United States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 4,646,765
Cooper et al. [45] Date of Patent: Mar. 3, 1987
NAIL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING 4,547,363 10/1985 .1005 ..................................... .. 424/61
Inventors: Donald E. Cooper; David A. Cooper, 2902029 8/1979 Fed Re
. p. of Germany ...... .. 132/73
13°11‘ °f 5319 5W- Westgate Dr-a 2451724 11/1930 France ................................ .. 132/73
511116 113,P0rt1and: 0reg- 97221 0226077 12/1984 Japan .... .. 132/73
App1_ Na: 825,220 0118776 6/1985 Japan ................................. .. 252/511
Filed: Feb_ 3, 1936 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
Int. Cl.4 ................... .. A45D 29/00; A45D 31/00; Chem Abs‘ 3771530822 (19771
C03K 3/ 04 Primary Examiner—-Herbert J. Lilling
U.S. C1. .................................... .. Aftgrney, Agenf’ gr Fjrm__K]arqui5[, Sparkman’
424/61; 427/155; 523/105; 524/496; 524/700; campben, Leigh & Whjnston
524/ 850
Field of Search ..................... .. 524/496, 700, 350; 1571 ABSTRACT
523/ 105; 132/ 73; 424/51; 427/ 155; 252/511 A composition for adhering to human nails includes a
References Cited mixture of a cyanoacrylate compound and/or graphite
fibers. Such composition can take the form of either an
US‘ PATENT DOCUMENTS artificial nail extender or a nail coating. The composi-
2,794,788 6/1957 Coover et a1. .................... .. 524/850 tion for forming an artificial nail includes gra hite fi-
.-FWG1 ---- --1 ----- -- bers, a cyanoacrylate, and a hardening accelerator con-
, , ewe eta. ' ' ' t f ' h] NN_
W756 11/1969 Sewer at a1 -- 132/73 31112311 1-1-?‘.Z’§,1L’1‘f11§’1e‘1ZeZZ‘§§ie£?£?iZh§3§ ‘I23 10’ be
3,896,077 7/1975 Leonard et a1, .. 524/850 y ' , , , P .
4,007,748 2/1977 Mammga at al_ _ 132/73 sprayed onto a base material containing the graphite
4,104,333 8/1973 Lee, j;-_ et a1_ 260/335 fibers and cyanoacrylate in the form of a mist. Nail
4,229,431 10/1980 Lee, Jr. etal.. 424/61 compositions containing graphite fibers have signifi-
4,260.701 4/1981 Lee, Jr- -------- -. 525/ 303 cantly increased strength yet remain flexible to allow
1(9); gqzkata 5131' ~' for flexure of the nail. The cyanoacrylate compounds
, , a ow .......... .. .. - . . - -
4,440,910 4/1984 Ocmmor 525/295 increase the chemical bonding of the compositions to a
4,465,092 8/1984 Vitale ..................... .. 137/385 "311-
4,495,172 1/1985 Orlowski et a1. .. 424/61
4,526,636 7/1985 Mader ............................... .. 427/203 23 Claims, N0 Drawings
This invention relates generally to nail compositions.
More particularly, the invention relates to nail composi-
tions for coating nails and for extending nails.
Nail compositions can take varying forms, for exam-
ple, nail coatings in the form of nail polishes and remov-
ers. Other compositions are designed for forming arti-
ficial nail extensions for lengthening or mending nails.
Such compositions must be easy to apply and non-yel-
lowing to be acceptable to a consumer.
Present state-of-the-art nail extender and repair com-
positions are generally described in U.S. Pat. Nos.
3,478,756 to Sautter et al., 4,104,333 to Lee, Jr. et al,
4,229,431 to Lee, Jr. et al, and 4,260,701 to Lee, Jr. Such
compositions are available in the form of kits containing
acrylic polymers in one container and a separate con-
tainer of activator compounds. The polymers and acti-
vator when mixed form a doughy material which is
troweled onto the upper surface of the existing nail and
onto a template positioned at the end of the nail to form
the extension. Drying time upon forming is several
minutes before the forming template can be safely re-
moved. Such products have the drawback of being slow
to mix from two containers onto a mixing surface and
having a short shelf or pot life. The mixture produced is
also thick and hard to form. In addition, the texture of
the hardened nail is generally quite rough requiring
many minutes of filing to smooth the surface into an
acceptable shape and finish. Furthermore, the resulting
nail extension is commonly so hard that it is brittle and
easily breaks, or so flexible that it lacks strength.
