Allyl methacrylate has been polymerized by free-radical methods and found to yield a soluble polymer in carbon tetrachloride, dioxane, and diallyl ether solutions. The overall rate equation in diallyl ether is Rp = k[ln]0.7[M]1.6. It is suggested that propagation and cyclization reactions proceed only via addition to the methacrylyl groups of the monomer. Some degradative chain transfer occurs with the allyl groups, and it is considered that the solvents may ensure the production of soluble polymers by reactions in which allyl–radical side chains are terminated without crosslinking.


This invention relates to compositions which polymerize to form coatings and adhesives. More particularly, the invention relates to fluorin-containing cyanoacrylate monomers which polymerize rapidly upon contact with basic materials or materials supplying hydroxyl ions, e.g. moisture in the air, to form polymers which are suitable for biological application, i.e. to bond or coat living mammalian tissues.