is stronger than the substrate“ ’
itself, enhancement ’ of the :bond ” strength will5i1ot be
observed. ' ‘ ' '5’ ' ‘ ' ‘ i= "? -
The amount of acetic acid to be used depends on the
surface to which the composition is applied but is gener-
ally in the range of from 0.02 to 0.3% by weight, based
on the total weight of the composition, sufficient to give
a tensile gear strength of at least 80 kg./cm.2 as mea-
sured on brass. At a concentration of acetic acid not
much above 0.3%, the bond strength of the adhesive
composition is decreased relative to a control and the
cure rate is noticably retarded. To optimize both bond
strength and cure rate the preferred range of acetic acid
to be employed in the adhesive composition for most
substrates is 0.03—0.l% by weight.
For added storage stability it may be desirable to add
a free radical polymerization inhibitor to the composi-
tion. Specifically, if the adhesive composition is to be
used shortly after it is prepared, no free radical poly-
merization inhibitor is necessary; however, if the com-
position is to be stored for prolonged periods of time,
addition of such an inhibitor for stabilization purposes is
highly recommended. As a suitable inhibitor for this
purpose, any one of a wide variety of inhibitors known
in the art to stabilize 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive composi-
tions against free radical polymerization is applicable.
Such inhibitors include phenolic compounds such as
hydroquinone, t-butyl catechol, pyrocatechol, p-
methoxyphenol, and the like. The conventional free
radical polymerization inhibitor, like the anionic poly-
merization inhibitor, is normally added during the pro-
cessing of the 2-cyanoacrylate ester. Hence, a free radi-
cal polymerization inhibitor is generally introduced into
the distillation vessel and the receiver to stabilize the
ester in the synthesis thereof. As a result, commercially
available 2-cyanoacrylate esters may already contain a
certain amount of a conventional free radical polymeri-
zation inhibitor such as those mentioned hereinabove.
More such inhibitor, however, may be added thereto if
greater stability is desired. The total amount of such
inhibitor which will be effective for stabilization pur-
poses will range from 0.001 to 0.05% by weight of the
total composition.
There may also be present in the adhesive composi-
tions of this invention various other optional ingredients
including, for example, plasticizers and thickeners. Plas-
ticizers improve the aging characteristics of the cured
bonds by lessening the brittleness thereof. The best
performance the amount of plasticizer to be used should
not exceed 20% by weight of the total composition.
Suitable platicizers include monofunctional and difunc-
tional aliphatic esters of acids having 1 to 10 carbon
atoms such as, for example, dimethyl octyl sebacate and
esters of malonic acid, difunctional aromatic esters,
phosphates and phosphonates. Thickeners, which may
be used in amounts of up to 25% by weight, depending
in part on their degree of fluidity at room temperature,
serve to increase the viscosity of the adhesives so that
they may be more easily applied. Among the suitable
thickeners for this purpose are included, for example,
polymeric alkyl 2-cyanoacrylates, cellulose esters in-
cluding cellulose acetate butyrate, acrylate resins such
as poly(methyl methacrylate) and poly(ethyl methacry-
late), and poly(vinyl alkyl ethers) such as poly(vinyl
methyl ether).
The adhesive compositions of the present invention
are generally prepared by adding a given amount of
acetic acid to the stabilized 2-cyanoacrylate ester and
mixing at room temperature until the acetic acid is thor-
oughly dissolved in the ester. The anionic polymeriza-
tion inhibitor is already present in or added to the ester
before the acetic acid is dissolved therein. Any optional
ingredients desired, including the free radical polymeri-
zation inhibitor, may be added either prior to or follow-
ing the addition of acetic acid. The resultant adhesive
composition may be used in a variety of applications,
including household articles, precision instruments,
optical lenses, and the like.
The following examples will demonstrate the efficacy
of the 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive compositions of this
invention. In these examples all percentages are given
by weight unless othewise specified.
The present adhesive compositions are evaluated on
the basis of the following two test procedures:
One drop of test adhesive is placed near one edge of
a 2.54 cm. by 2.54 cm. by 0.48 cm. phenolic chip. The
mating surface of a second chip of the same dimensions
is quickly placed thereover and positioned such that
half of each chip overlaps the other chip. The lamina-
tion is immediately clamped together by means of a
spring clip. At 15 second intervals an attempt is made to
pull the two chips apart using a light peel force. For
those samples which bond within the first 15 second
interval, the test is repeated at 5 second intervals. The
“set time” is related to the cure rate and is defined as the
time interval between the initial application of the adhe-
sive and the final time at which the chips can no longer
be pulled apart manually.