Current state-of-the-art nail coatings such as nail
polishes have similar drawbacks. Such nail polishes are
commonly comprised of nitrocellulose and polymer
resins which do not bond properly to the nail keratin.
Accordingly, a user must repolish the nails often as the
polish chips away. Nail polishes also do not provide
much added strength to an existing nail. Hardening nail
coatings are known but also lack proper adhesion and
become so brittle that they crack and break upon impact
with hard objects. Such products have increased
strength over ordinary nail polishes, but lack flexibility
and bonding power. Nail coatings having drawbacks
such as these are described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,495,172
to Orlowski et al., 4,547,363 to J oos, 3,301,760 to Jewel,
3,342,686 to Jewel et al., and 4,407,310 to Jadow.
It is an object of the present invention to provide a
nail composition which upon hardening forms a coating
which is strong and flexible.
Another object of the present invention is to provide
an artificial nail extender or repair composition that can
be applied to a nail by both professional applicators and
average consumers.
Still another object of the present invention is to
provide a nail extender or repair composition which is
inert to body tissue.
Yet another object of the present invention is to pro-
vide a nail extender or repair composition which rap-
idly hardens upon application of an accelerator.
Another object of the present invention is to provide
a nail coating having greater adhesion to a nail.
Yet still another object of the present invention is to
provide a nail coating which is non-irritating to the
cuticle and inert to body tissue.
Still a further object of the present invention is to
provide a nail coating which is inert to detergent solu-
Yet another object of the present invention is to pro-
vide a nail coating which is color compatible with vari-
ous tints.
Still a further object of the present invention is to
provide a nail coating which when applied and dried
has great film strength to resist abrasion and chipping.
Yet another object of the present invention is to pro-
vide such a nail coating which is thin, flexible, yet
The foregoing objects are achieved by the nail com-
positions of the present invention. Such compositions
include graphite fibers and/or cyanoacrylate com-
These and other objects, advantages, and features of
the invention will become more readily apparent from
the following detailed description.
There are two aspects of the present invention. First,
cyanoacrylate compounds in nail coatings have been
discovered to greatly increase the adherence of a coat-
ing to a nail. Second, graphite fibers have been discov-
ered to be useful in nail composition to significantly
increase the strength of the hardened composition ap-
plied to nails. The nail compositions of the present in-
vention can be in the form of artificial nail extenderand
repair compositions, or nail coatings.
Artificial Nail Extender and Repair Compositions
The base material for the artificial nail composition of
this embodiment of the invention comprises a mixture of
a cyanoacrylate compound and graphite fibers which
forms a base material. This base material hardens when
mixed with a hardening accelerator which includes a
mixture of trichloro-trifluoroethane and a methylaniline
compound, such as N,N-dimethyl-P,to1uidine. The
hardened product when coated on a nail and an at-
tached template forms a nail extension that is strong and
The graphite fibers in the base material are translu-
cent graphite fibers which are whitish in color and
provide an artificial nail which is translucent and
thereby natural appearing. Such graphite fibers can be
purchased from Hercules Incorporated, 910 Market St.,
Wilmington, Del. 19899, as the precursor, or raw,
graphite fiber. It is the raw, precursor form of the
graphite fiber which is preferred as it is this fiber that
has the whitish color. Precursor graphite fibers can also
be purchased from the Courtalds Company of Coven-
try, England. The graphite fibers usable for the instant
invention can be round and vary in diameter from 0.3
mils to 0.75 mils. Most preferred are round fibers having
a diameter ranging from 0.3 mils to 0.4 mils. The fibers
can be present in the base material in a concentration
ranging from 1.0% to 4.0% by weight. Most preferred
is a concentration ranging from 2.0% to 4.0% by weight
of the base material.
The fibers can be of uniform length but are preferably
of varying lengths, from 1/32 inch to 6/32 inch. Most
preferred are fibers varying in length from 1/32 inch to
5/32 inch. It is also preferred that the medium length,
for example the 2/32 inch and 3/32 inch, fibers predom-
inate over the long, 5/32 inch, and short, 1/32 inch,
fibers. This variety of length provides a smoother fin-
ished matrix of maximum strength and flexure.
Any of a variety of cyanoacrylate compounds or
mixtures of cyanoacrylate compounds can be used. The
viscosity of the cyanoacrylate compound or com-
pounds used for the extender repair compositions
should be from 500 centipoise to 2,500 centipoise in
viscosity. Most preferred are cyanoacrylate composi-
tions having a viscosity somewhere between 800 centi-
poise and 2,000 centipoise.
