The biosynthesis of herpesvirus DNA in rabbit kidney cells is inhibited to 50% by PEA (2-Phenylethanol) at 0.65 mg PEA/ml. The inhibition of cellular DNA synthesis in uninfected cells by PEA is about twice as sensitive as that of viral DNA synthesis.
The cellular DNA-dependent DNA polymerase is inhibited in a non-competitive way. The 50% inhibitory concentration amounts to 0.8 mg PEA/ml.
In contrast the herpesvirus induced DNA-dependent DNA polymerase is 10-fold more resistant towards PEA.

The glass transition temperatures of the poly(alkyl α-cyanocrylates) were determined by the dilatometric technique, and some of the values were checked by differential thermal analysis. The data indicate that the Tg's appear to decrease with increase in the size of the alkyl group, for a given molecular weight range. It was also found that the Tg of poly(methyl or butyl α-cyanoacrylate) increased with molecular weight. All cyanoacrylates, excepting methyl and ethyl esters, formed only low molecular weight polymers in aqueous surroundings.


Fuorinated cyanoacrylates having the formula:


wherein R is hydrogen, methyl or ethyl, R' is fluorine -CF3 or -(CF2)nH, and n is an integer from 1 to 3 have been found to be useful biological adhesives which when applied as monomers to aherends rapidly polymerize, e.g., in the presence of even small amounts of moisture, to form strong bonds. The monomers polymerize to films and can be used biologically as hemostatics and tissue adhesives.