Two metal bars of dimensions 1.27 cm. by l0.l6 cm.
by 0.32 cm. are used as the test materials to be bonded.
Prior to use, they are treated by scouring with Scotch-
Brite (Registered Trademark of 3 M Co.) scouring pads
and then cleaned with acetone.
A small amount (10 microliters) of test adhesive is
applied to the cleaned surface of one bar near one edge.
The second bar is then pressed against the first to form
an adhesive film such that there is 1.27 cm. overlap for
each bar and hence a bonding area of 1.61 cm.2. The
bars are clamped together by means of a spring clip and
allowed to cure for 24 hours. The bond strength, or
tensile shear strength, is determined by pulling the bars
apart with an Instron Tensile Tester at a crosshead
operation speed of 0.254 cm./min. The values given
herein for the tensile shear strength are usually the
average of five determinations and are given in units of
This example illustrates the effect of carboxylic acids
of varying strength on the cure rate of 2-cyanoacrylate
adhesive compositions.
Eight samples of 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive composi-
tions were prepared by dissolving approximately equal
amounts of a given carboxylic acid in a quantity of ethyl
2-cyanoacrylate obtained commercially containing
0.002% sulfur dioxide and 0.0075% hydroquinone as
stabilizers. Each resulting composition was evaluated
against a control containing no acid as to set time on
phenolic chips. The results are given in Table I.
Carboxylic pK,, of Amount of Acid Added Set Time
Acid Acid meq./kg.‘ % by weight (seconds)
None (control) — 0 0 5
Propionic 4.9 7.8 0.058 5
iso-Butyric 4.8 8.3 0.073 10
TABLE I-continued
Carboxylic pK,, of Amount of Acid Added Set Time
Acid Acid meq./kg.‘ % by weight (seconds)
Acetic 4.8 8.2 0.049 5
Benzoic 4.2 3.2 0.10 15 5
Formic 3.8 8.0 0.37 15
Salicylic 3.0 8.7 0.12 30
Malonic 2.8 8.5 0.044 60
Cyanoacetic 2.5 8. 0.071 45
"Millicquivalents per kilogram. The numbers in this column indicate that compara-
ble amounts of each carboxylic acid were used on an equivalent basis. (Equivalency 10
is based on the number of acidic protons per molecule.)
From Table I it is evident that the weak acids such as
acetic, propionic and iso-butyric acids have a minimal
effect on the cure rate of the adhesive composition. In 15
contrast, the stronger acids with pK,, less than about 4
act more effectively as anionic polymerization inhibi-
tors and hence cause significant retardation in the rate
of cure, the retardation being generally more pro-
nounced as the acid strength increases. » 20
This example illustrates the unique adhesion-promot-
ing ability of acetic acid in 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive
Three samples of 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive composi-
tions were prepared by dissolving the given amount of
either acetic, propionic or iso-butyric acid in a quantity
of ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate obtained commercially con-
taining 0.0023% sulfur dioxide and 0.01% hydroqui- 30
none as stabilizers. Each resulting composition was
evaluated against a control as to tensile shear strength.
The resuls are given in Table II.
Tensile 35
Amount of Acid Added Shear Strength (kg./cm.2)
meq./kg. % by weight Steel Brass Aluminum
80 75 70
113 65
63 82
134 96
None 0 0
Acetic acid is the only weak carboxylic acid which
increases the bond strength of the 2-cyanoacrylate ad-
hesive on all three types of metal substrates. Its unique
role as an adhesion promoter which does not adversely
affect the cure rate of the adhesive distinguishes acetic
acid from other carboxylic acids and renders it a partic-
ularly desirable additive for 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive
This example illustrates the effect of acetic acid con-
centration on the bond strength of the adhesive compo-
sitions of this invention.
The 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive compositions were
prepared by dissolving the given amount of acetic acid
in ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate obtained commercially con-
taining 0.0028% sulfur dioxide and 0.001% hydroqui-
none as stabilizers. The resulting compositions were
evaluated against a control as to tensile shear strength.
The results are given in Table III.