The accelerator is adapted to be applied to the base
material by spraying it thereon in the form of a mist, as
more fully described below. The accelerator includes a
mixture of trichloro-trifluoroethane and a methylaniline
such as N,N-dimethyl-P-toluidine. The trichloro-tri-
fluoroethane can be present in the accelerator in a con-
centration ranging from 35% to 60% by weight. Most
preferred is a concentration ranging from 40% to 50%
by weight. The N,N-dimethyl-P-toluidine can be pres-
ent in the accelerator in a concentration ranging from
20% to 40% by weight. Most preferred is a concentra-
tion ranging from 25% to 30% by weight. Preferably
the accelerator is augmented with ethyl chloride which
further accelerates the curing time of the matrix and
enhances the dispersion of any heat generated. The
ethyl chloride can be present in the accelerator in a
concentration ranging from 15% to 40% by weight of
.'the accelerator. Most preferred is a concentration rang-
..ing from 20% to 30% by weight of the accelerator.
Liquid freon is also usable as an accelerator and cooling
. agent.
Acrylic polymers can also be added to the accelera-
tor to enhance the smoothness of the resulting matrix.
The acrylic polymers can be present in a concentration
ranging from 1.0% to 5.0% by weight of the accelera-
tor. Most preferred is a concentration ranging from
.2.0% to 4.0% by weight of the accelerator.
When acrylic polymers are used, it is desirable to add
an aromatic scent to the accelerator to counteract the
polymer odor. Such aromatic scents can be included in
the accelerator in concentrations ranging from 0.01% to
1.0% by weight of the accelerator.
It is recommended, although not necessary, that the
nail and cuticle be sterilized as by swabbing the same
with hydrogen peroxide or another conventional steril-
izing solution prior to applying the extender and repair
composition. This will reduce the possibility of any
trapped bacteria starting an infection after the composi-
tion has been applied. The base material can be brushed
or applied by spatula to a template positioned at the end
of the nail to be extended or reconstructed. A thin coat
of base material should extend back to the half-moon of
the nail to provide a sufficiently large surface area for
adhering the extension to the nail to prevent the exten-
sion from separating from the nail after hardening.
After the base material is applied to the template and
existing nail and formed to the desired shape, the accel-
erator is sprayed onto the base material in the form of a
mist. This causes the mixture to harden almost instantly
into a flexible, durable artificial nail which can be filed
or polished similar to a natural nail. The accelerator
mist cures the cyanoacrylategraphite fiber matrix
within three seconds without irritation to the surround-
ing skin or cuticle. The heat generated by the polymeri-
zation of the matrix is dissipated by the vaporization of
the mist. Various tinting materials can be incorporated
into the base material if so desired to impart a color
throughout the artificial nail. Nail polishes can be ap-
plied to the hardened artificial nail as with natural nails.
The nail extender composition is also usable to repair
chipped or otherwise damaged nails without causing
the nail to be extended by troweling the base material to
the damaged area followed by application of the accel-
erator to cause it to harden.
A base material was prepared having the following
composition by weight:
Cyanoacrylate 96.4%
(2000 + / —-400
Graphite fiber 3.6%
The graphite fibers had a diameter of 0.31 mils and
were present in lengths varying from 1/32 inch to 5/ 32
inch in the following proportions:
1/32 inch 10%
2/32 inch 40%
3/32 inch 40%
5/ 32 inch 10%
A liquid accelerator material was prepared having
the following compositions by weight:
trichloro-triflucroethane 47.4%
N,N—dimethyl-P—toluidine 26.3%
ethylene glycol dimethlacrylate 2.0%
aromatic scent 0.6%
ethyl chloride 23.7%
The nail to be extended was disinfected with a cotton
ball moistened in a disinfectant solvent sold under the
trademark Cuti-Clean TM . Thereafter, the nail surface
was lightly sanded to remove any oily glaze from the
nail to facilitate adhesion of the base material to the nail.
A template made of teflon for forming the nail extension
was positioned at the end of and just undemeath the nail
to be extended. Teflon is used as a material for the tem-
plate as it does not stick to the base material before or
after hardening. The base material in the form of a
cream was applied to the nail and template with a spat-
ula. The base material was applied first to the back end
of the nail near the half—moon and troweled forward
onto the teflon template for forming the shape of the
desired nail. The base material remains workable until
the accelerator is applied for achieving the desired
The accelerator was sprayed onto the base material in
the form of a mist with a suitable mist applicator in one
thorough spray covering the upper surface of the base
material which hardened the base material in about one
second. The teflon template was then carefully re-
moved from the underside of the formed extension.
