
A super-gelator for cyclohexane is presented, one of four cholesterol-appended ferrocene derivatives specifically designed and prepared as new low-molecular-weight organogelators. The gel forming from this system can be molded into films, forms at room temperature, and is responsive to various stimuli (see figure), including heating, shaking, sonication, and chemical oxidation, which endows it with promising potential applications.

Imagine a smart solvent that can be switched reversibly from a liquid with one set of properties to another that has very different properties, upon command. Here we create such a system, in which a non-ionic liquid (an alcohol and an amine base) converts to an ionic liquid (a salt in liquid form) upon exposure to an atmosphere of carbon dioxide, and then reverts back to its non-ionic form when exposed to nitrogen or argon gas. Such switchable solvents should facilitate organic syntheses and separations by eliminating the need to remove and replace solvents after each reaction step.