Tensile Shear Strength (kg./cmzg 65
Steel Brass Aluminum
134 104 111
117 102 98
108 106 89
Amount of Acetic
Acid (% by weight)
None (control)
TABLE III-continued
Amount of Acetic Tensile Shear Strength (kg./cmzg
Acid (% by weight) Steel Brass Aluminum
0.02 142 120 103
0.04 167 169 136
0.10 242 176 158
0.21 212 131 171
0.29 143 122 75
0.41 97 63 . 64
0.50 77 40 61
The results indicate that only a certain concentration
range of acetic acid (about 0.02 to 0.3% by weight) is
effective in enhancing the bond strength of the adhesive
composition. Because of the reduction in set time at
high concentrations of acetic acid, however, the pre-
ferred range is 0.03—0.l% to maintain optimum values’
for both bond strength and cure rate.’
This example illusrates the use of acetic acid in adhe-
sive compositions based on three different 2-cyanoacry-
late esters.
Three samples of adhesive composition were pre-
pared by dissolving 0.05% by weight of acetic acid in
either methyl, n-butyl or allyl 2-cyanoacrylate, each
containing a fixed amount of sulfur dioxide and hydro-
quinone as stabilizers. As controls, methyl, n-butyl and
allyl 2-cyanoacrylate stabilized as above without any
acetic acid incorporated therein were employed. The
resulting six compositions were subjected to the tensile
shear strength test. The results are given in Table IV.
2- Tensile Shear
Cyanoacrylate Adhesion Strength tl_:g./cm.2j
Ester Promoter Steel Brass Aluminum
None (control) 179 180 166
Acetic Acid 177 214 171
None (control) 63 64 55
n-Butyl -
Acetic Acid 118 108 86
None (control) 87 90 69
Acetic Acid 131 113 90
In nearly all cases, the acetic acid acted to enhance
the bond strength of theadhesive composition relative
to the control. ‘
Summarizing, this invention is seen to provide an
improved 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive composition char-
acterized by both enhanced bond strength and no signif-
icant reduction in cure rate by the addition of a small
amount of acetic acid to a fully stabilized 2-cyanoacry-
late adhesive.
Now that the preferred embodiments of the present
invention have been described in detail, various modifi-
cations and improvements thereon will become readily
apparent to those skilled in the art. Accordingly, the
spirit and scope of the invention are to be limited only
by the appended claims, and not by the foregoing ‘speci-
fication. ”
What is claimed is:
1. An improved adhesive composition comprising a
mixture of:
(A) a fully stabilized 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive con-
sisting essentially of:
(1) a monomeric ester of 2-cyanoacrylic acid of the
general formula: '
wherein R is an alkyl or alkenyl group having
from 1 to 16 carbon atoms, a cyclohexyl group
or a phenyl group, and
(2) an effective amount of an anionic polymeriza-
tion inhibitor selected from the group consisting
of acidic gases, protonic acids and anhydrides
thereof, wherein said anionic polymerization
inhibitor has a pK,, less than about 4; and
(B) an amount of acetic acid, in the range of from 0.02
to 0.3% by weight, based on the total composition,
sufficient to provide said composition with a tensile
shear strength of at least 80 kg./cm.2 as measured
on brass.
2. The adhesive composition of claim 1 wherein said
acetic acid is present in an amount of 0.03—0.1% by
3. The adhesive composition of claim 2 wherein R is
an ethyl group.
4. The adhesive composition of claim 1 wherein R is
an alkyl or alkenyl group having from 1 to 4 carbon
5. The adhesive composition of claim 4 wherein R is
an ethyl, allyl, methyl or n-butyl group.
6. The adhesive composition of claim 1 wherein said
anionic polymerization inhibitor is sulfur dioxide.
7. The adhesive composition of claim 1 wherein there
is additionally present a free radical polymerization
8. The adhesive composition of claim 1 wherein said
composition contains a thickener.
9. The adhesive composition of claim 1 wherein said
composition contains up to 20% by weight of a plasti-
cizer, based on the total composition.
10. A process for improving the adhesive properties
of a fully stabilized 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive composi-
tion which composition consists essentially of:
(A) a monomeric ester of 2-cyanoacrylic acid of the
general formula:
wherein R is an alkyl or alkenyl group having from 1 to
16 carbon atoms, a cyclohexyl group or a phenyl group,
(B) an effective amount of an. anionic polymerization
inhibitor selected from the group consisting of
acidic gases, protonic acids, and anhydrides
thereof, wherein said anionic polymerization inhib-
itor has a pK,, of less than about 4,
said process comprising the step of dissolving into
said composition from 0.02 to 0.3% by weight,
based on the total composition, of acetic acid suffi-
cient to provide a tensile shear strength of at least
80 kg./cm.2 as measured on brass.
III =6 it at It
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