Thereafter the extended nail was filed to the desired
fmal shape and finish.
Nail Coating Compositions
Cyanoacrylates have been discovered as useful in nail
coating compositions to significantly improve the adhe-
sion of the coating to the nail. The cyanoacrylate com-
pounds bond chemically to the fingernail keratin thus
minimizing chipping. When combined with the graphite
fibers used in the artificial nail composition described
above, a strong, flexible nail coating results which
readily adheres to the surface of a nail.
As with the extender/repair composition, any of a
variety of cyanoacrylate compounds or mixtures of
cyanoacrylate compounds can be used. It is preferable
that the viscosity of the cyanoacrylate portion be thin-
ner than that of the extender/repair composition. For
example, for nail coatings the viscosity range should be
from 100 centipoise to 600 centipoise, with 150 centi-
poise to 300 centipoise being the preferred range.
Two methods may be used for applying coatings to
nails. One such method is a two step process wherein a
base coat is applied to a nail followed by a top coat after
the base coat has dried. Another such method is a one
step process which entails the application of just a single
coat to the nail. The nail coating compositions of the
instant invention include a base coat product and top
coat product, usable in the.two step process, and a sin-‘
gle coat product usable in the one step process. The
base coat, top coat, and single coat products should
each include at least fifty percent nitrocellulose as a
carrier material.
The base coat product should be a relatively thick
material, heavy in both fiber and cyanoacrylate to pro-
vide strong bonding and high flexure strength. For
example, it should contain from 0.01% to 0.030%
graphite fibers and from 1.0% to 4.0% cyanoacrylate.
The preferred range is from 0.020% to 0.030% graphite
fibers and from 2.0% to 3.0% cyanoacrylate.
The top coat product is a relatively thin material and
light in both fiber and cyanoacrylate, since those prop-
erties are provided by the base coat. It should contain
from 0.003% to 0.010% graphite fibers and from 0.10%
to 1.0% cyanoacrylate. The preferred ranges are from
0.003% to 0.008% graphite fibers and from 0.30% to
0.80% cyanoacrylate. The top coat should also include
polymers that do not age rapidly or react to light.
The single coat product is a judicious choice of the
above noted materials to allow for a rapid application of
one coat to achieve both goals of added bonding and
flexure strength. It should contain from 0.003% to 45
0.03% graphite fibers and from 0.5% to 4.0% cyanoac-
rylate. The preferred ranges are from 0.005% to 0.015%
graphite fibers and from 1.5% to 2.5% cyanoacrylates.
It is possible to provide more than one coating to the
nail in either of the one or two step processes, if desired,
without adversely affecting the previously covered nail.
Acrylic polymers may be added to the above compo-
sitions at from 0.001% to 3.0% percent by weight to
further increase the flexure and pliability of the coating
film. Most desired is the addition of acrylic polymers at
from 1.0% to 2.0% by weight.
A base coat material referred to above was prepared
having the following composition by weight:
Base lacquer #2548-1 62.000%
Acetone 35.475%
Cyanoacrylate 2.500%
(200+/-50 centipoise)
Graphite fiber 0.025%
(same as Example I)
Tinting material trace
Base lacquer #2548-1 contains nitrocellulose and other
ingredients and can be purchased from Scholls Chemi-
cal Corporation, 200 West North Ave., Northlake, Ill.
A top coat material referred to above was prepared
having the following composition by weight:
Base lacquer #2548-1 60.000%
Acetone 32.495%
Cellovar #160 5.000%
Ethylene glycol dimethacrylate 2.000%
Cyanoacrylate .500%
(200+/ -50 centipoise)
Graphite fiber .005%
(same as Example I)
Tinting material trace
Cellovar #160 contains nitrocellulose and other ingre-
dients and can be purchased from Cellofilm Corpora-
tion, P. O. Box 223, Woodridge, N.J. 07075.
The base coat was applied first by brushing a gener-
ous coat of the material onto a nail and allowing it to
dry for 15 seconds. Next, the top coat material was
applied by brushing it over the base coat and allowing it
to dry for 15 seconds. The coating on the nail will reach
its maximum strength at between three and four hours,
although the nail is usable as soon as the top coat dries.
The resulting hardened coating was smooth and adher-
ent to the nail.
A single coat material referred to above was prepared
having the following composition by weight:
Base lacquer #2548-1 55.000%
Acetone 35.990%
Cellovar #160 5.000%
Ethylene glycol dimethacrylate 2.000%
Cyanoacrylate 2.000%
(200+/ -50 centipoise)
Graphite fiber 0.010%
(same as Example 1)
Timing material trace
The single coat material was applied by brushing it
onto a nail and allowing it to dry for 15 seconds. The
single coating on the nail will reach its maximum
strength at between three and four hours after applica-
tion, although the nail is usable as soon as the single coat
dries. The resultant ‘hardened coating was smooth and
adherent to the nail.
Having illustrated and described the principles of my
invention with reference to several preferred embodi-
ments, it should "be apparent to those persons skilled in
the art that such invention may be modified in arrange-
ment and detail without departing from such principles.
I claim as my invention all such modifications as come
within the true spirit and scope of the following claims.
We claim:
1. A composition for adhering to human nails com-
prising a mixture of a cyanoacrylate compound and
graphite fibers.
2. The composition of claim 1 wherein the graphite
fibers are translucent graphite fibers which are whitish
in color.
3. The composition of claim 1 wherein the graphite
fibers vary in length from approximately 1/32 inch to
5/32 inch and have a diameter ranging from 0.3 mils to
0.75 mils.
4. The composition of claim 1 wherein the graphite
fibers are present in an amount from 0.003% to 0.030%
by weight of the composition.
5. The composition of claim 1 wherein the graphite
fibers are present in an amount from 1.0% to 4.0% by
weight of the composition.
6. A composition for forming an artificial human nail
comprising a mixture of:
a cyanoacrylate compound,
graphite fibers, and
a hardening accelerator including a mixture of tri-
chloro-trifluoroethane and a methylaniline com-
7. The composition of claim 6 wherein the methylani-
line compound comprises N,N-dimethyl-P-toluidine.
8. The composition of claim 7 wherein the accelera-
tor comprises trichloro-trifluoroethane from 35% to
60% by weight and N,N-dimethyl-P-toluidine from
25% to 40% by weight.
9. The composition of claim 6 wherein the graphite
fibers are translucent graphite fibers which are whitish
in color and provide an artificial nail which is translu-
10. The composition of claim 6 wherein the graphite
fibers are present in lengths varying from 1/32 inch to
5/ 32 inch and have a diameter ranging from 0.3 mils to
0.75 mils.
11. The composition of claim 6 wherein the graphite
fibers are present in an amount from 1.0% to 4.0% by
weight of the composition.
12. The composition of claim 6 wherein the accelera-
tor includes ethyl chloride to accelerate curing time and
enhance heat dispersion.
13. The composition of claim 12 wherein the acceler-
ator comprises ethyl chloride from 15% to 40% by
weight of the accelerator.
14. The composition of claim 6 wherein the accelera-
tor includes an acrylic polymer.
15. The composition according to claim 8 wherein
the accelerator comprises an acrylic polymer from 7
1.0% to 5.0% by weight of the accelerator.
16. A method for forming an artificial human nail
adhesively bonding a base material containing graph-
ite fibers and cyanoacrylate to a nail;
shaping the base material to simulate the appearance
of a natural nail; and
spraying, in the form of a mist, the base material with
a hardening accelerator including a mixture of
trichloro-trifluoro-ethane and a methylaniline com-
pound to harden the base material.
17. The method according to claim 16 wherein the
methylaniline compound comprises N,N-dimethyl-P-
18. The method according to claim 17 wherein the
accelerator includes ethyl chloride to accelerate curing
time and enhance heat dispersion.
19. A composition for coating a human nail compris-
ing nitrocellulose, a cyanoacrylate compound and
graphite fibers.
20. The composition of claim 19 wherein the graphite
fibers are translucent graphite fibers which are whitish
in color to provide a translucent coat on the nail, the
fibers being present in the composition in an amount
from 0.003% to 0.030% by weight of the composition.
21. The composition of claim 19 comprising an
acrylic polymer from 0.001% to 3.0% by weight of the
composition mixture.
22. A nail composition for coating a human nail
which comprises graphite fibers and a cyanoacrylate
compound for increasing the adherence of the coating
to the nail.
23. The nail composition according to claim 22
wherein the cyanoacrylate is present as a liquid having
a viscosity varying from 100 centipoise to 600 centi-
* * * II! it